
时间:2013-07-06 02:34:42
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与“约会”相关的英文 篇一

Title: The Art of Dating: Tips for a Successful Date


Dating is an important aspect of building romantic relationships and getting to know someone better. Whether it's a first date or a regular date night, it's essential to make a good impression and create a memorable experience. In this article, we will explore some useful tips for a successful date.

1. Plan Ahead:

Before going on a date, it's crucial to plan ahead and choose the right venue or activity. Research shows that individuals who put effort into planning are perceived as more attractive and attentive. Consider the interests and preferences of your date and choose something that both of you will enjoy.

2. Dress Appropriately:

Your appearance plays a significant role in making a good first impression. Dress appropriately for the occasion, taking into account the venue, weather, and cultural norms. It's always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. Remember to pay attention to personal grooming and hygiene as well.

3. Be a Good Listener:

One of the most important skills in dating is being a good listener. Show genuine interest in your date by actively listening and asking relevant questions. Avoid dominating the conversation or constantly talking about yourself. Instead, focus on getting to know your date and establishing a connection.

4. Practice Open Communication:

Effective communication is key to any successful relationship, and it starts with open and honest communication during the dating phase. Be clear about your expectations, boundaries, and intentions. Don't be afraid to express your thoughts and feelings, but also be receptive to your date's perspective.

5. Be Present and Engaged:

During the date, focus on being present and engaged. Put away your phone and avoid distractions. Show genuine interest and enthusiasm in the conversation and activities. Being fully present will make your date feel valued and appreciated.

6. Show Respect and Courtesy:

Respect and courtesy are essential in any relationship. Practice good manners and be polite to your date and others around you. Treat your date with kindness, respect their boundaries, and be mindful of their comfort level. Small gestures like holding the door or offering to pay the bill can go a long way in showing respect.


Dating is an exciting journey of getting to know someone on a deeper level. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of having a successful date. Remember to plan ahead, dress appropriately, be a good listener, practice open communication, be present and engaged, and show respect and courtesy. Enjoy the experience and have fun exploring new connections.

与“约会”相关的英文 篇二

Title: Long-Distance Dating: Nurturing Love Across Miles


In today's interconnected world, many relationships are tested by distance. Long-distance dating can be challenging, but with the right mindset and tools, it's possible to nurture love across miles. In this article, we will explore some tips for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling long-distance relationship.

1. Establish Trust and Communication:

Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, especially when it comes to long-distance dating. Establish open and honest communication from the beginning. Regularly check in with each other through phone calls, video chats, and text messages. Make an effort to share your thoughts, feelings, and daily experiences to maintain a strong emotional connection.

2. Set Clear Expectations:

Long-distance relationships require clear expectations and boundaries. Discuss your goals, expectations, and plans for the future. Be honest about your needs, whether it's the frequency of communication or visiting each other. Setting clear expectations will prevent misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

3. Embrace Technology:

Technology can be a lifeline for long-distance couples. Take advantage of video calls, messaging apps, and social media to bridge the physical distance. Plan virtual dates, watch movies or TV shows together, or even cook a meal simultaneously. Technology allows you to create shared experiences and maintain a sense of togetherness.

4. Plan Visits:

Physical contact is crucial in a romantic relationship. Plan regular visits to see each other in person. Discuss and plan these visits in advance to ensure both parties are committed and have something to look forward to. Visits not only provide an opportunity to strengthen your bond but also help to maintain the excitement and anticipation.

5. Pursue Individual Interests:

While it's important to spend quality time together, it's equally important to pursue individual interests and hobbies. Use the time apart to focus on personal growth and development. Encourage each other to explore passions and interests, and share your experiences when you reconnect. This will bring new topics of conversation and create a more well-rounded relationship.

6. Stay Positive and Supportive:

Long-distance relationships can be challenging, but maintaining a positive attitude is essential. Be supportive of each other's goals and dreams. Celebrate achievements and offer comfort during difficult times. Remember to express love and appreciation regularly. Small gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness can make a significant impact.


Long-distance dating requires effort, commitment, and effective communication. By establishing trust, setting clear expectations, embracing technology, planning visits, pursuing individual interests, and staying positive and supportive, you can nurture love across miles. Remember that distance is just a temporary obstacle, and with patience and dedication, you can build a strong and fulfilling relationship.

与“约会”相关的英文 篇三

【#英语口语# 导语】记得在念大学的时候看过一部电影,片名是《The Holiday》,讲述两个分别住在美国和英国的女孩子因为失恋想逃离,所以交换了住址,并在对方的国家中遇到了自己的爱情。情节的真实性和可行性先暂且不谈,那一个半小时的浪漫感受带给很多人最直接的是一种广告效应,就是我们也都去追寻浪漫的爱情吧,看到自己喜欢的人大胆地发出约会邀请吧!

