
时间:2018-05-05 02:28:34
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九年级英语上单选100免费下 篇三

1. Granny looked for her book, but she couldn't find it ______.
 A. somewhere B. everywhere C. anywhere D. nowhere
2.-When did you ______the book to the library?
-Yesterday afternoon.
 A. borrow B. lend C. give D. return
3. The man took away the dictionary but did not ______.
  A. pay it B. pay for it C. cost it D. spend it
4. English teachers often encourage the students _______ English aloud.
 A. read B. reading C. to read D. readed
5.- ______he ever ______abroad ?
 -No, never.
 A. Did, go B. Is, been C. Has, been D. Has, gone
6. How long may I ______ the history books?
  A. keep B. lend C. borrow D. return
7. She______ an English teacher.
  A. uses to B. used to C. use to be D. used to be
8. One day the librarian ______ an idea.
 A. came up B. came with C. came up with D. came up to
9. Now her lost books are usually______ the library.
 A .returned B .returned to C. paid D. paid to
10. My hobby is ______all kinds of coins.
 A. to collect B. collecting C. to pick up D. picking up
11. Can you ______who has lost the watch?
  A. look for B. look up C. find D. find out
12. My postcard is still on the desk. Why ______you ______it ?
A. haven't, posted B. didn't, postC. wasn't posting D. won't, post
13. The man ____France will give us a talk ____his country.
 A. from, on B. of, in C. of, about D. from, of
14. He is too old to ______the name of that book.
 A. pick up B. think of C. come up D. fill in
15. Someone is knocking at the door. It ____my mother. It's time for her to be back.
  A. can be B. may not be C. must be D. mustn't be
16. I don't know where Mr. White has gone. You'd better ask ____.
  A. else somebody B. other somebody C. somebody else D. anybody else
17. When he saw a ticket on the ground, he stopped ____.
  A. to pick it up B. pick it up C. to pick up it D. pick up it
18. He says that he will ______to me in three days.
 A. return the money B. return back the money C. get the money back D. pay back the money
19. Father ______the city of New York three days ago.
  A. leave B. left to C. left off D. left for
20. Tom ______ there for 10 months since he ______ back to his hometown.
 A. has lived, gets B. has lived, got C. lived, go D. lived, has got
21. ______ is one of the water sports.
  A. Water-ski B. Water-skiing   C. Water-sking D. Watering-skiing
22. The film is very ____. Tom is very ____.
  A. exciting, excited B. excited, exciting C. exciting, exciting D. excited, excited
2 3. ____the weather will be like tomorrow, we II go surfing.
  A. No matter how B. No matter what's C. No matter what D. No matter if
2 4. The river near our village is about ____long.
  A. three-hundreds-metres B. three-hundred-metre
  C. three-hundred-metres D. three hundred metres
2 5. He has not had a night ____for two weeks, but he still feels ____.
  A. off, happy B. away, happily C. off, happily D. away, happy
2 6. It makes him ____.
  A. feel angrily B. feel angry C. to feel angry D. feeling angry
2 7. It's ____good food that we all like it very much.
  A. so a B. such a C. so D. such
2 8. When you ____the street, you must look first.
  A. across B. go cross C. cross D. goes across
29. Look! Mrs. Green is talking ____the students of Class I on the ground.
  A. among B. in the middle of C. between D. at
30. Her teacher thinks ____other.
  A. high B. highly C. well D. good
31. Lei Feng is the ____of all the people in China.
  A. pride B. proud C. prideful D. proudly
32. -Have you finished your homework______?
  -No, not______.
