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外贸实用英语词汇分享 篇一

外贸实用英语词汇分享 篇一


1. Export (v.) - 出口

Example: Our company exports various products to countries all over the world.

2. Import (v.) - 进口

Example: We import raw materials from different countries for our manufacturing process.

3. Freight (n.) - 运费

Example: The freight for this shipment will be covered by the buyer.

4. Invoice (n.) - 发票

Example: Please send us the invoice for the recent order.

5. Quotation (n.) - 报价单

Example: Could you please provide us with a quotation for 1000 units of the product?

6. Sample (n.) - 样品

Example: We would like to request a sample of the product before placing a larger order.

7. Payment (n.) - 付款

Example: The payment for this order will be made via bank transfer.

8. Delivery (n.) - 交货

Example: The delivery of the goods will take approximately 7-10 working days.

9. Packaging (n.) - 包装

Example: Our products are packed in sturdy packaging to ensure safe transportation.

10. Customs (n.) - 海关

Example: The goods are currently being held by customs for inspection.


外贸实用英语词汇分享 篇二

外贸实用英语词汇分享 篇二


1. Proforma Invoice (n.) - 形式发票

Example: Please provide us with a proforma invoice for the order.

2. Incoterm (n.) - 国际贸易术语

Example: The Incoterm for this shipment is FOB Shanghai.

3. Bill of Lading (n.) - 提单

Example: The bill of lading will be sent to you once the goods have been shipped.

4. Letter of Credit (n.) - 信用证

Example: We require a letter of credit for this order.

5. Certificate of Origin (n.) - 原产地证明

Example: Please provide us with a certificate of origin for the goods.

6. Commercial Invoice (n.) - 商业发票

Example: The commercial invoice should include the total value of the goods.

7. Packing List (n.) - 装箱单

Example: The packing list should detail the contents of each package.

8. Trade Terms (n.) - 贸易条款

Example: Our trade terms are negotiable based on the order quantity.

9. Freight Forwarder (n.) - 货运代理商

Example: We will arrange the shipment through our trusted freight forwarder.

10. Letter of Indemnity (n.) - 无损责任书

Example: We will require a letter of indemnity for the damaged goods.


外贸实用英语词汇分享 篇三

  1. packaging 包装方法

  2. blister packing 起泡包装

  3. neutral packing 中性包装

  4. skin packing 吸塑包装

  5. hanging packing 挂式包装

  6. catch sb's eye 引某人注目

  7. mark 唛头

  8. unlabelled packing 无牌的包装

  9. in bulk 散装

  10. in loose packing 散装

  11 nude packing *装

  12. bulk pack 整批包装

  13. consumer pack 零售包装

  14. large packing 大包装

  15. inner packing, external packing, end packing 小包装

  16. shrunk packaging, 压缩包装

  17. foam-spary packaging 喷泡沫包装

  18. gift-wrap 礼品包装

  19. bag, sack 袋

  20. jute bag 麻袋

  21. polythelene bag, plastic bag 塑料袋

  22. polythelene net 尼龙绳网袋

  23. zippered bag 拉链袋

  24. case, chest 箱

  25. box 盒

  26. wooden case 木箱

  27. carton 纸箱

  28. container 集装箱

  29. rate 板条箱

  30. fibre board case 纤维板箱

外贸实用英语词汇分享 篇四

  1. packet 小包

  2. bale 包

  3. bundle 捆

  4. tin , can 罐头

  5. basket 篮,篓,筐

  6. bamboo basket 竹篓

  7. bottle 瓶

  8. wooden keg 小木桶

  9. hogshead 大桶

  10. iron drum 铁桶

  11 cylinder 铁桶

  12. barrel 琵琶桶

  13. drum 圆桶

  14. waterproof paper 防水纸

  15. cellophone 玻璃纸

  16. kraftpaper 牛皮纸

  17. canvas 帆布

  18. fibreboard 纤维板

  19. nylon strap 尼龙腰子

  20. plastic strap 塑料腰子

  21. adhesive tape 胶带

  22. stuffing material 填料

  23. nylon plastic 尼龙丝

  24. fermented plastic 泡沫塑料

  25. paper scrap 纸屑

  26. saw dust 木屑

  27. tar

paper 沥青纸

  28. wax paper 蜡纸

  29. slushing compound 润滑油

  30. tarpaulin 油布、防水帆布


