
时间:2011-09-08 09:48:46
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Dear [Name],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. I wanted to take a moment to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your new job! This is truly a remarkable achievement and you should be extremely proud of yourself.

I have had the pleasure of witnessing your dedication and hard work firsthand, and it comes as no surprise to me that you have been offered such a fantastic opportunity. Your commitment to excellence and your ability to consistently deliver outstanding results have set you apart from the rest. I am confident that you will excel in your new role and make significant contributions to the company.

I remember when we first met, and I could immediately sense your passion and enthusiasm for your field. Your unwavering determination to succeed has been an inspiration to me and everyone around you. Your new job is a testament to your skills, knowledge, and expertise, and I have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great success.

As you embark on this new chapter in your career, I want you to know that I am here to support you every step of the way. If there is anything I can do to assist you or if you need any advice or guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out. I believe in your abilities and have no doubt that you will thrive in your new role.

Once again, congratulations on this incredible achievement. Your hard work and determination have paid off, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. May this new job bring you fulfillment, happiness, and endless opportunities.

Wishing you continued success and sending my warmest congratulations.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Dear [Name],

I hope this letter finds you and your partner basking in the joy and happiness of your recent marriage. I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest congratulations to both of you on this momentous occasion.

Marriage is a beautiful journey filled with love, understanding, and companionship. It is a commitment to stand by each other through thick and thin, and I have no doubt that the two of you will navigate this journey with grace and love.

I have had the privilege of witnessing your relationship blossom and grow over the years, and it has been truly inspiring to see the love and respect you have for one another. Your unwavering support and care for each other are evident in everything you do, and it is a testament to the strong foundation you have built together.

As you embark on this new chapter of your lives, I want you to know that I am here to support you both in any way I can. Marriage is a beautiful and sometimes challenging journey, but with love, patience, and understanding, I am confident that the two of you will overcome any obstacles that come your way.

May your marriage be filled with endless moments of joy, laughter, and love. May you continue to grow and learn together, and may your bond only strengthen with each passing day. Cherish every moment, and never forget the love that brought you together.

Once again, congratulations on your marriage. May your union be blessed with everlasting love and happiness.

With warmest regards,

[Your Name]

英文祝贺信的 篇三

Dear Mr. Barton:

  As the New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for 20xx.

  I hope that the coming year will bring a further increase in exchange of culture between our two countries and we look forward to

continued friendly relations with you.

  Yours faithfully,

英文祝贺信的 篇四

Dear Mr. Li:

  I learned from Wang Ying that you were graduated with high honors from Huabei University yesterday.

  I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are now, who have been anxiously hoping to witness your brilliant success.

  As I understand, you will continue studies in the United States soon. I wish you greater success in your studies and research work.

  With best wishes.

  Yours sincerely,

英文祝贺信的 篇五

Dear Jerry:

  Mother sent me the clippings about your success at the swimming meet.

  Naturally, I am not surprised at all, but I thought I'd just say “Congratulations” where are going to find room for another silver cup? Some of our girls may be going up to the Tri-State meet.

  If the tape unrolls straight, and there I shall expect to see you win again.

  When we're all home for Thanksgiving vacation, we'll have to hold a real celebration.

  Your one-time swimming rival.


