
时间:2015-02-04 05:50:39
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简短英语口语情景对话 篇一

Title: Ordering Food at a Restaurant

Dialogue 1:

A: Good evening! Do you have a reservation?

B: No, we don't. Can we still get a table?

A: Of course! Please follow me. Here's your table. Here are the menus. Can I get you something to drink?

B: Yes, I'll have a glass of white wine, please.

A: Sure. And for you, sir?

C: I'll have a bottle of beer, please.

A: Great. I'll be right back with your drinks.

Dialogue 2:

A: Are you ready to order?

B: Yes, I'll start with the Caesar salad, please.

A: Sure. And for your main course?

B: I'll have the grilled salmon with roasted vegetables.

A: Excellent choice. And for you, sir?

C: I'll go with the rib-eye steak, medium rare.

A: Great. Any sides with that?

C: I'll have the mashed potatoes, please.

A: Perfect. I'll get that in for you.

Dialogue 3:

A: How are your meals?

B: The salad is delicious. And the salmon is cooked perfectly.

C: The steak is tender and flavorful. The mashed potatoes are creamy too.

A: I'm glad you're enjoying your food. Can I offer you any dessert?

B: No, thank you. Just the bill, please.

A: Alright. I'll be right back with it.

Dialogue 4:

A: Here's your bill. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

B: No, thank you. We're all set.

C: Yes, actually. Can we get the leftovers packed?

A: Of course. I'll bring you some to-go boxes. Thank you for dining with us. Have a great evening!

B: Thank you. You too!

简短英语口语情景对话 篇二

Title: Shopping at a Clothing Store

Dialogue 1:

A: Good morning! How can I assist you today?

B: I'm looking for a dress for a wedding. Do you have any recommendations?

A: Sure! We have a wide range of cocktail dresses over here. What's your size?

B: I'm a size small.

A: Great, let me show you some options.

Dialogue 2:

A: How about this one? It's a beautiful blue dress with lace detailing.

B: Oh, that's lovely. Can I try it on?

A: Of course. The fitting rooms are right over there. Let me know if you need any assistance.

B: Thank you.

Dialogue 3:

B: I've tried on the blue dress, and it fits perfectly. I love it.

A: It looks great on you! Is there anything else I can help you with?

B: Actually, I'm also looking for some accessories to go with the dress.

A: We have a selection of jewelry and handbags. Let me show you.

Dialogue 4:

B: I've found a matching necklace and a clutch. How much are they?

A: The necklace is $50, and the clutch is $30. Will that be all?

B: Yes, that's all. I'll take them.

A: Great. Let me ring you up at the counter.

Dialogue 5:

A: Here's your total. Will you be paying with cash or card?

B: I'll pay with card, please.

A: Alright. Just insert your card into the machine and follow the prompts.

B: Done. Thank you for your assistance.

A: You're welcome. Enjoy your dress and accessories!


简短英语口语情景对话 篇三

  Fred:What time is it?

  Dina:8:50 (ten to nine)。

  Fred:Your watch is 10 minutes slow, so it should be 9:00 (nine sharp). I’m gonna be late again. What will my excuse be this time? We should’ve set the alarm for 7:30.

  Dina:Don’t cry over spilt milk. Fred, could you stay with me a few more minutes?

  Fred:What, why? What’s wrong with you?

  Dina:I just hate being alone at home with nothing to do but listen to the clock ticking. It’s so lonely and boring. My sickness makes it worse. When will I recover?

  Fred:You’ll be fine in a couple of months. Just be patient. I’ve got to go to work now or I’ll be late。

  Dina:You only care about your work。

  Fred:Sorry, baby. You’re everything to me. All I do is for this family。

  Dina:Stay just a few minutes longer, okay?

  Fred:OK. I’ll leave at 9:15. Is that all right?


  Fred:I’ll spend more time with you in the future, Dina。

  Dina:Thank you。

简短英语口语情景对话 篇四

  Paul:I need to go to the bank。

  Jenny:But they’re all closed today。

  Paul:Closed? Are you kidding? What is it, some kind of holiday today?

  Jenny:Have you already forgotten? What’s the date today?

  Paul:It’s... Oh, it’s the first of April. April Fool’s Day!

  Jenny:You forgot all about it, didn’t you?

  Paul:Sort of, but it has reminded me of at least one thing I need to remember。

  Jenny:What’s that?

  Paul:Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday。

  Jenny:Better not forget that, she’ll kill you if you don’t get her something. It’s pretty strange that your wife’s birthday changes every year. Why is that?

  Paul:My wife is a Chinese. She celebrates her birthday according to the lunar calendar。

  Jenny:Ah, I got it。

  Paul:It’s quite exotic for me to celebrate a birthday according to the lunar calendar. It’s so different than our culture. I guess that makes life interesting to have different cultures come together and coexist。


