
时间:2015-04-03 04:42:31
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高一英语听力试题及答案 篇一


In this article, we will be discussing a set of high school freshman English listening comprehension questions and their corresponding answers. These questions are designed to test the students' ability to understand spoken English and their comprehension skills. By providing the answers, we aim to help students assess their performance and improve their listening skills.

Listening Comprehension Questions

1. What time does the library close?

2. What is the main topic of the lecture?

3. Where does the speaker plan to go this weekend?

4. Who is the woman talking to?

5. What is the man's problem?


1. The library closes at 8:00 p.m.

2. The main topic of the lecture is climate change.

3. The speaker plans to go to the beach this weekend.

4. The woman is talking to her friend.

5. The man's problem is that he lost his passport.


These listening comprehension questions are a great way for high school freshmen to test their listening skills and improve their understanding of spoken English. By practicing with similar questions and reviewing the answers, students can enhance their ability to comprehend spoken English in various contexts. Regular practice and exposure to different accents and speech patterns will greatly benefit their overall English language development.

高一英语听力试题及答案 篇二


In this article, we will be discussing another set of high school freshman English listening comprehension questions and their corresponding answers. These questions are designed to assess students' listening skills and their ability to understand various types of spoken English. By providing the answers, we aim to assist students in their self-assessment and encourage them to improve their listening abilities.

Listening Comprehension Questions

1. What is the woman's favorite hobby?

2. Where does the conversation most likely take place?

3. What kind of movie does the man prefer?

4. What time does the concert start?

5. Why did the woman miss the bus?


1. The woman's favorite hobby is playing the piano.

2. The conversation most likely takes place at a coffee shop.

3. The man prefers action movies.

4. The concert starts at 7:30 p.m.

5. The woman missed the bus because it arrived early.


These listening comprehension questions provide high school freshmen the opportunity to test their listening skills and improve their understanding of spoken English. By practicing with similar questions and reviewing the answers, students can enhance their ability to comprehend spoken English in various contexts. Regular exposure to different accents and speech patterns, along with consistent practice, will greatly benefit their overall English language development.

高一英语听力试题及答案 篇三

一 words.
regard contact freshman negotiation tennis delicious marvelous arrange stranger bother sore appointment barbecue route rear rainfall breeze predict aisle gym
二、 sentence
1. I couldn’t eat another bite.
2. Nothing interests me more than playing chess.
3. Please book me two economy class on Flight 102.
4.The weather forecast says it will rain cats and dogs this afternoon.
5. Do I have to change at next stop?
6. 从今天早晨开始我就胃疼。
7. 开车只需5分钟
8. 非常感谢你,但是我今晚得到机场送我的朋友。
9. 我想把托尼介绍给您
10. 我是来告辞的。
三. dialogue: (3)
Peter: ________________________ my birthday party ?
Tom: oh , yes .thank you very much. _________________ !
Peter: it’s next Saturday ,the 8th.
Tom: oh, well, one minute, please. Let me look in my diary. I am not sure if I could
_____________________ m

atch on Saturday afternoon. Oh, what a pity!
Peter: ______________________ in the evening?
Tom: oh, yes, _____________________ . I ‘ll be there!
四、 conversations. (1—2)
1. Q: What does the second speaker mean?
A: ______________________________
2. Q: Where does the conversation take place?
A: ______________________________
3. Q: What are the two speakers?
A: ______________________________
4. Q: What does the first speaker want to do next?
A: ______________________________
5. Q: Where has the man been?
A: ______________________________
6. Q: How many languages does Mary speak?
A: ______________________________
7. Q: Who studies the hardest?

