
时间:2017-09-06 07:26:26
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初三年级英语听力 篇一

Title: My Favorite Hobby

Hello everyone! Today, I want to talk about my favorite hobby. It is listening to English podcasts!

Listening to English podcasts has become my favorite pastime, and it has greatly improved my English skills. I enjoy listening to various topics such as stories, interviews, and discussions. I find it fascinating and beneficial to listen to native English speakers and learn how they speak naturally.

One of the reasons why I love listening to English podcasts is that it helps me improve my listening comprehension. By regularly listening to different accents and speech patterns, I have become more familiar with the rhythm and intonation of the English language. This has made it easier for me to understand English speakers, whether it is in class or in real-life situations.

Moreover, listening to English podcasts has expanded my vocabulary. I encounter new words and phrases while listening, and I make it a habit to write them down and look up their meanings later. This not only enhances my vocabulary but also helps me understand the context in which these words are used. It has made me more confident in my English conversations and writing.

Another advantage of listening to English podcasts is that it exposes me to a wide range of topics and ideas. I can choose podcasts that align with my interests, such as science, history, or culture. This not only helps me develop a broader knowledge base but also improves my critical thinking skills as I listen to different perspectives and opinions.

Listening to English podcasts also helps me with pronunciation. I try to imitate the native speakers and practice speaking along with the podcast. This has helped me improve my pronunciation and speak English more fluently.

In conclusion, listening to English podcasts has become my favorite hobby. Not only does it improve my listening comprehension and vocabulary, but it also exposes me to various topics and ideas. If you are looking for a fun and effective way to improve your English skills, I highly recommend giving English podcasts a try!

初三年级英语听力 篇二

Title: My Experience with English Listening Exercises

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to share my experience with English listening exercises. As a third-year junior high school student, I have been practicing my English listening skills regularly and have seen significant improvements.

Firstly, I believe that consistent practice is the key to success in English listening exercises. I make it a habit to set aside a specific time each day to focus on listening exercises. This helps me develop a routine and keeps me motivated to continue improving. I usually start with easy exercises and gradually increase the difficulty level as I progress.

Secondly, I find it helpful to listen to a variety of materials. I use online platforms and apps that provide a wide range of listening exercises, including dialogues, speeches, and news reports. This exposes me to different accents and speaking styles, which has made it easier for me to understand English speakers from various backgrounds.

Another important aspect of my English listening practice is active engagement. Instead of passively listening, I actively participate by taking notes and answering questions. This helps me stay focused and reinforces my understanding of the content. I also practice shadowing, where I repeat what the speakers say to improve my pronunciation and intonation.

I have also found it beneficial to practice with a study partner or join a study group. We can listen to the same exercises and discuss our understanding afterward. This not only enhances our listening skills but also promotes collaboration and peer learning.

Lastly, I believe that a positive mindset is crucial for success in English listening exercises. It is important not to get discouraged by difficult exercises or unfamiliar vocabulary. Instead, I see challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement. I remind myself that every exercise I complete brings me closer to achieving my goal of becoming a proficient English listener.

In conclusion, regular practice, exposure to a variety of materials, active engagement, collaboration, and a positive mindset have been the key factors in my successful English listening journey. I encourage all my fellow classmates to embrace English listening exercises and make them an integral part of your language learning routine. With dedication and perseverance, we can all become confident and skilled English listeners!

初三年级英语听力 篇三

初三年级英语听力 听力测试专项练习(七)


  1.When is Jack's father's birthday?

   A.This Sunday. B.This Thursday. C.This Saturday.

  2.What are they going to do for Jack's father's birthday?

   A.They're going to have a party.

   B.They're going to have a picnic.

   C.They're going to have a big dinner.


  3.What are the man and woman doing?

   A.They are talking on the phone.

   B.They are having their summer holiday.

   C.They are watching the weather report.

  4.What's the weather

like in Sanya now?

   A.Hot and dry. B.Hot and wet. C. Wet and cool.

  5.Where are Mike's family going to spend their holiday?

   A.In Guangdong. B. In Guangxi. C. In Hainan.


  6.Why hasn't Amy done her Maths homework yet?

   A.Because it's too difficult for her.

   B.Because she Wants to wait for Daniel.

   C.Because she wants to watch TV first.

  7.Where are Daniel and Amy going to do their homework together after school?

   A.At Daniel's home. B.At Amy's home. C.In the classroom

  8.When are they going to meet after school?

   A.At four o'clock. B.At five o'clock. C. At six o'clock.

  9.How much of the English project has Daniel done?

   A.Most of it. B.None of it. C.A bit of it.

  10.What are they going to do after they finish their homework?

   A.They are going to watch TV.

   B.They are going to the cinema.

   C.They are going to play table tennis.

   听第9段材料,回答1 6~20题。

  11.Where are Jim and Kate now?

   A In America. B.In England. C. In Australia.

  12.How long have they been in that country?

   A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years.

  13.How many languages can Jim and Kate speak?

   A.Three. B.Four. L. Five.

  14 Which country are the Greens going to return to?

   A.England. B.Japan. C. Japan.

  15 Why are Jim and Kate very happy?

   A.Because they won't have to move any more.

   B Because they will go to another new country.

   C.Because they can see their friends all over the world.


