英语情景口语:Eating out外出就餐(通用3篇)

时间:2013-01-01 04:15:11
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英语情景口语:Eating out外出就餐 篇一


1. Making a reservation 预订座位

- I'd like to make a reservation for two at 7 o'clock tonight. 我想预订今晚7点钟的两个座位。

- Do you have any available tables for tonight? 你们今晚有空桌吗?

2. Ordering food 点菜

- Could I have the menu, please? 可以给我菜单吗?

- What's the chef's special today? 今天有什么厨师特色菜?

- I'll have the steak, medium rare, please. 我要一份五分熟的牛排。

3. Asking for recommendations 询问推荐

- What do you recommend for appetizers? 你们的开胃菜有什么推荐?

- Which dish is your bestseller? 哪道菜是你们的畅销品?

- Can you suggest a vegetarian option? 你能推荐一道素菜吗?

4. Requesting modifications 修改菜单

- Can I have the sauce on the side, please? 可以把酱放在一边吗?

- Could you make it spicy? 可以加点辣吗?

- I'm allergic to nuts, is there any way to omit them from the dish? 我对坚果过敏,能否不加坚果?

5. Asking for the bill 买单

- May I have the bill, please? 可以给我账单吗?

- Could we split the bill? 我们可以分开付账吗?

- I'd like to pay by credit card. 我想用信用卡支付。

6. Expressing satisfaction 表达满意

- The food here is delicious! 这里的食物很美味!

- The service was excellent! 服务非常好!

- I'll definitely come back again. 我一定会再来的。


英语情景口语:Eating out外出就餐 篇二


1. Greetings and introductions 问候和介绍

- Hi, how are you? 你好,你好吗?

- Nice to see you! 见到你很高兴!

- Have you been here before? 你以前来过这里吗?

2. Discussing restaurant choices 讨论餐厅选择

- Do you have any preferences for cuisine? 你对菜系有什么偏好吗?

- I heard there's a new Italian restaurant that just opened. 我听说有一家新开的意大利餐厅。

- Are you in the mood for something spicy or something mild? 你是想吃辣的还是清淡的?

3. Ordering food 点菜

- What are you going to have? 你打算点些什么?

- I think I'll go for the seafood pasta. 我想点份海鲜意面。

- Can we get some appetizers to share? 我们可以点一些开胃菜一起分享吗?

4. Making small talk 闲聊

- How's work been lately? 最近工作怎么样?

- Have you seen any good movies lately? 最近看过什么好电影吗?

- Any plans for the weekend? 周末有什么计划吗?

5. Complimenting the food and atmosphere 表扬食物和氛围

- This dish is amazing! 这道菜太棒了!

- The ambiance here is so cozy. 这里的氛围非常舒适。

- I love how fresh the ingredients are. 我喜欢这里的食材有多新鲜。

6. Discussing dietary restrictions and preferences 讨论饮食限制和偏好

- I'm a vegetarian, do you have any meat-free options? 我是个素食者,你们有没有不含肉的选择?

- I can't eat gluten, can you recommend any gluten-free dishes? 我不能吃面筋,你能推荐一些不含面筋的菜吗?

- Is this dish spicy? I can't handle too much heat. 这道菜辣吗?我不太能吃辣。


英语情景口语:Eating out外出就餐 篇三

024 eating out

Waiter waitress wait staff order menu main course dessert drinks list wine list service tip
Chef table napkin starter
Take an order
Make an order
Bring an order
Book a table
Order a dish
Return a dish
Eat out

A: good afternoon. “ginger’s restaurant”. May I help you?
B: yes. I’d like to book a table for Friday evening please.
A: certainly. For how many people?
B; we’ll be eight or nine people. Could we book a private room?
A: I’ll just check. At what time on Friday evening?
B: about 7:30.
A: yes. That’s fine. We can book you a private room for up to ten people at that time. Could you give me your name please?
B: my name is Jenkins. My phone number is 75397382. that’s confimp3ed then. 7:30 on Friday.
A: yes. Do you intend to order a la carte or will you be having our seafood buffet?
B: oh, we’d like the buffet please. We’ve heard it’s very good.

A; how did you enjoy your family party at “ginger’s”? I hear that they have a lovely menu and buffet.
B: oh, it was great. We had seafood buffet. They do one every Friday. The waiters and waitresses are very good. They are very attentive, but don’t hang around the table.
A: I like the buffets they have, but if often order a la carte, because I don’t feel extremely hungry. I like the wine list there too.
B: yes, so do I. they have wines from all over the world. There is a good range of prices to suit every pocket. We ordered some Australian red wine, which tasted delicious and wasn’t expensive.
A: some restaurants allow you to take your own wine and just charge you corkage, but the don’t do that at “ginger’s”. what was included in the seafood buffet?
B: they had almost every kind of seafood. There were oyster, shrimp, prawns, crabs, and fish. I ate a lot of smoked salmon.
A: did they have lobster?
B: no, they didn’t. you could order it from the menu. I think that lobster is too expensive to be included in the buffet.
A: yes, it probably is. I don’t like ordering oysters in restaurants. You never know whether they are fresh.
B: I know. I didn’t eat any, but a few people in our group d

id and no one got sick.
A: when you eat out, do you usually eat from the buffet?
B: not usually. I usually just order a main course and have a dessert if I’m still hungry afterwards.
A: oh, you don’t usually have a starter?
B: no, I might have a soup if it’s a cold winter day

英语情景口语:Eating out外出就餐(通用3篇)

