英语的毕业论文提纲 篇一
I. 引言
A. 引入话题:英语在全球范围内的重要性
B. 陈述研究目的和重要性
II. 英语教育的历史背景
A. 英语作为全球通用语言的兴起
B. 英语教育在不同国家和地区的发展情况
C. 国际化背景下英语教育的需求增长
III. 英语教育的现状与问题
A. 英语教学质量的现状分析
B. 教师队伍的现状和问题
C. 教材和教学方法的问题
D. 学生学习动力的问题
IV. 英语教育改革的探讨
A. 国际经验与借鉴
B. 教育政策的改革与创新
C. 教师培训与专业发展
D. 教材和教学方法的创新
V. 英语教育改革的实施与成效
A. 改革方案的制定和实施
B. 效果评估与反馈
C. 成果总结与启示
D. 展望未来
VI. 结论
A. 总结研究内容和发现
B. 强调英语教育改革的必要性和重要性
C. 提出对未来研究的建议
英语的毕业论文提纲 篇二
I. 引言
A. 引入话题:英语的全球传播与文化冲突
B. 陈述研究目的和重要性
II. 英语的全球传播
A. 英语的传播途径与方式
B. 英语的全球使用情况
C. 英语的地位与影响力
III. 英语的文化冲突
A. 英语的文化背景与价值观
B. 英语在不同文化背景下的使用与解读
C. 英语与本地语言的冲突与融合
IV. 文化冲突对英语使用的影响
A. 跨文化交际中的误解与挑战
B. 英语在不同文化背景下的变体与演变
C. 文化冲突对英语学习者的影响
V. 解决英语文化冲突的策略
A. 跨文化教育与培训
B. 语言政策与规范的制定
C. 跨文化沟通技巧的培养
VI. 结论
A. 总结研究内容和发现
B. 强调解决英语文化冲突的重要性和必要性
C. 提出对未来研究的建议
英语的毕业论文提纲 篇三
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Origin of the research topic 1
1.2 Theoretical and Pedagogical Significance 2
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 3
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background and Literature Review 4
2.1 Theoretical Background 4
2.1.1 Optimaiity Theory 4 The Architecture of an OT Grammar 4 Constraints 5 Constraint conflicts & Ranking 7
2.1.2 Constraint Demotion Algorithm 11
2.1.3 English Consonant Clusters 11
2.1.4. English and Chinese Syllable Structures 12
2.1.5 An OT Account 14
2.2 Literature Review 15
2.2.1 Studies on SLA of ECS and ECCS 15
2.2.2 Studies on SLA of ECS and ECCS in China 16 Other Studies supported by other theories on ECS and ECCS 17 Studies on ECS and ECCS in OT 18
Chapter 3 Research Design 21
3.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses 21
3.2 Subject 21
3.3 Instruments and Materials 23
3.4 Research Procedures 24
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 27
4.1 Pilot Study 27
4.1.1 Results and Discussions 27 General Tendency 27 Inpidual Difference 29
4.1.2 Discussion in OT Account 29 Overall Situation 29 Inpidual Difference 29
4.1.3 Suggestions for the Research Project 30 Research Questions 30 Subjects 31 Research Materials 31
4.2 The Research Project 31
4.2.1 Results 31
4.2.2 Discussions 39
Chapter 5 Conclusion 48
5.1 Main Findings 48
5.2 Innovations 50
5.2.1 Theoretical Improvement 50
5.2.2 Empirical Improvement 51
5.3 Limitations 51
5.4 Suggestions for the Future Teaching 52
Bibliography 54
Appendix A 58
Appendix B 59
Appendix C 60
Acknowledgements 61
Resume and Publications 62
摘要 4-5
Abstract 5-6
Contents 7-9
Chapter One Introduction 9-12
Chapter Two Literature Review 12-18
2.0 Overseas Research Status of English Learning Strategies 12-13
2.1 O’Malley and Chamot’s Trichotomy 13-15
2.1.2 Oxford’s Dichotomy 14
2.1.3 Cohen’s Dichotomy 14-15
2.2 Domestic Research Status of English Learning Strategies 15-16
2.3 Wen qiufang’s Dichotomy 16-18
Chapter Three Methodology 18-24
3.1 Research Aims 18-19
3.2 Research Methods 19-20
3.3 Research Backgroud 20-21
3.4 Participants 21-22
3.5 Methods to Analyze Data 22
3.6 Research Procedures 22-24
Chapter Four Findings and Discussion 24-38
4.1 Overall Analysis of the Good English Learners 24-26
4.2 The General Picture of the Utilization of the Two Groups 26-27
4.3 The Significant Differences between the Two Groups 27-29
4.4 Memory Related Strategies 29-31
4.5 Cognitive Strategies 31-32
4.6 Compensatory Strategies 32-33
.7 Meta-cognitive Strategies 33-354.8 Affective Strategies 35-36
4.9 Social Strategies 36-38
Chapter Five Implications 38-48
5.1 Suggestions on Memory Related Strategies 39-41
5.2 Suggestions on Cognitive Strategies 41-43
5.3 Suggestions on Meta-cognitive Strategies 43-44
5.4 Suggestions on Affective Strategies 44-46
5.5 Suggestions on Social Strategies 46-48
Chapter Six Conclusion 48-50
Bibliography 50-54
Appendix 54-58
Acknowledgements 58
摘要 4-6
Abstract 6-7
Chapter One Introduction 9-14
Chapter Two Literature Review 14-22
2.1 Basic Understanding of Code-switching 14-19
2.2 Research of Classroom Discourse Code-switching 19-22
Chapter Three Code-switching in Grammar Teaching 22-29
3.1 Necessity of Code-switching in Grammar Teaching 22-27
3.2 General Principles of Code-switching in Grammar Teaching 27-29
Chapter Four Research Methodology 29-32
4.1 Research Aims 29
4.2 Subjects 29-30
4.3 Instruments 30-31
4.4 Data Collection 31-32
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Findings 32-51
5.1 Analysis of the Classification of Senior High Teachers’ Code-switching in Grammar Classes 32-42
5.2 Analysis of the Function of Senior High Teachers’ Code-switching in Grammar Classes 42-47
5.3 Analysis of Teachers’ Interview and Students’ Questionnaires 47-49
5.4 Major Findings of the Study 49-51
Chapter Six Conclusion 51-54
6.1 Implications 51-52
6.2 Limitations 52
6.3 Further Research Suggestions 52-54
Bibliography 54-57
Appendix Ⅰ 57-58
Appendix Ⅱ 58-59
Acknowledgements 59