
时间:2013-07-03 05:22:43
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英语通知的格式及范文 篇一




Date: [日期]

Dear students,

We are pleased to inform you that our school will be hosting a talent show on [日期]. This event aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their unique talents and creativity. We encourage all students who are interested in participating to sign up at the school office by [报名截止日期].

The talent show will consist of various categories, including singing, dancing, instrumental performances, and other special talents. Each participant will have a maximum of 5 minutes to perform. A panel of judges will evaluate the performances and select the winners for each category. Prizes will be awarded to the top performers.

In order to ensure the success of the talent show, rehearsals will be held on [排练日期] in the school auditorium. All participants are required to attend the rehearsals and practice their performances. Additionally, please submit the song or music for your performance to the school office in advance for technical preparation.

We encourage all students to join this exciting event and showcase their talents. It is a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills and gain recognition. We look forward to your active participation.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact the school office.

Best regards,


英语通知的格式及范文 篇二




Date: [日期]

Dear residents,

We would like to inform you about an upcoming community cleanup event on [日期]. This event aims to promote environmental awareness and encourage community involvement in maintaining a clean and healthy living environment. We invite all residents to participate and contribute to the success of this event.

The community cleanup will take place from [时间] at [地点]. We will provide cleaning tools, such as gloves, trash bags, and brooms. Volunteers will be divided into teams and assigned specific areas to clean. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring your own water bottle.

During the cleanup, we kindly ask all participants to follow safety guidelines and work together to ensure a smooth and efficient operation. Please dispose of the collected trash in the designated areas provided by the organizers. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

We believe that this community cleanup event will not only improve the appearance of our neighborhood but also foster a sense of unity among the residents. Let's come together and make a positive impact on our community.

If you are interested in joining the event or have any questions, please contact our community center or sign up at the reception desk. We look forward to your participation.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Best regards,


英语通知的格式及范文 篇三





  Boys and girls,

  Our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on June 18th. The meeting is about being (keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. Well visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. Please get there on time with your chairs. That s all.

  Thank you.

  The Students Union



  Attention, please. I have an announcement to make. We are going to visit the History Museum this Saturday. We are going to meet at the school gate at eight in the morning. Please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. We will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next Monday. Please come on time. Thats all.





  Our class will go to the Red Star Farm to help the farmers to pick the apples to morrow morning. We ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. We 1! have lunch on the farm. You d better put on your old clothes. Please get to school on time tomorrow morning.

  The Headmasters Office


  这是关于明天去农场劳动的书面通知,所以大部分句子用一般将来时。这份通知从行文上看,通知的三大部分一应俱全。如标题部分是NOTICE;正丈部分中的活动内容是“go to the Red Sta,Farm,help the farmers to pick the apples”;参加的方式和要求是“meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning,go to the farm by bus,have lunch on the farm,put on your old clothes”等;参加这项活动的对象是“our class”,该活动的时间是“March 12th”;发通知的单位名称是“the headmasters office”;通知的时间是“March 11th”。




  通知有多种分类。从形式上可分为书面通知(written notice)和口头通知(an nouncement)。书面通知强调语句简练,用词贴切,用语书面化;而口头通知比较灵活简练,用词表达可随便些,较为口语化。




  1.发出通知的单位和对象在一般情况下用第三人称,如要求同学们按时到会,不说“We must to…”或“You should…”,而应写成:All the students are requested to be there on time.


  在句式上,常以“Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen”等作为称呼语。开头常用句式是“May I have your attention,please?/Attention,please./Ive got some- thing important to say./Im very glad to tell you that.../Please be quiet,everyone! I have something to say./I have some good news for you!/There will be a talk tomor row./The sports meeting will be held.../It has been decided that well pay a visit to…”,在通知结尾处常用句式“Please be there on time”并以“Thats all. Thank you”作为客套结束语。



、对象进行说明,多用被动语态,如“The class meeting will be held…”(班会将举行……)等等;③通知是要求下级成员该做什么或注意什么,多用祈使句;④通知中所告的事情大部分是未进行的,故多用将来时态。






