常见的搞笑中式英语口语 篇一
"Give me some face!"
When it comes to humor, Chinese people have a unique way of expressing themselves in English, often resulting in hilarious and memorable phrases that have become part of everyday conversation. These phrases, known as "Chinglish" or "Chinese English," are a blend of Chinese and English languages and have become a source of amusement for both Chinese and non-Chinese speakers. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and funny Chinglish expressions.
1. "Give me some face!"
This expression is used when someone wants to be shown respect or wants their opinion to be valued. It is often said in a joking or lighthearted manner. For example, if someone compliments your outfit, you can respond with a smile and say, "Oh, thank you! Give me some face!"
2. "No problem, no problem!"
This phrase is used to reassure someone that everything is under control and there is no need to worry. It is often said with a big smile and a friendly tone. For example, if someone accidentally spills their drink at a restaurant, the waiter might say, "No problem, no problem! We clean up for you!"
3. "Aiya!"
This expression is used to express surprise, frustration, or disappointment. It is similar to the English exclamation "Oh no!" or "Oh my!" For example, if someone accidentally drops their phone, they might exclaim, "Aiya! My phone!"
4. "I have no choice!"
This phrase is used when someone feels compelled to do something even though they may not want to. It is often said with a sigh or a shrug. For example, if someone asks you to help them move furniture, you can respond with a playful tone, "I have no choice! I guess I'll have to help you."
5. "You are so good face!"
This expression is used to compliment someone's appearance or style. It is often said with a smile and a nod. For example, if someone is wearing a new outfit, you can say, "Wow, you are so good face today!"
These are just a few examples of the funny and unique expressions that can be heard in Chinese English conversations. Chinglish not only adds an element of humor to daily interactions but also reflects the cultural nuances and creativity of the Chinese language. So, the next time you hear someone using Chinglish, embrace the laughter and enjoy the cultural exchange it brings.
常见的搞笑中式英语口语 篇二
"Long time no see!"
Chinese English, also known as Chinglish, has gained popularity for its humorous and often unintentional mistranslations. These phrases, while sometimes confusing, have become part of everyday conversation and are sure to bring a smile to your face. In this article, we will explore some more examples of funny Chinglish expressions.
1. "Long time no see!"
This phrase is used to greet someone you haven't seen in a while. While the grammar may not be correct, it has become a widely accepted and fun way to say hello. For example, if you bump into an old friend on the street, you can say, "Hey, long time no see!"
2. "I can eat glass, it doesn't hurt me."
This phrase is used to express resilience and the ability to endure pain or hardship. It is often said with a sense of pride or defiance. For example, if someone challenges you to eat something spicy, you can respond with a smirk and say, "I can eat glass, it doesn't hurt me!"
3. "You are handsome like a flower!"
This expression is used to compliment someone's appearance, emphasizing their good looks. It is often said with a playful or exaggerated tone. For example, if someone is dressed up for a special occasion, you can say, "Wow, you are handsome like a flower!"
4. "I have a stomach fire."
This phrase is used to describe the feeling of having indigestion or heartburn. It is often said when someone feels discomfort or irritation in their stomach. For example, if you ate too much spicy food and have a burning sensation, you can say, "I have a stomach fire!"
5. "I will help you to be busy."
This expression is used to offer assistance or support to someone. It is often said with a sincere and caring tone. For example, if someone is overwhelmed with work, you can say, "Don't worry, I will help you to be busy!"
These funny Chinglish expressions not only bring laughter but also reflect the creativity and cultural nuances of the Chinese language. They have become a way for Chinese people to express themselves in English while maintaining their own unique style. So, the next time you come across these funny phrases, embrace the humor and enjoy the linguistic journey it takes you on.
常见的搞笑中式英语口语 篇三
【#英语口语# 导语】或许我们在高考中考的时候书面成绩都可以达到将近满分,但是一张口,却不知道如何说起,甚至连简单的交流都很困难。©给大家整理了“常见的搞笑中式英语口语”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©!
