
时间:2011-05-09 03:28:35
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大学英语六级口语对话练习 篇一

Shopping for Clothes

A: Hi, Lucy! I'm in desperate need of some new clothes. Do you want to go shopping with me?

B: Sure, I'd love to! Where do you want to go?

A: I heard there's a new shopping mall that just opened downtown. Let's check it out!

B: Great idea! I've been wanting to go there too. What are you looking to buy?

A: I need some new jeans and maybe a few tops. How about you?

B: I'm in need of some summer dresses and a new pair of sandals.

A: Perfect! We can start with the jeans section. I like high-waisted jeans, so let's look for those first.

B: Sounds good. I prefer skinny jeans, so I'll look for those too.

A: Wow, there are so many options here. How about this pair? It looks nice and is within my budget.

B: Yeah, it looks great on you! I found a pair of skinny jeans as well. Let's try them on and see if they fit well.

A: Agreed. Oh, these jeans fit me perfectly! What about yours?

B: These are perfect too! Now let's move on to the tops section.

A: I like this floral blouse. It's lightweight and perfect for summer.

B: That's a beautiful choice. I'm going to try on this striped t-shirt. It looks very comfortable.

A: Great choices! Let's head to the fitting rooms and try them on.

B: Okay. After that, we can look for summer dresses and sandals.

A: Definitely. I hope we find everything we need today.

B: Me too! It's always fun shopping with you.

A: Likewise, Lucy. Let's make the most of our day and enjoy our shopping spree!

大学英语六级口语对话练习 篇二

Planning a Weekend Trip

A: Hi, Mark! I was thinking of going on a weekend trip and I'd love your input on where to go.

B: That sounds exciting! Where are you thinking of going?

A: I was considering a beach destination. I've heard good things about a town called Sunshine Cove. Have you been there?

B: Yes, I've been there a couple of times. It's a beautiful place with stunning beaches. I highly recommend it!

A: Perfect. How do we get there?

B: We can either drive or take a bus. Driving would give us more flexibility, but it's a longer journey. The bus is more convenient and takes about three hours.

A: I think we should take the bus then. It sounds easier and we can relax during the journey.

B: That's a good choice. Now, let's talk about accommodation. Do you prefer a hotel or a vacation rental?

A: I think a vacation rental would be more fun and cost-effective. We can rent a beachfront house and enjoy the view.

B: I totally agree. I'll look for some options online and send them to you later.

A: Thanks, Mark! Now, let's talk about what activities we can do there.

B: Well, besides relaxing on the beach, there are also water sports like surfing and snorkeling. We can also take a boat tour to explore nearby islands.

A: That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to try surfing. We should definitely do that.

B: Sure, I'll make sure to book a surfing lesson for us. Anything else you'd like to do?

A: Maybe we can rent bicycles and explore the town. I've heard there are some beautiful bike paths along the coast.

B: That's a great idea. It'll be a fun way to explore the area. I'll add it to our itinerary.

A: Perfect. I'm really looking forward to this trip. It sounds like we have a great plan in place.

B: I agree. It's going to be an unforgettable weekend. Let's make the most of it!

大学英语六级口语对话练习 篇三


  A: Terry, do you still remember the scene we metfor the first time?


  B: Ah, sure. We hit it off and became good friends.



  hit it off(with sb. )

  1. 解词释义

  Hit it off with somebody的意思是“to be friendly with each other immediately”,翻译为“与某人很快就情投意合,合得来,彼此相处很融洽,愉快地交往,志趣相投”。

  2. 拓展例句

  e.g. My brother and my boyfriend hit it off right from the start.


  e.g. He didn't hit it off well with these people.


  e.g. He took her out on a date but they didn't really hit it off.


  e.g. They completely lost their appetites while eating and couldn't hit it off in theirconversation either.


大学英语六级口语对话练习 篇四


  A: Honey. What a sunny day! Let’s go out to have awalk.


  B: Sorry, honey. I have a big fish to fry. I have toprepare for tomorrow’s conference.



  have a bigger fish to fry

  1. 解词释义

  在口语中,fish常常用来比喻“人”或“东西”。Have a bigger fish to fry的字面意思为“有更大的鱼要炸”,引申为“有更重要的事情要做”或“有更有利可图的事情得办”。

  2. 拓展例句

  e.g. Don't focus on the trivial issue; we have bigger fish to fry .


  e.g. Sorry I can't afford to sit here and chat with you all day. I have bigger fish to fry.


  e.g. I forgot to eat breakfast because I was late and now I am very hungry but I have biggerfish to fry.


大学英语六级口语对话练习 篇五


  A: Have you heard my travel experience? I can tellyou some.


  B: Well, I am dropping off the paperwork foryou, not for your story.



  drop off something for somebody

  1. 解词释义

  Drop off的意思是“散去,逐渐减少,减弱”。如果用作drop off something for somebody的话,意思则为“送某物给某人”。由drop组成的词组语义丰富:drop by(顺便拜访),drop in(顺便拜访),dropin on sb. ( 顺便走访某人),drop in at one’s school(顺便拜访某人的学校)。

  2. 拓展例句

  e.g. She’s always dropping off gifts for me. I have to thank her for being so kind .


  e.g. He instructed me to drop off it for a customer.


大学英语六级口语对话练习 篇六


  A: Don’t put on airs. Do something practical.


  B: Sir. I... I dare not next time.



  put on airs

  1. 解词释义

  Put on airs的字面意思是“把......放到空中”,引申为“装腔作势,摆架子,盛气凌人”的意思。

  2. 拓展例句

  e.g. I didn't like to put on airs, and even less to have too many people catering to me.

  我不喜欢摆架子, 更不愿让人家兴师动众来照顾我。

  e.g. She put on airs after marrying a millionaire.


  e.g. You shouldn't put on airs even if you were in charge.



