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初一英语听力材料及答案 篇一


Introduction to English Listening Material for Grade One

In grade one, students are introduced to basic English listening exercises to help develop their listening skills. These exercises are designed to improve their ability to understand spoken English and to comprehend information accurately. Here is an overview of the listening materials and the answers to the accompanying questions.

Listening Exercise 1: Short Conversations

Listen to the following short conversations and choose the correct answer.

1. A: What time is the party?

B: It starts at 7:00 p.m.

Answer: 7:00 p.m.

2. A: How do you go to school every day?

B: I usually take the bus.

Answer: Bus

3. A: What's your favorite color?

B: I like blue the most.

Answer: Blue

Listening Exercise 2: Descriptions

Listen to the descriptions and match them with the correct pictures.

1. Description: This animal has a long trunk and big ears.

Picture: Elephant

2. Description: This fruit is yellow and has a curved shape.

Picture: Banana

3. Description: This vehicle has two wheels and pedals.

Picture: Bicycle

Listening Exercise 3: Short Stories

Listen to the short stories and answer the questions.

1. Story: Tom went to the park to play basketball. Who did he play with?

Answer: His friends

2. Story: Emily and her family went on a vacation to the beach. What did they do there?

Answer: They swam and built sandcastles.

3. Story: Jack lost his backpack on the way to school. Where did he find it?

Answer: In the classroom

These listening exercises help students become familiar with different types of English conversations, descriptions, and stories. By practicing and answering the questions, students can enhance their listening skills and improve their overall English comprehension.

初一英语听力材料及答案 篇二


Tips for Improving English Listening Skills in Grade One

As students enter grade one, it is essential to start developing their English listening skills. Here are some tips to enhance their listening abilities and make the most out of the listening materials and exercises provided.

1. Active Listening: Encourage students to actively listen by focusing on the speaker and paying attention to the context. Remind them to avoid distractions and to engage with the material actively.

2. Vocabulary Building: Expand students' vocabulary by regularly introducing new words and phrases. This helps them understand the listening materials better and improves their overall comprehension.

3. Repeat and Recap: After listening to a conversation or story, have students repeat key phrases or summarize the main points. This reinforces their understanding and helps them retain the information.

4. Variety of Listening Materials: Expose students to different types of listening materials, such as conversations, descriptions, and stories. This helps them become familiar with various English contexts and accents.

5. Practice with Native Speakers: Whenever possible, provide opportunities for students to interact with native English speakers. This can be through guest speakers, language exchange programs, or online platforms. Listening to different accents and conversing with native speakers will greatly enhance their listening abilities.

6. Use Visual Aids: Utilize visual aids, such as pictures or videos, to support the listening exercises. This helps students connect the spoken words with visual representations, making it easier for them to understand and remember the information.

7. Real-Life Listening: Encourage students to practice listening skills outside the classroom. This can be done through watching English movies, listening to English songs, or engaging in English conversations with friends or family members.

By following these tips, grade one students can improve their English listening skills and become more confident in understanding spoken English. Regular practice and exposure to various listening materials will help them develop a strong foundation for further language learning.

初一英语听力材料及答案 篇三




  1.when did the alarm(闹钟)ring?

  a.at 5 o’clock.b.at 7 o’clock.c.at 8 o’clock.

  2. what do we lean from the conversation?

  a.henry doesn’t like the color.

  b. someone else painted the house.

  c.henry painted the house himself.

  3.where is the man working?

  a.in a beer shop.b. in a bus station. c. in a restaurant.

  4.what does the woman mean?

  a.they don’t have many tickets.

  b.it is bard for them to get any tickets.

  c.all the tickets are sold out.

  5.how will the couple get home?

  a.they will walk home.

  b.they will take a taxi.

  c.they will take the subway(地铁).




  6.who is mr. jones going to meet?

  a.the manager of the clothing factory.

  b. the m

anaging director(常务董事).

  c.the secretary.

  7.where is the office mr.jones would like to get to?

  a.the second door on the right.

  b.the first door on the left.

  c.the second door on the left.


  8. what will the three-week special include?

  a.hotel,food and travel in japan.

  b.a free round trip flight ticket.

  c.flight,hotel,and two meals a day.

  9,which one do you think the man choose at last?

  a.the one which is$1,215.

  b.the one which is$1,400.

  c. not mentioned.


  10.what is the woman’s favourite hobby?

  a. bowling(保龄球).b. collecting coins. c. boating.

  11.what countries has the woman been to?

  a. canada and china.. b.mexico and america. c.japan and canada.

  12,why down’t the man have a hobby?

  a.because he is too lazy.

  b. because he has to work outside in the garden.

  c.because his work takes up too much of his spare time.


  13.what are the two speakers talking about?

  a.indoor games. b.outdoor games. c. sports and games.

  14.what kind of outdoor game does the man both like watching and playing?

  a.tennis.b.baseball. c.basketball.

  15.why does the woman prefer the outdoor games?

  a.because they are exciting.

  b.because they are not team games.

  c.because she likes to be out in the open air.

  16.what indoor game does the man never play?

  a. badminton. b. ping-pong. c. cards.


  17.how do nancy and harry feel without their children?

  a.frightened. b. nice. c. worried.

  18.what do nancy and harry do after they do the dishes?

  a. watch tv. b. play cards. c. either a or b.

  19. why do they drive to town sometimes?

  a.to see a film. b.to take a walk. c.to visit friends.

  20.how far is the state park from their house?

  a.one mile.b.half a mile. c.a few miles.


  how do nancy and harry feel without their children?

  they feel little 17 ,but it’s 18 .

  why do they drive to town sometimes?

  to 19 .

  how far is the state park from their house?

  20 .答案(七)1一5 cbccb 6一10 bcccb 11一15 cccbc 16一20 cbcac

  选做题答案:17.lonely 18. nice 19. see a movie 20. a few miles


