看电影学英语 篇一
看电影学英语 篇二
看电影学英语 篇三
Study English by Viewing Original American Films.(一) Words & Phrases from the film POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGESynopsis: Based on actress Carrie Fisher's best-selling autobiographical novel, POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE is a wickedly witty expose of life in the Hollywood fast lane. In a brilliant comic performance, MerylStreep stars as Suzanne Vale, a wisecracking, vulnerable actress determined to jump start her failing career. As her aging movie star mother, Shirley MacLaine offers the definitive portrait of Hollywood's gutsy glamour queens in scenes spiked with razoredged humor and searing honesty. Dennis Quaid, Rob Reiner and an all-star cast offer a bird's-eye view of Hollywood's has-beens and wanna-bes. Funny and uncompromising, POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE dishes the Tinseltown dirt with style and wit, serving up a delicious behind-the-scenes comedy that no film lover can resisit.(from the rear of DVD case)
1. the edge , n by 1980s Perilous territory; a risky situation: Living closer to the edge somehow makes you more than just a pampered Hollywood pretty boy – New York Times危险境地,处于一种危险状态。
2. fast lane (or track), 1960s A pace and quality of life emphasizing quick success against strong competition, along with the trappings of wealth and style: …amazing woman, lives on a fast lane –Village Voice/ Jean Piaget… started academic life on a fast track – Time/ … certainly influenced the 1960s expression “life in the fast lane” – City in Slang一种强调迅速成功而反对激烈竞争的生活节奏和质量。
3. jump-start, v by 1980s To start a car by attaching cables to the battery from a car that runs; start anything that resists going: …they finally jump-start that poor dumb animal/ Mubarak Tries to Jump Start Stalled Mideast Peace Talks/助推起动。
4. Tinseltown, n by 1975 Hollywood; the Los Angeles – Hollywood movie and TV area and culture:… if he couldn't nab a ride to Tinseltown in an hour's time/ It sometimes seems that the whole society has spiritually decamped for Tinseltown好莱坞。
[Words & Phrases]
1. You'd botch that up. botch sth (up), 笨手笨脚地弄坏某事物、把某物修理得很糟2. nasty dream (=nightmare?)
3. It's just a black-out. black-out, 暂时失去知觉,视力或记忆4. Do you always talk in bumper stickers?
bumper stickers, 粘贴在汽车保险杠上的小标语5. It's all the rage in the rehab.(be) all the rage, (colloq) (俗)风靡一时之物,极为流行之物rehab, (sl), Rehabilitation, esp of a drug addict, alcoholic, etc: After a few weeks' rehab they sent him back home. 6. You only want instant gratification. gratification, 满足,报酬7. You're always judging me. judge, 批评,抨击8. rinse sth out of sth, 略微洗某物9. It's so blah in here. blah, (口)冠冕堂皇的废话10.The upshot of the whole thing is that your being in the clinic – made you a high risk to do a movie. the upshot of sth, 最后结果11.Which one am I endearing myself to today? 今天我蒙谁钟爱?
endear sb/oneself to sb. 使某人受人喜爱
12.We came by to say hi and make sure everything's up to snuff?
up to snuff (俗)精明老练的;健康正常的13. We're behind you a hundred percent. It's just a formality. formality 例行公事14. Don't contradict me. contradict反驳15. Don't say that, even in jest, Suzanne. in jest, as a joke, not in earnest, 开玩笑地,不认真地16. you sure do stink pretty. stink ? (mean damned??)
17. We're hitting the road. hit the road, (esp US) hit the trail (口)上路,出发18. She'll rattle off at the mouth all night. rattle away, rattle sth. off, 喋喋不休19. Ornery as a mule, just like Owen. Well, you are bull-headed, honey. mule, 骡子,(比喻,口)顽固的人bull-headed, adj. 又笨又顽固的,又笨又执拗的20. Get off my back, woman! Yap,yap,yap!
get off one's back (口)不再惹恼某人,不再妨碍某人,不再找某人麻烦Yap, (sl)哇啦哇啦地瞎说21. That's all you do, all the livelong day. livelong day/night (口或修辞) 一整天(整夜)
22.I'm going to skedaddle, baby doll. skedaddle, (Brit口) 通常用于祈使句
24. Darn right you are!
25. I've run the gamut, A to Z. run the gamut, 全范围,全部26. Well, Neil, thank you very much for the acting tips and the pep talk……
pep talk, 鼓励的话,激励的话27. It sounds trite, but it's true. trite, (指词语,意见等)陈腐的,老一套的,平淡无奇的28. I thought I was immune to movie stars. immune to sth. 有免疫力的,不受事物影响,不易感受某事物29. You're the realest person I've ever met in the abstract. in the abstract, 抽象地,在理论上30. You sound like a rug salesman. (在Jack甜言蜜语地试图说服女主人公爱上他时,MerylStreep迷迷糊糊说的话。J)
31. Suzanne, how did we become so estranged?
estrange sb from sb (尤用于被动语态),使某人疏远某人,离间32. prostitute卖*者,娼妓,33. I'm in it for the “endolphin” rush. endorphin? (内肽腓,一种药?)
