
时间:2018-09-02 09:34:40
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英语高分范文 篇一

The Importance of Learning English

English has become a global language that is widely used for communication, business, and academic purposes. As a result, learning English has become increasingly important for individuals who want to succeed in today's interconnected world. This essay will discuss the reasons why learning English is important and the benefits it brings.

Firstly, English is the language of business. In the global marketplace, English is the dominant language used for international trade and commerce. Many multinational companies require their employees to be proficient in English in order to communicate with clients, partners, and colleagues from different countries. By learning English, individuals can enhance their career prospects and open up opportunities for job advancement and higher salaries.

Secondly, English is the language of education. Many prestigious universities around the world teach their courses in English, and students who wish to study abroad need to have a good command of the language. Moreover, English is the language of scientific research and publication. By being able to read and understand English academic articles and papers, individuals can stay updated with the latest developments in their field and contribute to global knowledge.

Furthermore, English is the language of travel. When people travel to foreign countries for leisure or work, English is often the common language that is used for communication. By learning English, individuals can navigate different cultures and connect with people from different backgrounds, making their travel experiences more enjoyable and meaningful.

In addition, learning English opens up a world of entertainment. English literature, movies, TV shows, and music are widely consumed and enjoyed around the world. By understanding English, individuals can fully appreciate the richness of these cultural products and engage in discussions and analysis about them.

To conclude, learning English is of great importance in today's globalized world. It enhances career prospects, facilitates education and research, enables smooth communication during travel, and provides access to a wide range of entertainment. Therefore, individuals should prioritize learning English in order to thrive in today's interconnected society.

英语高分范文 篇二

The Benefits of Reading in English

Reading is an essential skill that enables individuals to learn, acquire knowledge, and expand their horizons. When it comes to learning English, reading plays a crucial role in improving language proficiency and enriching vocabulary. This essay will discuss the benefits of reading in English and provide some suggestions on how to make the most out of reading materials.

Firstly, reading in English helps improve language skills. By reading books, articles, and other written materials in English, individuals can enhance their reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. Exposure to different sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and word usage helps learners become familiar with the language and develop a more natural and fluent speaking and writing style.

Secondly, reading in English expands knowledge and understanding. English literature, history, science, and various other subjects are widely covered in books and articles. By reading in English, individuals can gain insights into different cultures, societies, and academic disciplines. This broadens their understanding of the world and enables them to participate in intellectual discussions and debates.

Furthermore, reading in English stimulates critical thinking and analytical skills. When individuals engage with written materials, they are exposed to different perspectives, ideas, and arguments. This encourages them to think critically, evaluate evidence, and form their own opinions. These critical thinking skills are transferable and can be applied to various aspects of life, including problem-solving and decision-making.

To make the most out of reading materials in English, learners can follow a few suggestions. Firstly, it is important to choose reading materials that match one's level of proficiency. Starting with simplified texts and gradually progressing to more complex materials ensures a gradual improvement in reading skills. Secondly, learners can actively engage with the text by highlighting unfamiliar words, taking notes, and asking questions. This promotes active learning and enhances comprehension. Lastly, learners should make reading a regular habit by setting aside dedicated time for reading and incorporating it into their daily routine.

In conclusion, reading in English offers numerous benefits, including improved language skills, expanded knowledge, and enhanced critical thinking abilities. By choosing appropriate reading materials and actively engaging with them, individuals can maximize the benefits of reading in English and accelerate their language learning journey.

英语高分范文 篇三







英语高分范文 篇四

It's bad luck to have nightmares. When I grow up, I must invent a medicine. When people eat it, they won't have nightmares any more.

In the evening, I lay on the balcony to watch the night scene, the small stars are winking at me. At this time, I remembered a sentence from my neighbor Grandma Wang: "How many people are on the ground, how many stars are in the sky. If a person on the ground dies, a star in the sky will fall from the sky and become a stone. I think Grandma Wang didn't mean the same thing as Andersen's fairy tale "Little Match Girl"?

Whether Grandma Wang said it or not, when I grew up, I would like to be an astronaut, flying to the space in a spaceship, exploring the mysteries, which is also a love for the aviation industry. I look forward to growing up soon!

英语高分范文 篇五











如果不确定自己整理出来的模板是否准确,可以找擅长英语的老师或者小伙伴帮你把关一下呢~ 千万不要把江涛大佬的原封不动的照搬过来,你不疲劳,阅卷老师也会疲劳的。






写作小白,不知道作文每段应该写什么,可以买来看一看,学习一下这种 “九宫格”的写作框架,明确自己的写作思路。语料库不如《考研英语高分写作》丰富,可以两本书结合着来看。















英语高分范文 篇六

Section Ⅲ Writing

Part A


Suppose you are planning a campus food festival. Write an email to the international students in your university

) introduce the food festival;

2) invite them to participate.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the "Zhang Wei"instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)


Dear Friends,

I am so happy that we, the Students'Union, are planning to hold a campus food festival on December 31,202l and we hereby extend to you our sincere invitation to take part in it.

Here are some details about it. First of all, you can enjoy various food from different countries,such as sushi, kimch1,pudding,p1zza and so on. Secondly, some interesting games to win prizes are waiting for you and you will also appreciate several wonderful dancing shows while tasting delicious food.

We hope that you would accept the invitation. In case of any problems, please feel free to contact with us.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei


