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大学英语四级写作中间段落常用句型 篇一


1. 提出观点:

One common view is that...

Many people believe that...

It is widely accepted that...

There is a growing consensus that...

2. 表示转折:

However, it should be noted that...

Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that...

On the contrary, some argue that...

Despite this, there are still some who believe that...

3. 进一步解释:

In other words, ...

To put it simply, ...

What this means is that...

In this case, ...

4. 给出例子:

For instance, ...

Take...for example.

One such example is...

A good illustration of this is...

5. 引用专家观点:

According to experts...

As Professor X puts it...

In the words of Dr. Y...

Research has shown that...

6. 表示因果关系:

As a result, ...

Consequently, ...

Therefore, ...

This can be attributed to the fact that...

7. 提出解决办法:

One possible solution is...

A practical approach would be to...

To tackle this issue, we could...

It is essential that we take steps to...

8. 总结观点:

In conclusion, ...

To sum up, ...

All in all, ...

In a nutshell, ...


大学英语四级写作中间段落常用句型 篇二


1. 引出观点:

It is generally believed that...

Many people argue that...

There is a common perception that...

Some people hold the view that...

2. 表示转折:

However, it is important to consider that...

Nevertheless, we should not overlook the fact that...

On the other hand, some people believe that...

Contrary to popular belief, some argue that...

3. 进一步解释:

In other words, ...

To clarify, ...

What this means is that...

In this case, ...

4. 提供例子:

For instance, ...

Take...for example.

One such example is...

A good illustration of this is...

5. 引用专家观点:

According to experts...

As Professor X points out...

In the words of Dr. Y...

Research has shown that...

6. 表示因果关系:

As a result, ...

Consequently, ...

Therefore, ...

This can be attributed to the fact that...

7. 提出解决办法:

One possible solution is...

A practical approach would be to...

To address this issue, we could...

It is imperative that we take steps to...

8. 总结观点:

In conclusion, ...

To sum up, ...

All in all, ...

In a nutshell, ...


大学英语四级写作中间段落常用句型 篇三

【#四六级考试# 导语】成功的花儿,其间浸透了奋斗的泪水和汗水。然而,用泪水和汗水就可以实现一切的美好。®整理了“大学英语四级写作中间段落常用句型(5篇)”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®!


  (1) I fully agree with the statement that... because...

  (2) 1 fully agree with the statement that. . . The reasons are chiefly as follows.

  (3) To be frank, I cannot agree with their opinion for the reasons below.

  (4) Although many people believe that... I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis.

  (5) We have been brought up to believe...

  (6) Although the popular belief is... a study indicates...

  (7) It is true.., but one point is being left out of our consideration.

  (8) Some people suggest... But what these people fail to understand is...

  (9) But I could not agree with them in several points.

  (10) From a personal perspective, I also prefer to...

  (11) From all what I have said, I agree to the thought that...

  (12) In order to answer the question of... a person must weigh both sides.

  (13) I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the example of...


  (1) Other people, however, prefer to... They think...

  (2) Other people, however, don’t think so. They argue that...

  (3) However, other people believe.... They point out that...

  (4) Others may have a quite different view.

  (5) On the contrary, there are some people in favor of... They believe...

  (6) But there are still many people who don't agree. They argue that...

  (7) While others think that... is a better choice.

  (8) The other is... People who hold it argue that...

  (9) It is true that... but this is not to say...

  (10) At first thought, it may seem reasonable... but on second thoughts...

  (11) But more often than not, the opposite seems to be the case.

  (12) Different people old different attitudes towards… When faced with it, some can... Others, however...

  (13) Although it is a common belief that... I doubt whether it is based on some sound grounds.


  (1) People have figured out many ways to solve this problem.

  (2) There are many choices for us to attain the purpose. One of the ideal ways of... is that... Another way of... is that...

  (3) There are many ways to...

  (4) People have found many solutions to this problem.

  (5) Confronted with.., we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.

  (6) There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can... Another solution is to. .

  (7) It is high time that something was done about it. For example... In addition... All these measures will certainly...

  phenomenon of. . . which, is obvious /evident in..

  (8) Then how can we manage to overcome all these?

  (9) By... we can not only... but also...

  (10) There are many effective methods to. . For example... At the mean time...


  (1) There are many reasons for...

  (2) The answers to/explanation for this problem involves many factors.

  (3) Why. .. ? For one thing... For another... Perhaps the main reason is...

  (4) It is no easy job to find the reasons for this tendency which involves several complicated factors.

  (5)The causes for...are varied.They include...Perhaps the main cause is

  (6) Some reasons can explain this trend.

  (7) There are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical ones. For one thing... In addition... The main reason is that...

  (8) One of the reasons that is given for... is that...

  (9) A further reason why I advocate an attitude of... is that...

  (10) To make a moral point, I feel that another reason why I prefer... is that...

  (11) There are numerous reasons why... and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones.

  (12) A number of factors could account for...

  (13) The reasons to explain this situation can be listed as follows:

  (14) The factors that contribute to... include...

  (15) The reason for... lies i

n the fact that...

  (16) People hold on to this viewpoint partly because... and partly because...

  (17) A number of factors could account for this.


  (1) There are several advantages...

  (2) ... will bring the society many benefits. For one thing... For another...

  (3) Generally, its advantages can be listed/seen as follows.

  (4) The advantages of... carry more weight than those of...

  (5) The most important advantage of... is...

  (6) There are some good reasons for...

  (7) There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against...

  (8) But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that...

  (9) But things are always unexpected. There are some disadvantages that we have no noticed before.

  (10) On the other hand, ... has its disadvantages. Perhaps the most obvious


  (11) However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides . . . also has its own disadvantages, such as. .. Besides...

  (12) In the meantime, we must realize those disadvantages of...