34. Where'd you see her?
On the set. She's in this movie. on the set, 表演戏剧或拍摄电影(片断)的舞台或场地35. MerylStreep与Jack的一场争执,– You have exclusive rights?
—— What about moderation and discretion?
—— As far as discretion goes, what were you and elelyn doing, comparing notes?
—— No, she just told me she fucked you on Saturday.—— She marches up to you and blows her wad? Or did you nose it out of her?
nose sth out (口) 闻出,(比喻)寻找出某事物36.This is a jealous tantrum!
tantrum 脾气发作(尤指儿童)
37. I'm humiliated! How could you fuck us both on the same day?
humiliate 使感到不光彩,羞耻38. You dreamt I lost some weight? Endorsed a line of clothing? 梦见我体重减轻?替衣服做广告?
endorse 在广告上说本人使用并赞许(某产品)
39. Don't be fresh, dear. 不要无礼,亲爱的。
fresh, (作表语,口语) 言行过于卤莽,无礼,放肆40. Thank God I got sober so I can be hyperconscious for these humiliations?
41. Now I just drink like an Irish person. (mean socially??)
42. I did not lift my skirt! IT TWIRLED UP! JJJ 43. Look, I'm afraid we had to book her for driving under the influence. under the influence (of alcohol) (文或谑)酒喝得太多,有点醉44. Your mother's getting patched up. I'll take you to her. patch sth up 修理某物,(尤指)迅速或临时修补(MerylStreep的母亲车祸后,医生说的话,用于对伤者作了包扎处理后。)
45. It's a slight contusion. A superficial wound.(只是受了一点轻伤。)
contusion (医) 挫伤;青肿46. I got a wino daughter and a doped-up granddaughter. wino 酒鬼47. No need to shove. I'm going. shove 用力推You need a good pop on the butt like I used to give your mother!
48. Should I have liposuction?
49. Not bad for an old-timer, huh?
old-timer, 老前辈,老手,老居民,老式的人50. What am I supposed to do, sound like a hick just to make her happy?
hick, (口,贬,esp US) 乡巴佬,土包子51. ——Seems like it takes a crisis to bring us together lately.—— Like war buddies.—— Sid speaks!
52. The man is also a dynamo in bed. dynamo, 发电机,(喻,口)精力充沛的人53. I'm going from sleazy to swell. sleazy (口) (尤指地方)肮脏的,污*的,破烂的swell (US 口)时髦的、漂亮的;极好的;第一流的
[Dialogue] from the “Body Shop Talk” scene. (Not particularly difficult, but contains some new words.)
M: Can't we put her in a girdle? girdle, 束腹紧身衣W: Not with that dress. Maybe control-top pantyhose, but it may not be enough. M: All right, all right. Anything. Just do something. We have to get her into pants, not shorts. The tops of her legs are… very…
W: Bulbous. She has cellulite. bulbous, 球茎状的 cellulite, 脂肪团的M: I wish we could get her to stop eating so much. I guess having up drugs, she has to do something. You think we can get her to start smoking?
W: What are we going to do about the bed scene?
M: Cheat the angle, I presume. He breasts are rather out of shape, arent' they? out of shape, 状况不佳W: If you have her on her back, as the script indicates… her tits will move off into her armpits. armpit, 腋,腋窝M: How very unpleasant. Well, perhaps you should buy a camisole. I had no idea she was so out of shape when I hired her. But we wouldn't have got her if she was in her prime. camisole, 背心式女内衣 prime, 全盛期W: If you'll forgive me, with her reputation she's lucky to have a job. She pretty much destroyed her career. This is a break for her. M: You're right…
[Song]: I'm Checking Out of This Heartbreak Hotel. 1. I'm going from sleazy to swell. sleazy, (口),尤指地方肮脏的,污*的,破烂的swell, (US 口) 时髦的,漂亮的;极好的;第一流的2. bellhop = bellboy =pageboy 侍者,小听差3. bartender = barman 酒吧间侍者