常用托福英语词汇表 篇一
1. Abandon (v.) - to leave behind or give up completely
Example: The town was abandoned after the nuclear disaster.
2. Acquire (v.) - to obtain or get something
Example: The company acquired a new building for its headquarters.
3. Adequate (adj.) - enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
Example: The hotel provided adequate facilities for its guests.
4. Ambitious (adj.) - having a strong desire and determination to succeed
Example: She has always been ambitious and wants to become a successful lawyer.
5. Analyze (v.) - to examine something in detail in order to understand it better
Example: The scientist analyzed the data collected from the experiment.
6. Approach (v.) - to come near or nearer to something or someone
Example: The end of the school year is approaching quickly.
7. Assess (v.) - to evaluate or judge something
Example: The teacher assessed the students' performance through various tests.
8. Assume (v.) - to believe something to be true without having proof
Example: I assumed that she would be at the party, but she didn't show up.
9. Benefit (n.) - an advantage or profit gained from something
Example: The new policy will bring many benefits to the employees.
10. Challenge (n.) - a difficult task or problem that requires effort to overcome
Example: Climbing Mount Everest is a great challenge.
常用托福英语词汇表 篇二
1. Comprehend (v.) - to understand or grasp the meaning of something
Example: It took me a while to comprehend the complex theory.
2. Contribute (v.) - to give or provide something, especially as a part of a larger whole
Example: Everyone in the team contributed to the success of the project.
3. Dedicate (v.) - to give time, effort, or attention to a particular activity or purpose
Example: He dedicated his life to helping the less fortunate.
4. Distinguish (v.) - to recognize or differentiate between things
Example: It is important to distinguish between right and wrong.
5. Enhance (v.) - to improve or increase the quality, value, or attractiveness of something
Example: The new software will enhance the performance of the computer.
6. Evaluate (v.) - to assess or judge the value or worth of something
Example: The teacher evaluated the students' essays and provided feedback.
7. Expand (v.) - to become larger in size or amount
Example: The company plans to expand its operations into new markets.
8. Generate (v.) - to produce or create something
Example: The wind turbines generate electricity.
