
时间:2011-03-01 05:12:32
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万圣节英语单词 篇一

Halloween Vocabulary: A Spooky Celebration

Halloween is a widely celebrated holiday that originated from ancient Celtic traditions. It is observed on the night of October 31st and is associated with various activities such as trick-or-treating, costume parties, and carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns. To fully immerse yourself in the spirit of Halloween, it is important to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary associated with this spooky celebration. Here are some Halloween-themed English words that you should know:

1. Costume: A disguise or outfit worn to resemble a particular character or creature. People of all ages enjoy dressing up in creative costumes during Halloween.

2. Pumpkin: A large orange fruit that is often carved into a jack-o'-lantern. Pumpkins are also used to make delicious pies and desserts during this time of the year.

3. Trick-or-treat: A popular Halloween activity where children go from house to house, dressed in costumes, and ask for candy by saying the phrase "trick or treat!"

4. Haunted house: A house or building that is believed to be inhabited by ghosts or spirits. During Halloween, many haunted houses are created for people to visit and experience spooky thrills.

5. Ghost: The spirit of a dead person that is believed to appear to the living. Ghosts are often depicted as transparent figures with a white sheet draped over them.

6. Witch: A woman who is believed to have magical powers and practices sorcery. Witches are commonly associated with Halloween and are often portrayed wearing black hats and riding broomsticks.

7. Vampire: A mythical creature that is said to survive by feeding on the blood of the living. Vampires are often depicted as pale individuals with fangs and the ability to transform into bats.

8. Skeleton: The framework of bones that supports the body of a person or animal. Skeletons are commonly associated with Halloween decorations and costumes.

9. Candy: Sweet treats that are often given out during Halloween. Popular candies include chocolate bars, lollipops, and gummy worms.

10. Spooky: A word used to describe something that is eerie, frightening, or unsettling. Halloween is known for its spooky atmosphere and decorations.

By familiarizing yourself with these Halloween-related English words, you will be able to fully participate in the festivities and conversations surrounding this spooky holiday. Whether it's discussing costume ideas, carving pumpkins, or sharing ghost stories, you will be able to express yourself fluently in English during Halloween celebrations. So, embrace the spirit of Halloween and have a spooktacular time!

万圣节英语单词 篇二

Halloween Vocabulary: A Cultural Celebration

Halloween, also known as All Hallows' Eve, is a cultural celebration that has transcended borders and become popular worldwide. This holiday has its roots in ancient Celtic traditions and has evolved over time. In order to fully understand and appreciate the essence of Halloween, it is important to familiarize ourselves with the English vocabulary associated with this festive occasion. Here are ten Halloween-themed words that you should know:

1. Jack-o'-lantern: A carved pumpkin with a light inside, often used as a decoration during Halloween. The tradition of carving pumpkins originated from the Celtic festival of Samhain.

2. Trick-or-treat: A customary Halloween activity where children dress up in costumes and go from door to door, asking for candy by saying the phrase "trick or treat!"

3. Costume: An outfit or disguise worn during Halloween to resemble a particular character or creature. People of all ages enjoy dressing up in creative costumes during this holiday.

4. Candy: Sweet treats that are often given out during Halloween. Popular candies include chocolate bars, lollipops, and candy corn.

5. Haunted house: A house or building that is believed to be inhabited by ghosts or spirits. During Halloween, many haunted houses are created for people to visit and experience spooky thrills.

6. Ghost: The spirit of a dead person that is believed to appear to the living. Ghosts are often depicted as transparent figures with a white sheet draped over them.

7. Witch: A woman who is believed to have magical powers and practices sorcery. Witches are commonly associated with Halloween and are often portrayed wearing black hats and riding broomsticks.

8. Vampire: A mythical creature that is said to survive by feeding on the blood of the living. Vampires are often depicted as pale individuals with fangs and the ability to transform into bats.

9. Skeleton: The framework of bones that supports the body of a person or animal. Skeletons are commonly associated with Halloween decorations and costumes.

10. Spooky: A word used to describe something that is eerie, frightening, or unsettling. Halloween is known for its spooky atmosphere and decorations.

These Halloween-related English words not only enhance our understanding of the holiday but also provide us with the vocabulary necessary to participate in conversations and activities surrounding Halloween. Whether it's discussing costume ideas, carving pumpkins, or sharing ghost stories, you will be able to express yourself fluently in English during Halloween celebrations. So, embrace the spirit of Halloween and enjoy this cultural celebration to the fullest!

万圣节英语单词 篇三

Halloween 万圣节

  pumpkin patch 南瓜园
  carve 刻
  carve the pumpkin雕刻南瓜
  Jack-o'-lantern 南瓜灯
  costume 戏服
  costume party 化妆舞会
  ghost 鬼
  vampire 吸血鬼
  witch 巫婆
  broom 扫把
  bat 蝙蝠
  black cat 黑猫
  spider 蜘蛛
  candy 糖果
  scare 惊吓
  frighten 惊恐、害怕
  spooky 幽灵般的,令人毛骨悚然的
  skull 骷髅头
  skeleton 骷髅人
  haunted house 鬼屋
  Trick-or-Treat 不给糖,就捣蛋
  Happy Halloween. 万圣节快乐
  Have a great Halloween. 愿你有个很棒的万圣节

