
时间:2012-04-08 05:43:20
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英语口语情景对话练习 篇一


Title: Ordering Food at a Restaurant

Dialogue 1:

Customer: Good evening! Can we have a table for two, please?

Waiter: Of course! Right this way, please. Here is your table.

Customer: Thank you.

Waiter: Here are the menus. Can I get you something to drink?

Customer: Yes, I'd like a glass of red wine, please.

Waiter: Certainly. And for you, sir?

Customer's Partner: I'll have a bottle of mineral water, please.

Waiter: Very well. I'll be back with your drinks shortly.

(Customer and customer's partner browse the menu)

Customer: I think I'll have the spaghetti carbonara for my main course.

Customer's Partner: That sounds delicious. I'll go for the grilled salmon.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Customer: Yes, I'll have the spaghetti carbonara, please.

Waiter: And for you, sir?

Customer's Partner: I'll have the grilled salmon.

Waiter: Excellent choices. Your food will be ready shortly.

Dialogue 2:

Waiter: Here are your drinks. Enjoy!

(Customer and customer's partner take a sip of their drinks)

Customer: Excuse me, can we also get some garlic bread as an appetizer, please?

Waiter: Certainly. I'll bring that to you right away.

(Customer and customer's partner continue sipping their drinks and chatting)

Waiter: Here's your garlic bread. Enjoy!

(Customer and customer's partner start eating the garlic bread)

Waiter: Your main courses will be ready in a few minutes.

(Customer and customer's partner finish their appetizer)

Waiter: Here are your main courses. Enjoy your meal!

Customer: Thank you!

(Customer and customer's partner start eating their main courses)

Waiter: Is everything to your liking?

Customer: Yes, everything is delicious. Thank you!

Waiter: You're welcome. Enjoy your meal!

(Customer and customer's partner continue eating and enjoying their meal)

(Customer signals the waiter for the bill)

Waiter: Here's your bill. Please take your time.

(Customer and customer's partner finish their meal and pay the bill)

Customer: Thank you for the excellent service!

Waiter: You're welcome. Have a great evening!

英语口语情景对话练习 篇二


Title: Shopping for Clothes

Dialogue 1:

Customer: Excuse me, where can I find the women's clothing section?

Sales Assistant: It's on the second floor, next to the shoe department.

Customer: Thank you.

(Customer goes up to the second floor and finds the women's clothing section)

Customer: Wow, there are so many options! I don't know where to start.

(Customer starts browsing through the racks of clothes)

Sales Assistant: Can I help you find anything?

Customer: Yes, I'm looking for a dress for a special occasion.

Sales Assistant: What color and style are you looking for?

Customer: I would like a black dress that is elegant but not too formal.

Sales Assistant: I have a few options that might suit your needs. Let me show you.

(Customer and sales assistant go through the dresses and find a suitable one)

Customer: This dress looks perfect. Can I try it on?

Sales Assistant: Of course. The fitting rooms are right over there.

(Customer tries on the dress and comes out)

Customer: I love it! I'll take it.

Sales Assistant: Great choice! Let me ring you up at the counter.

Dialogue 2:

Sales Assistant: That will be $80. Will you be paying with cash or card?

Customer: I'll pay with my card, please.

Sales Assistant: Alright. Please insert your card into the card reader and enter your PIN.

(Customer pays for the dress)

Sales Assistant: Here's your receipt. Thank you for shopping with us!

Customer: Thank you for your help. Have a nice day!

Sales Assistant: You too!

(Customer leaves the store with the new dress)

Note: In both dialogues, it is important to use polite language and proper manners while interacting with others.

英语口语情景对话练习 篇三

Traffic jam

Maria: Sorry I'm late. Horrible traffic.

Jack: Rush hour in New York separates the men from the boys. For me, Manhattan's the easy part. I always walk from Grand Central.

杰 克:纽约的交通颠峰时间就可以考验一个人的的耐力和体力如何。对我而言,曼哈顿还算好。我都是从中央车站走路过来。
Maria: Oh, where do you live?

Jack: Greenwich, Connecticut.

杰 克:格林威治,在康乃迪克州。
Maria: How far is that?

Jack: Oh, about thirty-five miles, door-to-door.

杰 克:哦,从出发到抵达大约三十五英里。
Maria: How do you get there?

Jack: I take the seven-fifty train.

杰 克:我搭七点五十的火车。
Maria: How long does the train take?

Jack: It usually takes thirty minutes and then it's a thirteen-minute walk here.

杰 克:通常要三十分钟,然后走十三分钟到这里。
Maria: Then why did it take me fifty minutes by cab from my hotel on the West Side?


1. rush hour 是口语的说法,指都市早上及傍晚上下班的交通繁忙时段。
2. separates the men from the boys 是一句俚语,用来指明“困难的情况能够立刻区别出人们的能力”。
3. door-to-door 是口语的说法,指整个旅行的时间

Cultural Background:


Similar Expressions:

1. 抱歉,我来迟了。
Sorry I'm late.
I'm so sorry to be late.
Sorry I couldn't be here on time.
Forgive me for arriving late.

2. 曼哈顿还算好。
Manhattan's the easy part.
Manhattan is not the problem.
The difficulty is not Manhattan

It's easy to get through Manhattan.

3. 你住哪里?
Where do you live?
Where is your home?
Where do you reside?
Where is your residence?