9. Illustrate (v.) - to provide examples or visual aids to make something clear or easier to understand
Example: The teacher used diagrams to illustrate the concept.
10. Integrate (v.) - to combine or bring together different parts or elements into a whole
Example: The company aims to integrate sustainability into its business practices.
常用托福英语词汇表 篇三
virtually ['və:t∫uəli]ad. 实际上,事实上
mercenary ['mə:sinəri]
a. 惟利是图的,为钱的;n. 雇佣兵
grim [grim]
a. 严酷的;讨厌的;严厉的
plague [pleig]
n. 瘟疫;麻烦,祸患
tighten ['taitn]
vt./vi. (使)变紧,(使)绷紧,扣紧
temptation [temp'tei∫ən]
n. 引诱,诱惑
gasp [ga:sp]
n./v. 喘气,气喘吁吁地说
merge [mə:dʒ]
vt./vi. (企业)兼并,合并
impair [im'peə]
vt. 损害;削弱
infect [in'fekt]
vt. 传染;受影响
bend [bend]
n./v. 弯,弯腰
elevate ['eliveit]
vt. 提升…的职位;提高,改善;使情绪高昂,使兴高采烈;举起,使上升
neurotic [nju'rэtik]
a. 神经病的,神经过敏的 n. 神经过敏者,神经病患者
detain [di'tein]
vt. 耽搁,延迟;拘留,扣押
boycott ['bэikэt]
vt./n. 联合抵制
disturb [dis'tə:b]
vt. 打扰,扰乱
token ['təukən]
n. 代价券,礼券;(用作某种特殊用途的替代货币的)筹码;信物,标志,纪念品;象征性的
airing ['eəriη]
n. 通风;讨论
manufacture [`mænju'fækt∫ə]
vt. 大量制造加工; n. (大量)制造;产品
pungent ['pΛndʒənt]
a. 刺鼻的,刺激性的
strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]
a. 战略的,战略方针的
flux [flΛks]
n. 流,流动;不断的变化
vicious ['vi∫əs]
a. 恶意的,恶毒的;危险的,会造成伤害的
vivid ['vivid]
a. 鲜艳的;活泼的,有生气的;清晰的
notary ['nəutəri]
n. 公证人,公证员
tap [tæp]
n. 龙头;轻拍,轻敲;v. 轻拍,轻敲
gross [grəus]
a. 粗俗的;显著的;(草木)茂密的;(人)过胖的; 总的;毛的;vt. 计得(毛收入)
undo [Λn'du:]
vt. 解开,拨开;败坏(名声,成果)
universal [`ju:ni'və:səl]
a. 普遍的,全体的,全球的
crouch [kraut∫]
vi./n. 蹲伏
spare [speə]
a. 空闲的;剩余的;n. 备用件
spin [spin]
vt./vi. 纺纱,编结;编造故事; n./vi. 眩晕
applaud [ə'plэ:d]
v. 鼓掌欢迎;赞成
blot [blэt]
n. 墨水渍;污点;缺点;vi. 涂污;(用吸水纸)吸干墨水;遮暗
infest [in'fest]
vt. 大批出动,成群出现(鼠类及害虫)
obstinate ['эbstinit]
a. 顽固的,倔强的,不易屈服的,较难治愈的
moderate ['mэdərit]
a. 适度的,适中的;n. 稳健的人,政治上温 和派;vt./vi. 缓和,节制;减轻
academic [`ækə'demik]
a. 学术的;学校的
flap [flæp]
n./v. 拍打,挥动;垂下物;袋盖;慌乱
mount [maunt]
vt. 登上;发起,组织;安放,安装;vi. 增长,加剧; n. [M-](用于山名前) 山,峰
molest [mə'lest]
vt. 骚扰;干扰
venerate ['venəreit]
vt. 崇敬,崇拜
acquaint [ə'kweint]
vt. 使熟悉;使认识,介绍
embed [im'bed]
vt. 把…嵌入;使扎根于
ominous ['эminəs]
a. 不祥的,不吉利的
gaudy ['gэ:di]
a. 绚丽的,品味低而炫耀的
massive ['mæsiv]
a. 大而重的;大量的,大规模的
certify ['sə:tifai]
v. (发给证书)证明;证实
pervade [pə'veid]
perturb [pə'tə:b]
vt. 使不安,烦扰
dilemma [di'lemə]
n. 进退两难的境地,困境
considerable [kən'sidərəbl]
a. 相当大的;重要的
hike [haik]
v./n. 徒步旅行;增加;抬起
perverse [pə'və:s]
a. 刚愎的,坚持错误的,行为反常的
admission [əd'mi∫ən]
n. 准许进(加)入;入场费,入场券;承认,供认
infringe [in'frindʒ]
v. 违反,触犯,侵害
attendant [ə'tendənt]
n. 服务员;仆人
nullify ['nΛlifai]
vt. 使无效,废弃,取消
