小学生英语动物谜语 篇一
Animals are a fascinating topic for young learners, especially when it comes to solving riddles. Riddles not only stimulate their thinking and problem-solving skills, but also introduce them to new vocabulary and concepts. In this article, we will explore some fun and educational animal riddles suitable for young English learners.
1. I am small and fluffy, with big ears and a cotton tail. I like to hop and eat carrots. What am I?
Answer: Bunny
2. I am big and strong, with a long trunk and tusks. I am known for my excellent memory. What am I?
Answer: Elephant
3. I am a small, colorful bird that can mimic human speech. I am often kept as a pet. What am I?
Answer: Parrot
4. I am a large, striped cat known for my strength and agility. I live in the jungle. What am I?
Answer: Tiger
5. I am a small, furry animal that likes to climb trees and eat nuts. I have a long, bushy tail. What am I?
Answer: Squirrel
6. I am a long, slimy creature without legs. I can live in water or on land. What am I?
Answer: Snake
7. I am a large, gentle animal with a long neck and spots on my body. I am known for my graceful movements. What am I?
Answer: Giraffe
8. I am a small, fast animal with sharp claws and a long tail. I like to catch mice. What am I?
Answer: Cat
9. I am a large, strong animal with a thick fur coat. I live in cold places and catch fish with my paws. What am I?
Answer: Polar bear
10. I am a small, round animal with prickly spines on my back. I like to curl up into a ball when I am scared. What am I?
Answer: Hedgehog
These riddles provide an engaging way for young learners to practice their English language skills while expanding their knowledge of different animals. Teachers can use these riddles in the classroom to encourage critical thinking and group discussions. Parents can also use them as fun activities to bond with their children and enhance their English learning experience.
In conclusion, animal riddles are a valuable tool for teaching English to young learners. They not only improve language skills, but also promote cognitive development and introduce children to the fascinating world of animals. So, let's have some fun and solve these animal riddles together!
小学生英语动物谜语 篇二
Riddles are a great way to engage young learners and test their knowledge about various subjects. In this article, we will explore a collection of animal riddles specifically designed for primary school students learning English as a second language.
1. I am a large, gentle animal with a trunk. I have big ears and long tusks. What am I?
Answer: Elephant
2. I am a small, furry animal that likes to eat cheese. I have a long tail and whiskers. What am I?
Answer: Mouse
3. I am a bird that can swim and catch fish. My feathers are black and white. What am I?
Answer: Penguin
4. I am a small, colorful bird that can talk. I like to repeat what people say. What am I?
Answer: Parrot
5. I am a wild animal that lives in the jungle. I have orange fur with black stripes. What am I?
Answer: Tiger
6. I am a small, furry animal that likes to climb trees. I have a long, bushy tail. What am I?
Answer: Squirrel
7. I am a small, slimy creature that lives in water. I have a long tail and gills. What am I?
Answer: Fish
8. I am a big, strong animal that lives in the ocean. I have a fin on my back and sharp teeth. What am I?
Answer: Shark
9. I am a bird with large wings. I can fly very high in the sky. What am I?
Answer: Eagle
10. I am a small, round animal with sharp spines on my back. I like to curl up into a ball when I am scared. What am I?
Answer: Hedgehog
These riddles are a fun and interactive way for young learners to practice their English skills while also learning about animals. Teachers can use these riddles as warm-up activities or brain teasers during English lessons. Parents can also use them as a bonding activity with their children at home.
In conclusion, animal riddles are an effective tool for teaching English to primary school students. They not only help improve language skills, but also enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. So, let's have some fun and solve these animal riddles together!
小学生英语动物谜语 篇三
1.When the boy fell into the water, what's the first thing he did? —— 谜底: He got wet first of all.
2.What person tries to make others smile most of the time? —— 谜底: A photographer
3.What part of London is in Brazil? —— 谜底: The letter "L".
4.逮狸射死(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: delicious
5.What is the difference between here and there? —— 谜底: The letter“t”.
6.How does the sun affect weight?(太阳如何影响重量?) —— 谜底: It makes the daylight.
7.赖(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: lie
8.故障女士 (打一动物) —— 谜底: lady bug(瓢虫)。
9.俺不能死(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: ambulance救护车
10.皮蛋(打一英文) —— 谜底: Q
11.Why did the farmer take his chicken to task?(农夫为什么训斥小鸡?) —— 谜底: Because they use foul language. 因为它们说脏话。
12.我有(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: volume大量的
13.圣母超凡魅力(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: charisma超凡魅力;魅力;<宗>神授的力量或才能;超凡的个人魅力;感召力。
14.蔻驰(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: 教练;指导;受训练。
15.216个小时打一个字 —— 谜底: 旭(因为216小时是九日)
1.孙悟空降妖伏魔(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 猴子,角怪
2.十於菟(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 华南虎
3.鼻子像钩子,耳朵像扇子。大腿像柱子,尾巴像鞭子(猜一动物) —— 谜底:
4.小时穿黑衣,大时换白袍, 造一间小屋,在里面睡觉(猜一昆虫) —— 谜底: 蚕
5.相看两不厌(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 比目
6.马孟起独犯边界(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 猛犸
7.有头无颈,有眼无眉,无脚能走,有翅难飞(猜一动物) —— 谜底: 鱼
8.一个黑大汉,腰插两把扇, 走一步,扇几扇(猜一动物) —— 谜底: 鸵鸟
9.像鱼不是鱼,终生住海里。远看是喷泉,近看像岛屿(猜一动物) —— 谜底: 鲸
10.此物生的怪,肚下长口袋,宝宝带中养,跳起来真快(猜一动物) —— 谜底: 袋鼠
11.输的很窝囊(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 北极熊
12.一生不识愁滋味(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 老快活
13.鹦鹉前头不敢言(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 恐龙,知了。
14.桃花影动客倾心(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 骆驼
15.夏天它来到,秋后没处找,摧咱快播种,年年来一遭(猜一动物) —— 谜底: 布谷鸟
16.一只顺风船,白蓬红船头, 划起两只桨,湖上四处游(猜一动物) —— 谜底: 鹅
17.四两可可(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 八哥
18.一子(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 负鼠
19.又是婵娟临人间(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 重明
20.且将疏篱置户外,一方轩窗帆影来(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 蝙蝠
21.音乐美酒,网虫碰头(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 蛐蛐
22.金箍桶,银箍桶,打开来,箍不拢(猜一动物) —— 谜底: 蛇
23.一身白袍衣,两只红眼睛,是和平化身,人人都喜欢(猜一动物 —— 谜底: 鸽子
24.只研朱墨作春山(猜一动物名) —— 谜底: 画眉