1 She's a ten.

在美剧里有时你会听到几个男孩子叽叽喳喳地议论看到的一位漂亮的女孩,他们会给女孩子打分数,10分为最完美最有魅力,于是这句话应运而生,严格说这有点物化女性的意思,所以建议绅士们谨慎使用,但是在口语里有时不用那么严肃,因为在你心里始终有个对他人的评判。那么女孩子形容男孩子很帅怎么说呢,是一直讲的handsome吗,当然可以,这里介绍另一种选择,即美语里更常用的He's cute!这里的cute往往不是卖萌的意思,可以直接翻译成“他好帅哦!”

2 Can I buy you a drink?

酒吧是一个认识新朋友的地方,去掉人们对酒吧的偏见,确实有很多朋友喜欢把聚会安排在这个地方,人们带各自的朋友一起聊天,撞见爱情的几率也就增高了。那么看到喜欢的女孩子,一种比较经典的搭讪方式就是请客喝一杯。另外一个经典的约会场景是咖啡馆,句子就换成了Do you wanna grab a cup of coffee?

3 It was an impulse.


4 I think I'm gonna ask her out.

Ask someone out是固定搭配,就是邀请约会的意思,一般两个人都会穿相对正式的衣服去一家正式的餐厅吃饭,一次正式的约会称为date,在法语里称为rendezvous,不过说英语的国家里也经常用这个外来语,R&B歌手Craig David有首歌的名字就叫《rendezvous》,非常浪漫的一首单曲。

5 Would you like to go out with me?

这句话也是邀请对方和自己约会,不过相对正式一些,开头是would,could的问句一般都比较的客气和礼貌。Go out with someone是固定搭配,就是和某人去约会的意思,但go out并不是所有情况下都适用,这里有东西方文化的差异,在美国如果你说we went out a couple of times,这里有时可能表示约会双方已经有亲密关系,而不是简单的出去看个电影吃个饭,所以当你想表达你和一个人已经约会了几次的时候要想清楚实际状况。

6 I'm gonna pick you up at 8:00.

几乎所有适合约会的餐厅都把周五晚上八点视为一个极为重要的时间,因为很多人都选择在这个时段幽会自己的恋人,礼貌的绅士会提前出现在女士的家门口,接上车以后再开到餐厅。这个接人的说法是固定搭配,pick someone up,很形象。

7 She turned me down.

不是所有的爱情故事都是以顺利的邀约开始的,很多人见到喜欢的人不肯开口,一个的恐惧就是怕被拒绝,对于约会这件事来说,拒绝的说法有很多说法,除了reject以外,一个比较常用的固定搭配是turn someone down,相当于“she said no.“

8 We were just having some fun.

现在的年轻人相对更开放,男生女生一大群人一起出去玩是常有的事,这个时候,遇见新的人,聊新的话题,既不是熟人叙旧,又不算一次正式的约会,这个模糊的地带有点类似it was not a date, and we just met,那他们一起聊天的状态就可以用这个句子来表达,they were just having some fun,have some fun和have fun的区别是,后者经常是用在一个人对另一个人的友好祝福,比如你的朋友要去看球赛,你可以说have fun!前者的用法更多时回忆过去某个时段,比如某次你和朋友一起爬山,你可以说we had a lot of fun.

9 Sorry I sorta have plans, what about Saturday night?

这个句子一般是用在女孩子因为提前已有安排所以婉拒一次约会的邀请时,sorta就是sort of的口语表达,放在中间没有什么特殊的语意,就是使拒绝听起来没那么生硬,后面跟的what about是给一个选择,不会太打击别人的信心.

10 ----Can I have your number?

----I'm sorry we weren't really looking for anything to happen, I have a boyfriend.

----So she h

as a boyfriend, what is your situation?

联系方式中,邮件相对防御性,因为你可以申请很多邮箱,其次是即时聊天工具,比如msn,聊得不爽就删除,手机号码是不大好防守的,所以一般如果给真实的手机号码表示好感度是很高的,但也有人使坏,留假号码,拿到假号码往往被人嘲笑,“He got fake-numbered last night”,这里fake-numbered作为一个形容词,意为被留了假号码。

好莱坞的爱情电影中有很多关于爱情的经典台词,不论电影的艺术造诣是否足够的高,只要关于爱情,那么所有向往爱情的人就会注目,近几年明星喜欢组团拍一部像爱情故事合集的电影,比如《Valentine's Day》,《He's Just Not That Into You》,带给观众在一部电影里同时看好几个爱情故事的物超所值感,如果你也向往爱情,请大声喊出你的TA的名字吧。

