
时间:2011-03-03 08:19:32
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国庆节的英语单词 篇一

National Day Vocabulary

National Day is an important holiday in many countries around the world. It is a day of celebration and pride for the nation. In this article, we will explore some of the English words related to National Day.

1. National Day - This is the official name of the holiday. It is a day when the country celebrates its independence or the formation of the nation.

2. Independence - This word refers to the freedom of a country from outside control or rule. Many countries celebrate their National Day as a commemoration of gaining independence.

3. Parade - A parade is a public procession or march, usually involving floats, bands, and other groups. It is a common activity during National Day celebrations, where people come together to watch and participate in the parade.

4. Flag - The national flag is an important symbol of a country. It represents the nation's identity and is often displayed during National Day celebrations.

5. Anthem - The national anthem is a patriotic song that represents a country. It is usually sung or played during important events such as National Day celebrations.

6. Fireworks - Fireworks are a popular form of entertainment during National Day celebrations. They are colorful explosives that create beautiful patterns in the sky when ignited.

7. Festivities - Festivities refer to the activities and events that take place during National Day celebrations. These can include concerts, performances, cultural exhibitions, and more.

8. Patriotism - Patriotism is the love and devotion one has for their country. National Day is a time when patriotism is often celebrated and expressed.

9. Tradition - National Day celebrations often involve various traditions and customs that are unique to each country. These traditions can include special food, clothing, ceremonies, or rituals.

10. Heritage - Heritage refers to the traditions, customs, and values that are passed down from generation to generation. National Day is a time to celebrate and honor a country's heritage.

National Day is a time for people to come together and celebrate their country. These English words can help you better understand and express the significance of this special holiday.

国庆节的英语单词 篇二

National Day Celebrations

National Day is a significant holiday in many countries, where citizens come together to celebrate their nation's independence or formation. In this article, we will explore the different ways National Day is celebrated around the world.

1. Parades: Parades are a common activity during National Day celebrations. People gather on the streets to watch marching bands, floats, and performances. Participants often wear traditional costumes and carry flags to show their pride for their country.

2. Fireworks: Fireworks are a favorite form of entertainment during National Day celebrations. Colorful explosions light up the sky, creating a spectacular display that fills the air with excitement and joy.

3. Concerts: Many countries organize concerts featuring local musicians and artists. These concerts showcase the country's cultural diversity and talent. People come together to enjoy the music and celebrate their national identity.

4. Flag Raising Ceremony: National Day often begins with a flag raising ceremony. The national flag is hoisted while the national anthem is played. This symbolic act represents the country's unity and pride.

5. Cultural Exhibitions: National Day is an opportunity to showcase a country's cultural heritage. Museums and cultural centers organize exhibitions that display traditional artifacts, artworks, and historical documents. These exhibitions help people understand and appreciate their country's rich history.

6. Traditional Food: National Day celebrations often include traditional food and drinks. People gather with their families and friends to enjoy special meals that are unique to their country. It is a time to savor the flavors of the nation and share culinary traditions.

7. Sporting Events: Some countries organize sporting events during National Day celebrations. These events promote a sense of unity and healthy competition among citizens. People participate in various sports activities, such as marathons, football matches, or traditional games.

8. Community Service: National Day is not only a time for celebration but also an opportunity to give back to the community. Many countries organize volunteer activities, such as cleaning campaigns, blood drives, or charity events. People come together to contribute to the well-being of their society.

9. Historical Reenactments: In some countries, National Day celebrations include historical reenactments of significant events that led to their independence or formation. These reenactments provide a visual representation of the country's history and allow people to connect with their past.

10. Reflection and Gratitude: National Day is a time for reflection and gratitude. It is a day to appreciate the freedom, achievements, and progress of the nation. People take a moment to express their gratitude for their country and its leaders.

National Day celebrations are an opportunity for citizens to come together and celebrate their nation's history, culture, and achievements. It is a time to express patriotism and strengthen the sense of national identity.

国庆节的英语单词 篇三

®英语资源频道为大家整理的国庆节的英语单词 ,供大家阅读参考。
Motherland(祖国)- a song in my mind

  Motherland, how affectionate(亲热,情深的)name!

  Each thought is irrepressible(无法抑制的)mood(心情)ups and downs,

  Praise you inside the magnificent(壮丽)five thousand years,

  Bai Shinian between the fate(命运)of your emotion(情感).

  Motherland, how brilliant(辉煌)words!


受)in mind could not help but make facial(表面的)features(特征)for each bent(弯曲),

  Who are charged with the reputation(声誉)of ceremonies(仪式),

  To create a remarkable surprise.

  Motherland, how warm vest(背心)!

  Proud to hear from each of the moods that are rife(非常多的),

  In the bottom(底部)of my heart deeply grateful to the ancestors(祖先)of the feat(壮举),

  Determined(决心)to make the motherland tomorrow hold up.

  The motherland and aspirations(愿望)of each people's expectations!

  The motherland is my mind the most pleasant melody(旋律)!

  Today, we are holding the torch relay(火炬接力),

  The future let us ride with you!


