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学生双语报九年级英语答案参考版 篇一

The Importance of Learning English

English is an essential language in today's globalized world. It is widely spoken and used as a medium of communication in many countries. Therefore, it is crucial for students to learn English from an early age. In this article, we will discuss the importance of learning English and provide some tips on how to improve your English skills.

Firstly, learning English opens up a world of opportunities. It allows you to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Whether you are traveling, studying abroad, or working in an international company, English will enable you to interact with others effectively. Moreover, many multinational companies require employees to have a good command of English. Therefore, by learning English, you increase your chances of finding better job opportunities in the future.

Secondly, English is the language of the internet. The majority of online content is in English, including websites, articles, and social media platforms. By having a good understanding of English, you can access a wealth of information and resources that are not available in your native language. This can greatly enhance your knowledge and broaden your horizons.

Additionally, English is the language of science and technology. Most scientific research papers and technological advancements are published in English. By being proficient in English, you can stay up-to-date with the latest developments in various fields. This is particularly important for students who are interested in pursuing careers in science, engineering, or medicine.

Now that we have established the importance of learning English, let's discuss some tips on how to improve your English skills. Firstly, practice speaking English as much as possible. Engage in conversations with native speakers or join language exchange programs. This will help you improve your pronunciation and fluency. Secondly, read English books, newspapers, and magazines to expand your vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension. Finally, watch English movies and TV shows to enhance your listening skills and familiarize yourself with different accents.

In conclusion, learning English is crucial in today's globalized world. It opens up opportunities, allows access to a wealth of information, and is essential for various careers. By practicing speaking, reading, and listening to English, students can improve their English skills and become proficient in the language.

学生双语报九年级英语答案参考版 篇二

The Benefits of Reading for Students

In today's digital age, where technology dominates our lives, reading seems to have taken a backseat. However, reading is an essential habit for students as it offers numerous benefits. In this article, we will discuss the importance of reading and provide some tips on how to cultivate a reading habit.

Firstly, reading improves vocabulary and language skills. When we read, we come across new words and phrases that expand our vocabulary. This not only helps us in our academic studies but also in our communication skills. Additionally, reading exposes us to different writing styles, sentence structures, and grammar, which improves our overall language proficiency.

Secondly, reading enhances critical thinking and analytical skills. When we read, we are exposed to different perspectives and ideas. This allows us to think critically, analyze the content, and form our own opinions. Reading also helps us develop our analytical skills by making connections between different ideas, identifying patterns, and drawing conclusions.

Furthermore, reading stimulates creativity and imagination. When we read, we are transported to different worlds, characters, and situations. This sparks our imagination and encourages us to think creatively. Reading also exposes us to different cultures, traditions, and experiences, which broadens our horizons and encourages empathy and understanding.

Now that we have established the benefits of reading, let's discuss some tips on how to cultivate a reading habit. Firstly, set aside dedicated reading time each day. Make it a habit to read for at least 30 minutes before bedtime or during breaks. Secondly, choose books that interest you. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or a specific genre, reading something you enjoy will make the experience more enjoyable and encourage you to read more. Finally, join a book club or reading group to discuss books with like-minded individuals and share recommendations.

In conclusion, reading is a habit that offers numerous benefits for students. It improves vocabulary, language skills, critical thinking, and creativity. By setting aside dedicated reading time, choosing books that interest them, and joining reading groups, students can cultivate a reading habit that will enrich their lives and contribute to their overall development.

学生双语报九年级英语答案参考版 篇三

Ⅰ. 单项选择
1--5 DDDCB 6—10 BABBB 11—15 CCDBD 16—20 ADCCB
21---25 DDCBC 26—30 CDCAD 31—33 DAA
Ⅱ. 句型转换
1. be allowed 2. is, cleaned 3. will be published 4. was given by
5. can be spoken 6. didn’t use 7. to wear 8. old enough
9. be cleaned 10. used to
Ⅲ. 完形填空
1-5 BDCDC 6-10 ADBCB
Unit 6第一课时 当堂达标
一、1.A解析:关系代词who在定语从句中作主语,同时代替前面的singers。2.C解析:根据问句“你认为这个组合怎么样?”可知答案。3.D解析:关系代词that代替TV play,并在定语从句中作宾语。4.D解析:dance to…译为“伴着……跳舞”。5.B解析:sing along with 译为“随着……唱歌”。
二、1.prefer 2.string 3.heart 4.gentle 5.dislike
三、1.musician 2.listening 3.favourite 4.to playing 5.dislike
四、1.play different kinds of music 2.I can dance to 3.who write their own lyrics 4.quiet and gentle songs 5.to go to school by bus 6.plays 7.reminds me of 8.that wear really cool clothes
五、1.Who is your favorite singer? 2.Why do you like her? 3.What do you think of her songs?
4.What about you? 5.What do her songs remind you of?
第二课时 当堂达标
一、1.A解析:河流前加定冠词,表示“第几最……”用“the +序数词+级”。2.D解析:期盼某人做某事用“expect sb. to do sth.”表示。3.B解析:fishman的复数是fishmen,其名词所有格是加’s。4.B解析:因本句的先行词是人,且关系代词在从句中作主语,故答案选B。 5.A解析:关系代词that代替前面的movies,在定语从句中作主语。
二、1.fishmen 2.entertainment 3.gallery 4.energy 5.work-class
三、1.suggestions 2.entertainment 3.photographers 4.energetic 5.dislikes
四、1.long, boring, a few good 2.is sure 3.are on display 4.Whatever he does 5.same, interest, much
五、1.music 2.about 3.along 4.those 5.books 6.like 7.that 8.has
第三课时 当堂达标
一、1.C解析:vegetarian 译为“素食主义者”。2.C解析:stay away from 译为“远离”。3.D解析:be good for…译为“对……有益”;be good at…译为“擅长……”;be good with sb.译为“与某人相处得好”。4.B解析:taste译为“尝起来”,为系动词。5.C

ried 2.honest 3.sweet 4.itself 5.shocked
三、1.to discuss 2.eating 3.drinking 4.to have / having 5.would eat
四、1.In fact 2.take care of 3.has been cooked 4.are in agreement 5.prefers, to
五、1.listening 2.kind 3.like 4.that 5.about 6.favorite 7.different 8.that’s
Unit 7 第一课时 当堂达标
一、1.C解析:Would you like to do…?译为“你想要干……吗?”它的肯定答语为“Yes, I’d love to.”2.C 解析:somewhere 为不定副词,它的修饰语要后置。3.B解析:consider后跟动词时要用doing。4.B解析:living in China 为动名词短语,作主语。5.D解析:本句的先行词为是place,关系代词在定语从句中作状语,故用关系副词where。
二、1.translate 2.considered 3.including 4.wonderful 5.wine
三、1.including 2.exciting 3.friendly 4.beaches 5.wonderful
四、1.translate, into 2.including, took 3.cost him 4.consider, going 5.quite a crowded
五、1.trees 2.feel 3.bikes 4.return 5.instead

