商务英语情景口语:Making Concessions【优秀3篇】

时间:2014-04-07 07:22:35
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商务英语情景口语: Making Concessions 篇一


Making Concessions in Business Negotiations

In the world of business negotiations, making concessions is a common practice. It is a strategy used to reach a compromise and find a middle ground that is acceptable to both parties involved. However, making concessions can be a delicate process that requires careful planning and consideration. In this article, we will discuss some key phrases and techniques that can be used when making concessions in business negotiations.

1. Offering a trade-off: When making a concession, it is important to offer something in return. For example, you can say, "I understand your concerns about the price, and I am willing to reduce it by 10%, but in return, I would like to request a shorter delivery time." This approach shows that you are willing to give up something in order to gain something else.

2. Exploring alternatives: If the other party does not accept your initial concession, it is important to explore alternative options. For instance, you can say, "If the price is still a concern, perhaps we can offer a bulk discount for larger orders." This demonstrates your willingness to find creative solutions that can benefit both parties.

3. Prioritizing needs: When making concessions, it is crucial to prioritize your needs and identify the areas where you are willing to compromise. For instance, you can say, "While I cannot offer a lower price, I can provide additional training and support to ensure a smooth transition." This shows that you are willing to meet the other party's needs in a different way.

4. Using conditional language: When making concessions, it is important to use conditional language to indicate that your offer is not set in stone. For example, you can say, "I could potentially consider reducing the price if we can agree on a longer-term contract." This allows for further negotiation and flexibility.

5. Maintaining a positive tone: Making concessions can sometimes be seen as a sign of weakness. However, it is important to maintain a positive tone throughout the negotiation process. For instance, you can say, "While I understand your concerns, I believe that we can find a solution that is mutually beneficial." This helps to create a collaborative atmosphere and encourages the other party to consider your concessions.

In conclusion, making concessions is an essential skill in business negotiations. By offering trade-offs, exploring alternatives, prioritizing needs, using conditional language, and maintaining a positive tone, you can increase the chances of reaching a successful compromise. Remember, the goal is to find a middle ground that satisfies both parties involved.

商务英语情景口语:Making Concessions 篇三

【#英语资源# 导语】以下是©整理的《商务英语情景口语:Making Concessions》,一起来看看吧!

  A: I really hope to reach an agreement with you today that is suitable and beneficial for us both. I've thought through a lot of these details, and I hope we can have a chance to discuss them and resolve any differences this afternoon.   B: Let's get start. What kinds of things do you have in mind? If you let us know the requirements you have from the very beginning, we can work through each one until we can come to an agreement.   A: Firstly, we'd like to discuss a discounted price. If you can give us a discount of 7% on the high volumes orders, we can pay in 60 days.   B: Huh... I think 7% is little high that might be hard to do. How about this? We'll give you a discount of 4%, but you can have 90 days credits.   A: Well, that might be acceptable, if you handle the insurance fees.   B: No, you have to take care of the insurance. But we are willing to pay the half transport. Can you accept that?   A: We cover the insurance and half the transport fee, and only have a discount of 4%.   B: But you'll have 90 days to pay your bill and I'll tell you what... I'll also throw in the discount of 10% on your up front deposit.   A: Done...   我非常希望今天能和你们达成协议,这对我们双方都合适而且有益.这些细节我都详细考虑过了,而且我希望我们今天下午能有机会讨论一下,解决这些分歧.   那我们就开始吧.你们有什么想法?如果你们从一开始就让我们知道你们的要求的话,我们可以一一解决并最终达成协议.   首先,我们想讨论下折扣价格.如果我们的订单很大,你们给打九三折,那我们就能在60天之内付款.   哦,我认为九三折有点高了…很难办到.这样好了,我们给你们九六折,但你们可以有90天的赊账期限.   好吧,如果你们付保险费的话,我也许可以接受.   不行,你们自己承担保险费,但我们愿意付一半的运输费.这样你们能接受吗?   我们负责保险费和一半的运输费,只

有九六折的折扣…   但你有90天的付款时间,而且我还要告诉你,对你们提前支付的定金额外打九折.   成交…   Suitable: right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion 合适的;适宜的;适当;适用)   a suitable candidate   合适的人选  This programme is not suitable for children.   这个节目儿童不宜.   a suitable place for a picnic   适合吃野餐的地方  I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party.   我没有适合在聚会上穿的衣服。  Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report?   现在讨论我的报告合适不合适?   Requirement: something that you must have in order to do sth else 必要条件;必备的条件  to meet/fulfil/satisfy the requirements   符合/满足必备的条件  What is the minimum entrance requirement for this course?   这门课程的基本入学条件是什么?   Discount: an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of sth 折扣 to get/give/offer a discount   得到/给予/提供折扣  discount rates/prices   贴现率;折扣价  a 10% discount   九折  They were selling everything at a discount(= at reduced prices).   他们销售的所有商品都打折.   a discount shop(= one that regularly sells goods at reduced prices)   打折商店  Do you give any discount?   你们打折吗?   Insurance: an arrangement with a company in which you pay them regular amounts of money and they agree to pay the costs, for example, if you die or are ill, or if you lose or damage sth 保险  life/car/travel/household insurance   人寿╱汽车╱旅行╱家庭保险  to have adequate insurance cover   有足够的保险保障  to take out insurance against fire and theft   办理火险和盗窃保险  insurance premiums(= the regular payments made for insurance)   保险费  Can you claim for the loss on your insurance?   你能向你投保的公司要求赔偿这一损失  Reach an agreement:达成协议  Think though:彻底想清楚  You must think it through before you take any action.   在采取任何行动之前,你必须仔细想清楚.   Have in mind:想要,想到  Work through:干完  come to an agreement:达成一致  Take care of: 处理  Better devices are needed in many countries to take care of the waste from factories.   很多国家需要更先进的装置来处理工业废物.
商务英语情景口语:Making Concessions【优秀3篇】

