
时间:2013-02-02 07:24:25
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首先,发音是英式英语和美式英语之间最明显的差异之一。美式英语的发音更加平坦和开放,而英式英语的发音则更为圆润和封闭。例如,美国人通常会将字母 "r" 发音得非常明显,而英国人则倾向于省略这个音素。此外,英式英语中的元音音素也与美式英语有所不同,比如 "a" 在英式英语中会发成 [ɑ?],而在美式英语中会发成 [?]。

其次,词汇是两种英语之间的另一个显著差异。有些单词在英式英语中与美式英语中拼写相同,但意思却不同,或者在某种程度上有所偏差。例如,英国人用 "biscuit" 指的是一种甜点,而美国人则用 "cookie" 来表示相同的概念。此外,英国人称呼电梯为 "lift",而美国人则称之为 "elevator"。这些词汇差异可能导致交流中的误解和混淆。

语法也是英式英语和美式英语之间的一个重要差异。在一些语法规则上,美式英语更为灵活,而英式英语更为形式化。例如,英式英语通常会遵循句子的主谓宾结构,而美式英语则更倾向于使用主谓宾补结构。此外,英式英语中使用 "have got" 来表示 "have" 的意思,而美式英语则直接使用 "have"。这些语法差异可能导致句子结构的不同和用词的不同。

最后,英式英语和美式英语还有着不同的文化背景。由于两个国家的历史和文化差异,它们的用语和表达方式也会有所不同。比如,英国人通常使用 "mate" 来称呼朋友,而美国人则使用 "buddy" 或 "friend"。此外,英国人常用 "queue" 来表示排队,而美国人则使用 "line"。这些文化背景的差异也影响了英式英语和美式英语之间的差异。




首先,发音是英式英语和美式英语之间最明显的差异之一。美式英语的发音更加平坦和硬朗,而英式英语的发音则更为圆润和柔和。例如,美国人通常会发出明显的 "r" 音,而英国人则更倾向于省略这个音素。此外,英式英语中的元音音素也与美式英语不同,比如 "a" 在英式英语中发 [ɑ?],而在美式英语中发 [?]。

其次,词汇是两种英语之间的另一个显著差异。有些单词在英式英语中与美式英语中拼写相同,但意思却不同,或者在某种程度上有所偏差。例如,英国人用 "biscuit" 指的是一种甜点,而美国人则用 "cookie" 来表示相同的概念。此外,英国人称呼电梯为 "lift",而美国人则称之为 "elevator"。这些词汇差异可能导致交流中的误解和困惑。

语法也是英式英语和美式英语之间的一个重要差异。在一些语法规则上,美式英语更为灵活,而英式英语更为形式化。例如,英式英语通常会遵循句子的主谓宾结构,而美式英语则更倾向于使用主谓宾补结构。此外,英式英语中使用 "have got" 来表示 "have" 的意思,而美式英语则直接使用 "have"。这些语法差异可能导致句子结构的不同和用词的不同。

最后,英式英语和美式英语还有着不同的文化背景。由于两个国家的历史和文化差异,它们的用语和表达方式也会有所不同。比如,英国人通常使用 "mate" 来称呼朋友,而美国人则使用 "buddy" 或 "friend"。此外,英国人常用 "queue" 来表示排队,而美国人则使用 "line"。这些文化背景的差异也影响了英式英语和美式英语之间的差异。


美国人眼里的英式英语到底有多不同 篇三

【#英语资源# 导语】®整理了美国人眼里的英式英语到底有多不同,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注®!


An exclamation of surprise. You may also hear someone shout "blast it", or even "bugger and blast”!

惊讶的尖叫。你可能也听过有人大喊“blast it(该死的;*(′・ω・`)哦…)”,或者甚至“bugger and blast”!


We use this word a lot to mean something is really obvious.


e.g. blatant disregard for a person's feelings.


e.g. That’s a blatant lie.



If something is a blinding success - it does not mean that any eyes were poked out with sharp sticks - it means it was awesome.

如果什么事是“blinding success”,这不意味着有哪只眼睛被尖锐的树枝戳出来了,而是表示这件事太赞了。


One of the most useful swear words in English. Mostly used as an exclamation of surprise i.e. "bloody hell" or "bloody nora". Something may be "bloody marvellous" or "bloody awful". It is also used to emphasise almost anything, "you're bloody mad", "not bloody likely" and can also be used in the middle of other words to emphasise them. E.g. "Abso-bloody-lutely"! Americans should avoid saying "bloody" as they sound silly.

