金融英语口语大第12期:Time Deposit【优选3篇】

时间:2018-05-08 05:34:38
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金融英语口语大第12期:Time Deposit 篇一


Time Deposit, also known as fixed deposit or term deposit, is a financial product offered by banks and financial institutions. It is a type of savings account that requires the depositor to deposit a certain amount of money for a fixed period of time, typically ranging from a few months to several years. In return, the depositor earns a fixed interest rate on the deposited amount.

One of the main advantages of time deposit is its higher interest rate compared to regular savings accounts. The longer the deposit term, the higher the interest rate offered by the bank. This makes time deposit a popular choice for individuals and businesses looking to grow their savings with a guaranteed return.

Time deposit offers a secure and stable investment option. Unlike other investment products such as stocks or mutual funds, time deposit carries very little risk. The deposited amount is insured by the government up to a certain limit, providing peace of mind to depositors.

Time deposit is also a useful financial tool for individuals who want to save money for a specific purpose in the future, such as buying a house or funding their children's education. By locking in the deposit for a fixed period, depositors are less likely to withdraw the money impulsively, ensuring that the funds will be available when needed.

However, there are some drawbacks to consider when opting for a time deposit. One major limitation is the lack of liquidity. Once the deposit is made, the depositor cannot withdraw the funds until the maturity date without incurring penalties. This means that depositors should carefully consider their financial needs before committing to a time deposit.

Another disadvantage is the potential loss of purchasing power due to inflation. While the deposited amount may earn interest, inflation can erode the value of the money over time. Deposit rates may not keep up with inflation, resulting in a decrease in purchasing power.

In conclusion, time deposit is a useful financial product that offers higher interest rates and a secure investment option. It is a suitable choice for individuals and businesses looking to grow their savings with a guaranteed return. However, depositors should carefully consider their financial needs and the potential limitations of time deposit before making a decision.

金融英语口语大第12期:Time Deposit 篇二


Time Deposit, also known as fixed deposit or term deposit, is a popular financial product offered by banks and financial institutions. It allows individuals and businesses to earn a fixed interest rate on their savings by depositing a certain amount of money for a specific period of time.

One of the key features of time deposit is its flexibility in terms of deposit amount and deposit term. Depositors can choose the amount they want to deposit, ranging from a few hundred dollars to millions, depending on their financial goals and capabilities. They can also choose the duration of the deposit, which can vary from a few months to several years. This flexibility allows individuals to tailor their time deposit to meet their specific financial needs.

Another advantage of time deposit is its ease of use. Opening a time deposit account is a simple process that can be done at a local bank branch or online. Depositors only need to provide their identification documents and complete the necessary paperwork. Once the account is opened, they can easily monitor their deposit and interest earnings through online banking or by contacting their bank.

Time deposit also offers a predictable and stable return on investment. The interest rate is fixed for the entire duration of the deposit, providing depositors with a guaranteed return. This stability is especially attractive in uncertain economic times when other investment options may carry higher risks.

Furthermore, time deposit can be a useful tool for diversifying one's investment portfolio. By allocating a portion of their savings to time deposit, individuals can balance the risk and return of their overall investments. This can provide a sense of security and stability, especially for those who are risk-averse.

However, it is important to note that time deposit has its limitations. The interest rates offered may not always keep up with inflation, resulting in a decrease in purchasing power over time. Additionally, depositors should be aware of the penalties for early withdrawal before committing to a time deposit. It is advisable to carefully consider one's financial needs and goals before making a decision.

In conclusion, time deposit is a flexible and convenient financial product that offers a predictable and stable return on investment. It is a suitable choice for individuals and businesses looking to diversify their investment portfolio and earn a guaranteed return on their savings. However, depositors should be aware of the potential limitations and carefully assess their financial needs before opting for a time deposit.

金融英语口语大第12期:Time Deposit 篇三

New Words

anxious adj.
available adj.
option n.
maturity n.
emergency n.
mature v.
Phrases & Expressions
regular savings account
time deposit
time certificate of deposit
the stated interest return
W:Liu Bing, I have two thousand yuan for the cost of this term,
enough to last from now until summer vacation.
I feel anxious about carrying around such a large sum. What should I do?
L:Let me think. You can deposit one half as regular savings accounts and another half as time deposits.
W:That's a good idea. Will they earn a similar rate?
L:The interest rate for time deposits is much higher than regular savings account.
W:How long do I have to keep the money in the account?
L:The savings banks offer a choice of three, six or twelve - month maturities in most cases.
They also offer Time Certificate of Deposit in two-, three-, five or ten- year terms.
W:For us only the short-time deposits are available. Does the rate go up depending on how long you keep the certificate?
L:Yes, of course. It would seem that three month time deposits are the best option for you.
W:I agree with you. Tomorrow, let's go to the bank to deposit my money.
L:Yes, I want to deposit mine, too.
W:What maturities are the most popular?
L:Most people use the six or twelve-months plans, of course,
they may renew the c

ertificate on maturity if they wish.
W:What if the customer needs the money for an emergency before the certificate matures? Can he get it out?
L:Yes, of course, he can withdraw his money by cashing in his certificate before the maturity date if necessary.
W:What will happen?
L:He just won't receive the stated interest return.
W:What a loss!
L:So if you want to have a high rate of return, don't withdraw your cash before the end of the certificated period.
W:Good idea.
金融英语口语大第12期:Time Deposit【优选3篇】