purity ['pjuəriti]
n. 纯净,纯洁
deft [deft]
a. 灵巧的,熟练的
motto ['mэtəu]
n. 座右铭,箴言
liable ['laiəbəl]
a. 有…倾向的;可能遭受…的;有责任的,有义务的
sightseeing ['saitsi:iη]
n. 观光;游览
mackintosh ['mækəntэ∫]
n. (英国英语)雨衣;苹果计算机的 一种型号
denounce [di'nauns]
vt. 谴责,斥责
edition [i'di∫ən]
n. 版本,版次
kindle ['kindl]
v. 点燃,引起,激发
redundant [ri'dΛndənt]
a. 多余的,过剩的
propose [prə'pəuz]
v. 提议;求婚
motif [məu'ti:f]
n. 主题,基本花纹
gang [gæη]
n. 一组,一队,(罪犯等)一帮,一群
thrill [θril]
n./v. 激动;震颤
stern [stə:n]
a. 严厉的,严格的;n. 船尾
grease [gri:s]
n. 动物脂肪,油脂状物;vt. 涂油脂于
puzzle ['pΛzl]
n. 难题;谜;v. 迷惑
anticipation [`æntisi'pei∫ən]
n. 预期,预料
guarantee [`gærən'ti:]
n./vt. 保证,担保,保证人,担保物
qualification [`kwэlifi'kei∫ən]
n. 资格;条件;限制
quarry ['kwэri]
n. 猎物;采石场
queer [kwiə]
a. 奇怪的,不平常的;可疑的;眩晕的,不舒服的
invoice ['invэis]
vt. 开发票;n. 发票,装货清单
scroll [skrəul]
n. 卷轴,纸卷;(石刻上的)漩涡
cordial ['kэ:diəl]
a. 热诚的,衷心的
alternate [э:l'tə:nit, э:ltə:neit]
a. 交替的,轮流的;v. 轮流交替,交替
illusion [i'lu:ʒən]
n. 幻象,错觉
auction ['э:k∫ən]
n./vt. 拍卖
slate [sleit]
n. 板岩,石板
meticulous [mə'tikjuləs]
a. 谨小慎微的;过细的
empirical [im'pirikəl]
a. 经验主义的
assess [ə'ses]
vt. 评价;估值
presumably [pri'zju:məbli]
ad. 假定地;也许
pine [di'vain]
a. 神的;极好的;v. 占卜
indicative [in'dikətiv]
a. 指示的,表示的
moist [mэist]
a. (表面)潮湿的,湿润的
finite ['fainait]
a. 有限的,限定的
tournament ['tə:nəmənt, 'tuənəmənt]
n. 比赛,联赛
impose [im'pəuz]
v. 征(税);把…强加于;利用
pant [pænt]
vt./vi. 气喘,喘息;气喘吁吁地说
distribute [dis'tribju:t]
vt. 分发,分配,散布
pace [peis]
n. (一)步;步速,速度,节奏 vi. 踱步
flabby ['flæbi]
a. (肌肉)不结实的;软弱的
dock [dэk]
n. 船坞,码头;刑事被告席;v. 引入船坞,削减薪金、供应等
trickle ['trikəl]
v./n. (使)滴流,(使)细流
proceed [prə'si:d]
vi. 进行;着手
dramatic [drə'mætik]
vigorous ['vigərəs]
a. 强有力的,精力充沛的
impact ['impækt]
n. 影响;冲击,碰撞
quit [kwit]
vt. 离开;辞职
violate ['vaiəleit]
eligible ['elidʒəbəl]
a. 有资格的;合意的
quiver ['kwivə]
vt./vi. 颤动,抖动
refusal [ri'fju:zəl]
n. 拒绝
improvise ['imprəvaiz]
vt. 即席创作,临时凑成
wield [wi:ld]
vt. 使用,行使
setting ['setiη]
n. 镶嵌;环境,背景;(日月)沉落
framework ['freimwə:k]
n. 构架,框架
heighten ['haitn]
v. 加高,提高,增大
cater ['keitə]
vi. 供应伙食;为…提供服务,满足…的要求
impromptu [im'prэmptju:]
a./ad. 无准备的(地),即兴的(地)
sparse [spa:s]
a. 稀少的;稀疏的
deficiency [di'fi∫ənsi]
n. 缺乏,不足;缺陷
accomplish [ə'kΛmpli∫]
vt. 完成,实现
pamper ['pæmpə]
project [prə'dʒekt, 'prэdʒekt]
n. 方案;计划;v. 设计;投影;抛
degrade [di'greid]
vt. 贬低;恶化;分解,降解
lament [lə'ment]
v. 悲痛,哀悼;n. 挽歌,挽诗
panic ['pænik]
n. 惊慌,恐慌;vi. 受惊,惊慌
mission ['mi∫ən]
n. 代表团;使命
quota ['kwəutə]
n. 配额,限额(进口及移民人数)
minority [mai'nэriti]
n. 少数;少数民族;未成年
raid [reid]
n./vt. (突然)袭击;(警察等)突入查抄,突入搜捕;劫掠,劫夺
glue [glu:]
n. 胶,胶水;vt. 粘贴,紧贴
charter ['
n./v. 宪章;特许状;租赁;vt. 特许,发执