英文里*好用的脏话之一。大部分都用在惊讶的尖叫上(和*条很像哈┐(′∇`)┌)也就像,“bloody hell(玛德)”或者“bloody nora(卧槽)”。有些事可能是“bloody marvellous(真特么了不起)”或者“bloody awful(太特么烂了)”。它也可以用来强调几乎任何事,“you’re bloody mad(你特么是疯了)”,“not bloody likely(特么没可能)”,也能用在其他的词中间用来强调,举个栗子,“Abso-bloody-lutely(太特么是了;也就是在absolutely中间加上了bloody)”!美国人会避开说“bloody”,因为感觉听起来很傻。


If something costs a bomb it means that it is really expensive. We say it when we see the price of insurance in the US, you could try saying it when you see how much jeans or petrol cost over here!

如果什么事“costs a bomb”,意味着它真的很贵。当我们在美国看到保险的价格时,我们就会这样说。当你看到这里买牛仔裤和汽油要花多少钱时,你就可以试着这么说!

If something goes like a bomb it means it is going really well or really fast. Or you could say an event went down like a bomb and it would mean that the people really enjoyed it. In the US the meaning would be almost exactly the reverse.

如果什么事“goes like a bomb”,它表示进展得很顺利或者发展得很快。或者你可以说一个事件“went down like a bomb”,表示人们确实很乐在其中。在美国的话,它的意思几乎就是完全相反了。


This is the part of your body you sit on. Your ass! It might also be someone who is down and out, like a tramp. You might also bum around, if you are doing nothing in particular, just hanging out. Finally to bum something means to scrounge it from someone.

这是你坐下时使用的身体一部分,你的**!它也可能说的是一个穷困潦倒的人(who is down and out),像是流浪汉。你也可能bum around(游手好闲),如果你什么都不做,只是闲逛的话。*后还有“to bum something”表示向某人乞讨。


To bung something means to throw it. For example a street trader might bung something in for free if you pay cash right now! Or you could say "bung my car keys over,mate”. A bung is also a bribe.

“To bung something”表示扔东西。比如说,当你用现金即刻支付的时候,一个路边摊小贩可能免费再“抛”一点东西给你!或者你可能说“bung my car keys over,mate(把我的车钥匙扔过来,老兄)”。bung也可以表示贿赂。


This word is obviously used when drinking with friends. However, it also has other colloquial meanings. For example when saying goodbye you could say "cheers", or "cheers then". It also means thank you. Americans could use it in English pubs, but should avoid the other situations as it sounds wrong with an American accent. Sorry!

当你和朋友在喝酒时,显然用得上这个词。然而,它也还有其他口语上的含义。举个栗子🌰,当你道别的时候,你可以说“cheers”,或者“cheers then”。它同样也表示谢谢你。美国人可以在英国酒吧里使用这个词,但是在其他情况下应该避免使用它,因为用美式口音说的话,听起来有些不对劲。很遗憾!

9、Chinese Whispers

This a good one. It refers to the way a story gets changed as is passes from one person to the next so that the end result may be completely different from what was originally said. Sound familiar?


10、Cock up

A cock up means you have made a mistake. It has nothing to do with parts of the male body.

“cock up”表示你犯了一个错误。这和男性身体某部分没有任何关系(///∇///)。


If something is ace it is awesome. I used to hear it a lot in Liverpool. Kids thought all cool stuff was ace, or brill.


12、All right?

(see also alright) This is used a lot around London and the south to mean, "Hello, how are you"? You would say it to a complete stranger or someone you knew. The normal response would be for them to say "All right"? back to you. It is said as a question. Sometimes it might get expanded to "all right mate"? Mostly used by blue collar workers but also common among younger people.


部使用广泛,意味着“哈喽,你好吗?”你可以对一个完全陌生的人说,也可以对认识的人说。人们一般会回复你“All right?”听起来很像一个问句。有时候也可能扩充成“all right mate?”大部分用在蓝领工人之间,但普通的年轻人之间也会这样说。


The first time I said that something had gone anti-clockwise to someone in Texas I got this very funny look. It simply means counter-clockwise but must sound really strange to American! I think he thought I had something against clocks!



Tobacco. The sort you use to roll your own.



Your backside, but mostly a donkey!



Nothing to do with your hair - this is a rather unattractive way of describing havingsex. Always gets a smile from Brits in American hair dressers when they are asked about their bangs.

和你的头发没有关系- 这是描述“啪啪啪”的相当没有魅力的方式。当美国发型造型师谈到他们的刘海儿时,英国人脸上总会浮现出微笑🙂。


If someone tells you that you're barmy they mean you have gone mad or crazy. For example you'd have to be barmy to visit England without trying black pudding!

如果什么人对你说“you're barmy”他们的意思是你已经疯了。举个栗子,去英国玩的时候没有尝尝黑香肠你一定是疯了!

18、Belt up

For some reason I heard this quite a lot as a kid. It's the British for shut up.

出于某些原因,我小时候听了好多这话。这是英国的“shut up”。

19、Bite your arm off

This is not aggressive behaviour that a football fan might engage in. In fact it just means that someone is over excited to get something. For instance you might say that kids would bite your arm off for an ice cream on a sunny day.



This rather ugly expression is another way of saying you are drunk. The link is fairly apparent I feel!



