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12月大学英语六级翻译高频词汇 篇一


1. Globalization (全球化)

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries through the exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas. It has greatly impacted the world economy and culture.

2. Sustainable development (可持续发展)

Sustainable development refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It focuses on balancing economic growth, environmental protection, and social progress.

3. Cultural diversity (文化多样性)

Cultural diversity refers to the existence of a variety of cultures within a society or country. It recognizes and respects the different beliefs, values, and customs of different groups of people.

4. Information technology (信息技术)

Information technology, or IT, refers to the use of computers, telecommunications, and other electronic devices to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate information. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.

5. Climate change (气候变化)

Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and other aspects of the Earth's climate system. It is primarily caused by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

6. Artificial intelligence (人工智能)

Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving.

7. Cultural heritage (文化遗产)

Cultural heritage refers to the physical and intangible assets inherited from past generations, including historical sites, artifacts, traditions, and customs. It plays an important role in preserving and promoting a society's identity and history.

8. Economic inequality (经济不平等)

Economic inequality refers to the unequal distribution of wealth, income, and opportunities within a society. It is often measured by indicators such as the Gini coefficient, which calculates the income gap between different social groups.

9. Urbanization (城市化)

Urbanization refers to the process of the increasing proportion of a country's population living in urban areas. It is often accompanied by rapid economic development and social changes.

10. Renewable energy (可再生能源)

Renewable energy refers to energy sources that can be replenished naturally, such as solar power, wind power, and hydroelectric power. It is considered a more sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.


12月大学英语六级翻译高频词汇 篇二


1. Economic growth (经济增长)

Economic growth refers to the increase in the production and consumption of goods and services in a country over a certain period of time. It is often measured by the gross domestic product (GDP).

2. Environmental protection (环境保护)

Environmental protection refers to the efforts to prevent or reduce damage to the natural environment caused by human activities. It includes measures such as pollution control, conservation of natural resources, and promotion of sustainable development.

3. Technological innovation (技术创新)

Technological innovation refers to the development and application of new technologies or the improvement of existing technologies. It plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and improving productivity.

4. Cultural exchange (文化交流)

Cultural exchange refers to the sharing and exchange of ideas, values, traditions, and customs between different cultures. It promotes mutual understanding and appreciation among people from different backgrounds.

5. Population aging (人口老龄化)

Population aging refers to the increase in the proportion of elderly people in a population due to longer life expectancy and declining birth rates. It poses challenges to healthcare, social welfare, and labor markets.

6. Internet censorship (互联网审查)

Internet censorship refers to the control or suppression of internet content and access by governments or other authorities. It is often done for political, social, or moral reasons.

7. Gender equality (性别平等)

Gender equality refers to the equal rights, opportunities, and treatment of men and women in all aspects of life. It aims to eliminate discrimination and promote gender justice.

8. Poverty alleviation (减贫)

Poverty alleviation refers to the efforts to reduce and eliminate poverty. It includes measures such as providing social welfare programs, improving education and healthcare, and promoting sustainable economic development.

9. Cross-cultural communication (跨文化交流)

Cross-cultural communication refers to the communication and interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds. It requires understanding and respecting cultural differences to achieve effective communication.

10. Educational reform (教育改革)

Educational reform refers to the changes and improvements made to the education system to better meet the needs of students and society. It often involves curriculum reforms, teaching methods, and assessment systems.


12月大学英语六级翻译高频词汇 篇三

【#四六级考试# 导语】我们都是有梦想却不知道怎么努力付出的纠结体,是一个需要别人帮忙规划人生的幼稚派。以下是©为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  京剧 Peking opera

  昆曲 Kunqu oper

  中国画 traditional Chinese painting

  人物 portrait 山水 landscape

  花鸟 flower and bird

  草虫 grass and insect

  泼墨 paint-splashing style

  写意 impressionistic style

  工笔 elaborate style

  毛笔 writing brush

  书法 calligraphic art

  书法家 calligraphic artist

  工艺品 handwork/handicrafts

  手工艺品 articles of handcraft art

  文物 cultural relics/antiques

  国宝 national trea


  人民大会堂 Great Hall of the People

  故宫博物馆 Imperial Palace Museum

  长城 Great Wall

  外滩 the Bund

  华山 Huashan Mountain


  发源地 the birthplace

  煮 poach/boiled

  蒸 steamed

  火锅 chafing dish

  煲;炖;焖 stewed

  煎 pan-fried

  炒 stir-fried

  炸 deep-fried

  烘 baked

  熏 smoked

  泡辣菜 pickled hot vegetables

  北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck

  炒饭 stir-fried rice

  油条 deep fried twisted dough stick

  饺子 jiaozi

  汤圆 tangyuan

  馄饨 hundun

  烧麦 shaomai

  月饼 moon cake

  烧饼 sesame seed cake

  小笼包 steamed dumpling with pork

  红茶 black tea

  绿茶 green tea


  加速 speed up

  减速 slow down

  超车 overtaking

  倒车 backing

  刹车 brake

  高速公路 highway

  十字路 crossroads

  酒后驾驶 driving under the influence of alcohol

  疲劳驾驶 fatigue driving

  素质教育 education for all-round development

  应试教育 exam-oriented education system

  义务教育 compulsory education

  初等教育 elementary education

  中等教育 secondary education

  高等教育 higher education

  职业教育 vocational education

  学院 college/institute/school

  普通高校 regular institution of higher learning

  重点大学 key university

  211工程 211Project

  减轻学生负担 reduce burden for students

  基础课 basic course

  专业课 course within one’s major