[误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage。
[正] Tastes differ。
注:Tastes differ/vary是句英语谚语,除此以外,原句还可翻译成No dish suits all tastes或You can never make everyone happy等。《新概念英语》第三册第23课的标题是:One man's meat is another man's poison,表达的很生动。 总之,应采取意译。
[误] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished。
[正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished。
注:“扫帚星”是中国人对“慧星”(comet)的俗称,因其后面象拖着的一条像扫帚一样的长尾巴而得名。在中国古代,“扫帚星”被认为是灾难的预兆,并被用来比喻不吉利的人或事;祸根;person or thing that is thought to bring bad luck(to sb/sth);curse。英语的 comet虽然没有这层含义,但却有一个对应的说法,即 jinx。 例:There's a jinx on/Someone's put a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble。“这辆汽车不太吉利,总给我找麻烦”。
[误] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault。
[正] He never says uncle。
注:Say (cry) uncle: to give up or in; to surrender;to admit defeat。Say uncle主要是男孩们打架时的用语,当一方想制服另一方时,就用命令的口气说:“Say uncle!”这时,有的孩子为了表示不服输,就是不说。后来,say uncle就成了“服输”的代名词,而not say uncle就相当于“嘴硬”了。
[误] The teacher likes this sweet-mouthed little girl very much。
[正] The teacher likes this honey-lipped little girl very much。
[误] The student all dislike him because he often pats the teacher's ass。
[正] The students all dislike him because he often licks the teacher's boots。
注:以前在欧洲,臣民见到国王与王后往往要匍匐在地,亲吻他们的靴子。后来,人们将lick the boots引申为“为了某种目的而讨好某人”,它与汉语的“拍马*”含义一样。在美国英语中,“拍马*”还有另一种说法,即polish the apple,典出以前的学生用擦亮的苹果来讨好老师。
[误] Have you ever heard that Mike broke up with his girlfriend。
[正] Have you ever heard that Mike dumped his girlfriend。
注:Break up with sb虽然表示“与某人分手了”,但并没说明是谁先提出来的。而dump的原意指“倾倒垃圾”,用在这里则表示像倒垃圾一样地甩掉。
[误] We will build our motherland into a socialist modern powerful country。
[正] We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country。
[误] I'd like a little bit of white wine。
[正] I'd like a little bit of liquor。
注: 汉语的“酒”可指任何酒,包括白酒、葡萄酒、啤酒,甚至米酒;但英语中则要分别用liquor,
wine, beer及rice wine表示。所以要注意,英语的wine与汉语的“酒”是有区别的,它仅指葡萄酒。而red wine是红葡萄酒,white wine是白葡萄酒。中华人民共和国主席
[误] Chairman of the People's Republic of China
[正] President of the People's Republic of China
注:以前,我们一直将“主席”翻译为 chairman,例如:great leader Chairman Mao(伟大领袖毛主席)。其实“主席”与chairman并不等义,chairman在英语中通常指会议或某一具体组织的负责人,它的权力和重要性不及中文的“主席”。这就是为什么1983年,在我国《宪法》的英译单行本中开始使用President一词,并沿用至今。另外,国内仍有不少词典把“班/级长(学校的)”译为“class monitor”,这是“四人帮”时代的产物,那时的“班长”是专司监管学生的,所以译作“monitor”。而“班长”的正确译文应该是“class president”。
[误] fight south and north
[正] fight north and south
注:在地理方位的表达习惯上,中英文有一定的区别。中国人习惯于先“东西”后“南北”,而且在涉及“南北”时,习惯于先说“南”,再说“北”,如:“南征北战”、“南来北往”等。而英美人与此正好相反,如“江苏在中国的东南部”英文是 Jiangsu is in the south-east of China, 而“新疆在中国的西北部”应译为 Xinjiang is in the north-west of China。