
时间:2019-08-07 04:29:23
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元旦节的英语范文 篇一

New Year's Day, also known as the first day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, is a widely celebrated holiday around the world. It is a time for people to reflect on the past year, set goals for the upcoming year, and spend time with loved ones. In this article, we will explore the origins and customs of New Year's Day, as well as how it is celebrated in different countries.

The origins of New Year's Day can be traced back to ancient times. The celebration of the new year dates back at least 4,000 years to ancient Babylon, where it was celebrated as an eleven-day festival on the first day of spring. The Babylonians made promises to their gods to pay their debts and return borrowed items. This practice evolved over time and is similar to the New Year's resolutions that many people make today.

In modern times, New Year's Day is celebrated on January 1st in most countries. It is a public holiday in many places, allowing people to take the day off work or school and spend time with family and friends. The celebrations vary from country to country but often include fireworks, parties, and special meals.

In the United States, New Year's Day is often celebrated with a variety of traditions. Many people attend parties or watch fireworks displays at midnight to welcome the new year. Some people also make resolutions for the upcoming year, such as losing weight or quitting smoking. It is common to make a toast with champagne or sparkling wine at midnight to celebrate the occasion.

In China, New Year's Day is known as the Spring Festival and is the most important traditional holiday. It is celebrated based on the lunar calendar, which usually falls between January 21st and February 20th. The celebrations last for 15 days and include various customs such as the reunion dinner, giving red envelopes with money to children, and setting off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits.

In Japan, New Year's Day is called "Oshogatsu" and is one of the most important holidays of the year. It is a time for people to visit temples or shrines to pray for good fortune in the upcoming year. Many families also gather for a special meal called "osechi," which consists of traditional dishes served in lacquered boxes. Additionally, it is common to send New Year's cards, called "nengajo," to friends and family to wish them a happy new year.

In conclusion, New Year's Day is a special holiday that is celebrated in different ways around the world. Whether it is attending parties and watching fireworks or participating in traditional customs and rituals, the essence of the holiday remains the same - to welcome the new year with hope, joy, and the company of loved ones.

元旦节的英语范文 篇二

New Year's Day is a time of celebration and reflection for people all over the world. It marks the beginning of a new year and provides an opportunity for individuals to set goals, make resolutions, and start afresh. In this article, we will explore the significance of New Year's Day and how it is celebrated in different cultures.

The start of a new year symbolizes a fresh start and a chance for personal growth. It is a time for people to reflect on their achievements and challenges from the past year and set goals for the future. Many individuals make New Year's resolutions, which are promises or commitments to improve themselves or their lives in some way. Common resolutions include exercising more, eating healthier, quitting smoking, or learning a new skill.

New Year's Day is celebrated in various ways around the world. In many Western countries, people gather with family and friends on New Year's Eve to countdown to midnight and welcome the new year with fireworks and celebrations. It is also common to make a toast with champagne or other sparkling beverages. In some cultures, such as Spain and Mexico, it is a tradition to eat 12 grapes at midnight, one for each chime of the clock, to bring good luck for the upcoming year.

In Asian cultures, New Year's Day is celebrated based on the lunar calendar and is often referred to as the Spring Festival. The celebrations usually last for several days and involve various customs and traditions. For example, in China, families come together for a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve and exchange red envelopes containing money as a symbol of good luck. Fireworks and dragon dances are also common during the festivities.

In India, New Year's Day is celebrated as per the Hindu calendar and is known as "Ugadi" in some regions. People clean their homes, wear new clothes, and visit temples to seek blessings for the new year. Special dishes are prepared to mark the occasion, and families come together to enjoy a festive meal.

In conclusion, New Year's Day is a significant holiday that is celebrated in different ways around the world. It is a time for reflection, goal-setting, and celebration with loved ones. Whether it is watching fireworks, making resolutions, or participating in cultural customs, the essence of the holiday remains the same - to welcome the new year with hope, positivity, and a fresh start.

元旦节的英语范文 篇三

This year's New Year's day is really busy! Look! People put on new clothes, each streets there are so many colorful figure shook, flow like water, no head, before after see the tail. Shop just open the door, people like to open the gate of the tide, store up. The square festival of lights shine as bright as day. Every family cleaned the house and yard, affix Spring Festival couplets and New Year pictures, hang lanterns, above and the patterns of the cow, this, of course, is the year of the ox. The door also put the "f" word. The adults carry bags visiting relatives and friends in his hand.

In the evening, the children all came running out to set off fireworks, look! "Small missile" like really missile, rushed to the night sky, a moment later, exploded in the air, many petals fall down slowly. I saw "bee" and drag the red green light in mid-air buzzing fly; "Pearl" in your hands like a magic weapon, lit up the half sky; Kaleidoscope spewing decorated with more than two meters tall; "DeLaoShu sent one hundred" squeak, on the ground. Father lit a firecracker, such as "bursts" bursts rang the core of fast burning out, his hands flung to the ground, "pa" 1, fireworks exploded in the air...

On New Year's day, every inpidual is permeated with cheerful smile on his face.




元旦节的英语范文 篇四

New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the people spend the New YearsDay in 1st is considered as the New Years companies, shops, school, and government offices are closed during that prepare for New Years Dayfrom late , people spend a few days to clean their houses families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in New Years meal is also prepared from the end of the New Years Day, people usually do not cook and relax at home.

On New Years Eve, it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New New Years Day, people fiest greet each other.

Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.

元旦节的英语范文 篇五

In December 30th, the school organized us to attend the new year's Day celebration, each grade are performing the program. Including one called "happy to burn" programs are

attractive, I most like the inside of the "Kung Fu", you see, small the actors wore white Taekwondo uniforms, majestically took the stage. When the show, with the "Kung Fu" China music, a punch, a kick, dashing. Looking at, I also want to stage performances, because they are too COOL!

Then, performing the songs, dances, and other pieces of many programs, called a "hero" sketch, let all the people in the audience laugh...

The new year's day performance is really wonderful, and if I can get on stage, that's good! I really hope that every day is new year's day.

元旦节的英语范文 篇六

New year new day ,new year is coming ,and we all preparing for it.

This year I have learnt many things,and I wish next year I will learn more knowledge!

I wish the world will be peaceful forever,human will stay together with nature forever.

Besides , I wish my parents will be yonger forever, they have done many things for me for many years,they are the best ones in the world.

At last ,happy new to you all!


