
时间:2016-08-06 02:46:27
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感谢信英文 篇一

Title: A Heartfelt Thank You

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing this letter to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and kindness during my time of need. Your generosity and selflessness have touched my heart and made a significant impact on my life.

When I found myself facing a financial crisis, I was overwhelmed and uncertain about how to navigate through it. It was at that moment that you extended your hand and provided the assistance I desperately needed. Your willingness to lend a helping hand without hesitation is truly admirable.

Your financial support not only relieved my immediate burden but also allowed me to regain stability and focus on rebuilding my life. Because of your kindness, I was able to pay off my debts and secure a stable living situation. Words cannot express how grateful I am for your timely intervention and unconditional support.

Beyond the financial assistance, your emotional support has been invaluable to me. Your words of encouragement and belief in my abilities have given me the strength to overcome challenges and pursue my goals. Your unwavering faith in me has inspired me to work harder and strive for success.

I am also grateful for the guidance and advice you have provided me with. Your wisdom and experience have been invaluable in helping me make important decisions and navigate through life's complexities. Your mentorship has not only helped me grow personally but has also opened doors for new opportunities.

I want to assure you that your kindness will not be forgotten. I am committed to paying it forward and helping others in need, just as you have helped me. Your act of kindness has reminded me of the importance of compassion and generosity, and I promise to uphold these values in my own life.

Once again, thank you for everything you have done for me. Your selfless actions have made a lasting impact on my life, and I am forever grateful. I look forward to the opportunity to express my gratitude in person and to continue building a meaningful relationship with you.

With heartfelt thanks,

[Your Name]


感谢信英文 篇二

Title: Gratefulness Beyond Words

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing this letter to express my deepest gratitude for the support and guidance you have provided me throughout my academic journey. Your unwavering belief in my abilities and commitment to my success have made a significant impact on my life.

When I embarked on my educational journey, I was filled with both excitement and uncertainty. It was at that moment that you entered my life as a mentor and teacher. Your dedication to teaching and your passion for your subject matter have inspired me to strive for excellence. Your guidance and encouragement have helped me overcome obstacles and achieve academic success.

I am particularly grateful for the extra time and effort you have invested in me. Your willingness to go above and beyond to ensure my understanding and mastery of the subject matter has not gone unnoticed. Your patience and ability to explain complex concepts in a way that is easily understandable have been instrumental in my learning process.

Furthermore, your belief in my potential has boosted my confidence and self-esteem. Your constant reassurance and positive feedback have motivated me to reach for higher goals and push beyond my comfort zone. Your unwavering support has taught me the power of self-belief and the importance of embracing challenges.

I also want to express my gratitude for the opportunities you have provided me with. Your recommendation letters and guidance have opened doors for internships, scholarships, and other valuable experiences. These opportunities have not only enriched my academic journey but have also paved the way for future success.

I want to assure you that your investment in my education will not be in vain. I am determined to make the most of the opportunities you have provided me with and to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Your belief in me has inspired me to dream big and work hard towards achieving my goals.

Once again, thank you for everything you have done for me. Your support and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful. I look forward to the opportunity to express my gratitude in person and to continue learning from you.

With heartfelt thanks,

[Your Name]

感谢信英文 篇三



Dear David,

  I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your very active participation in our recent conference in Montreal on the “future of aviation”. The chairman and board members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the institute in this important undertaking.

  Your skill in chairing the controversial panel on “the role of developing countries in the future of aviation management” was highly appreciated by those representing all sides of that extremely sensitive topic. As well, we have received numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on “the critical issue of cooperation between airlines and airports”. It appears that you my have penned a best-seller with that one!

  On both a professional and a personal level, I really appreciated the time that the two of us were able to spend together for fun and reflection during conference down times. I certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects of aviation operation in your part of the world (not to mention the things you taught me about the backhand on the squash court!)

  We are currently hard at work producing the “compendium of conference proceedings” document, and we expect to be sending it out to all participants early in the new year.

  Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in our conference. I have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it was without your presence.

  Please keep in touch ,and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this part of the world.

  Very sincerely

  Peter Smithfield


Dear Prof. Herthwell,

  Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. We had a safe and sound trip home. Now we have resumed our work.

  Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”.

  Please hav

e no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China.

  With best wishes.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Dong


