
时间:2018-06-03 02:35:19
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少儿英语情景对话 篇一

Title: Going to the Zoo


Going to the zoo is always an exciting adventure for children. In this dialogue, two friends, Lily and Tom, are planning a trip to the zoo. They discuss their favorite animals and what they hope to see during their visit.


Lily: Hi Tom! Have you ever been to the zoo?

Tom: Yes, I have. I went there with my family last summer. It was so much fun!

Lily: That sounds great! I've never been to the zoo before. I can't wait to see all the animals.

Tom: You'll love it! What's your favorite animal?

Lily: I really like giraffes. They are so tall and elegant.

Tom: Giraffes are cool! My favorite animal is the lion. They're brave and powerful.

Lily: I hope we get to see both giraffes and lions at the zoo.

Tom: Me too! Let's check the zoo's website to see if they have those animals.

Lily: Good idea! Oh, look! They have a penguin exhibit too. I've always wanted to see penguins.

Tom: Penguins are funny creatures. I'm excited to see them as well.

Lily: We should also bring some snacks and drinks for the day. It's going to be a long and fun day!

Tom: Definitely! I'll pack some sandwiches and juice boxes. And don't forget to wear comfortable shoes.

Lily: I'll wear my sneakers. They're perfect for walking around the zoo.

Tom: Great! Let's meet at the entrance tomorrow morning. We'll have an amazing time together.

Lily: I can't wait! See you tomorrow, Tom!

Tom: See you, Lily!


In this dialogue, Lily and Tom discuss their excitement about going to the zoo. They share their favorite animals and make plans for their visit. Going to the zoo is not only a fun experience but also a great opportunity for children to learn about different animals and their habitats.

少儿英语情景对话 篇二

Title: Ordering Pizza


Ordering pizza is a common scenario for children, especially during sleepovers or family gatherings. In this dialogue, two friends, Jack and Emily, are deciding what toppings to order and how to split the bill.


Jack: Hi Emily! I'm hungry. Let's order pizza for dinner!

Emily: That sounds like a great idea, Jack! What toppings do you like?

Jack: I like pepperoni and mushrooms. How about you?

Emily: I like cheese and olives. Let's order a large pizza with half pepperoni and mushrooms and half cheese and olives.

Jack: That's a good plan! How are we going to split the bill?

Emily: Let's each pay for our own toppings. That way it's fair.

Jack: Okay. I'll pay for the pepperoni and mushrooms, and you can pay for the cheese and olives.

Emily: Sounds fair to me! Let's call the pizza place and place our order.

Jack: Hello, I would like to order a large pizza with half pepperoni and mushrooms and half cheese and olives.

Pizza Guy: Sure, that will be $20. It will be ready for pickup in 30 minutes.

Jack: Thank you! We'll be there in 30 minutes.

Emily: Jack, we need to bring $10 each to pay for our toppings.

Jack: Don't worry, I have $10 with me. Let's go to the pizza place and pick up our delicious pizza.

Emily: I can't wait to eat! Pizza is my favorite!


In this dialogue, Jack and Emily decide on the toppings for their pizza and make a fair arrangement on splitting the bill. Ordering pizza not only satisfies their hunger but also teaches them important skills such as decision-making and budgeting. It is an enjoyable and delicious experience for children.

少儿英语情景对话 篇三

Take a look at this


  Mimi: Hi,guys! Wow,what is going on?

  ChinChin and Buba: Hi, Mimi.

  ChinChin: I am so excited.

  Buba: I am so happy.

  Mimi: Why?

  ChinChin and Buba: Take a look at this.

  Mimi: Hi, Cosmi. How are you doing?

  Cosmi: Not well. I am angry.

  Cosmi: I am so angry with Costa.


  Cosmi: Take a look at this!

  Cosmi: Costa showed me his answers,and I got this score!

  Cosmi: Hmmm. Where is Coco?

  Coco: I am here.

  Mimi: What are you doing here?

  Coco: I am hiding. I am so ashamed.

  Mimi: Why?

  Coco: Take a look at this!

  Coco: I cheated on the test.

  Coco:I copied Cosmi's answers,and I got this.

  Coco: I can't even cheat!

  Mimi: Cheating is bad.

  Mimi:You should do your own work.

  Mimi: Next time,do y

our best.

少儿英语情景对话 篇四

I like shows which are very romantic


  Fred: I like TV shows are exciting.

  Jun: I like TV shows are educational.

  Fred: How about you,Kay?

  Kay: I like shows which are very romantic.

  Fred: I wish there a cowboy movie on tonight.

  Jun: You do? I wish there were a good drama on.

  Kay: Not me. I'd rather see a musical.

  Fred: Unfortunately there isn't a show on for all of us.

  Kay: What shall we do then?

  Fred: Why don't you two go to a movie?

  Jun: You must be kidding. How could we ever decide what to see?

少儿英语情景对话 篇五

No matter how inconvenient


  Mrs.Watson: Paul,where in the world were you last night?

  Mrs.Watson: You didn't even come home until three o'clock.

  Paul: I ran into a friend downtown.

  Mrs.Watson: But,you could have at least called.

  Paul: I meant to,but I couldn't find a phone. I'm sorry.

  Mrs.Watson: Whatever the reason,we were worried. Really,it wasn't right.

  Paul: Mother,I said I'm sorry. What else do you want me to say?

  Mrs.Watson: Paul,just do me a favor.

  Mrs.Watson: From now on,if you're going to be out so late,call us and tell us.

  Mrs.Watson: No matter how inconvenient,you mean?

  Paul: Yes,no matter how inconvenient!

少儿英语情景对话 篇六



  Mimi: Hi, Costa.

  Costa: Hi,Mimi.

  Costa: Where are you going?

  Mimi: I am going to the market.

  Costa: Me,too! What do you need to buy?

  Mimi: I need to buy some fruit.

  Costa: I need to buy some meat. Let's go together.

  Costa: Can I ride in the cart?

  Mimi: Sorry,there is no room.

  Mimi: I need to buy lots of food.

  Coco: Can I have some fruit?

  Cosmi: Sure! Let's pick some fresh fruit.

  Coco: Wait! Who is there? Is that Mimi and Costa?

  Cosmi: What are they doing here?

  Coco: Uh oh. They look cute together.

  Cosmi: Ah! Costa is so nice to Mimi!

  Cosmi: I want to see what they are doing.

  Costa: I want to buy some cookies.

  Costa: Do you want some?

  Mimi: No, they are too sweet.

  Mimi: Let's pick some vegetables instead.

  Costa: Where should I put all this food?

  Mimi: Pay for the food at the register.

  Mimi: How much is it?