  A. already, already B. yet, yet  C. already, yet D. yet, already
33. Neither you or he ______ Hawaii before.
  A. has gone to B. have gone to  C. have been to D. has been to
34. Xi'an is very famous ______Terra Cotta Warriors.
  A. to B. of C. in D. for
35. Bruce has lived here ______last year.
  A. / B. for C. before D. since
36. Waikiki is one of the best beaches ______ surfing in Honolulu.
  A. to B. for C. with D. in
37. I've never ______ him before.
  A. heard of B. hear from  C. heard to D. hear of
38. They were very proud______ their daughter.
  A. for B. of C. with D. about
39. Then he slowed ______ as the wind became stronger and the waves higher.
  A. under B. below C .down D .slowly
40. All of us except him _______ to Beijing.
  A. have gone B. has gone C. have been D. has been
41.How long has Jim ____ at this school?
   A. arrived B. come C. studied D. gone
42. The little girl is afraid of ____ at night.
   A. go B. goes C. going D. went
43. As soon as he ____, he will write to me.
   A. arrives at B. arrives C. reaches D. gets
44. The teacher is ____ with what we did.
   A. pleased B. please C. pleasure D. pleasant
45. ____ will he be back? In a week.
   A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How many
46. I have to do my homework for ______ every day.
   A. one and half hour B. one and a half hour
   C. one and half hours D. one and a half hours
47. Who draw ______ Jack?
   A. so well as B. as well as   C. so better than D. as good as
48. The girl had a short rest and did her homework ______ she reached home.
   A. after B. before C. when D. since
49. We have known each other ______ we were young.
   A. for B. since C. after D. before
50. They ______ very busy last month.
   A. are B. were C. be D. have been
51. There ______ a park near our school since two years ago.
   A. is B. was C. has been D. will be
52. Lucy is very free. Look, she ______ a model ship.
   A. makes B. made C. has made D. is making
53. Many students in our class ______ glasses over their eyes in class.
   A. put on B. dress C. wear D. get dressed
54. What do you think we should ________ improve our environment?
   A. do B. to C. do for D. do to
55. They've found a way to ______ that waste thing.
   A. do B. do with C. throw D. move away
56. We find the book very ______.
   A. interest B. interesting  C. interests D. interested
57. She has _____ finished her lunch, but she hasn't washed her bowls ______.
   A. already, yet B. just, already
   C. already, just D. just, yet
58. Uncle Wang has been here ______ ten years ago.
   A. for B. since C. in D. at
59. They went to London ______ just over five months.
   A. for B. since C. before D. when
60. The weather was ______ it is today.
   A. not as wetter as B. not wetter than  C. more wetter than D. wetter as
61. The little boy was ________with the big boy because he was ____words to him.
  A. fond, speaking  B. angry, saying  C. angry, talking   D. friendly, telling
62. Lucy, please don't play with fire. __________.
  A. How can you say like that? B. It's right.C. It doesn't matter. D. Sorry, I won't do it again.
63. We don't know If it _________. If it______, we won' t go out for a walk.
  A. rains, will rain,  B. rains, rains  C. will rain, will rain  D. will rain, rains
64. It's difficult ________your sound because the noise is too high.
  A. to listen   B. to know   C. to learn   D. to hear
65. He says ____he will be back soon.
  A. when   B. what   C. that   D. where
66. He told a very ____story about his life in America.
  A. live   B. living   C. lively   D. life
67. If you don't get up early, you' II ____the bus.
  A. not miss   B. miss   C. catch   D. lost
68. How long ____it ___to go there by train?
  A. do, take   B. does, take   C. does, spend   D. does, play
69. A young man practised ________ English with Mr Green.
  A. speak   B. speaking   C. to speak   D. speak in
70. She says she can get to Tian'anmen from Wangfujing by bike________ ten minutes.
  A. after   B. in   C. before   D. about
71. We should help her when she is ________.
  A. in trouble B. in a trouble  C. in the trouble   D. in troubles
72. The policeman kept the thief ________ for four hours.
  A. standing   B. to stand   C. to sit   D. siting
73. I want to visit England ________.
  A. if it possible   B. as soon possible  C. as soon as possible   D. if possible
74. They ______Hong Kong twice.
  A. have gone to   B. have been to  C. have been in D. have gone in
75. I have never seen ______film before.
  A. a so interesting B. a such interesting  C. so a interesting D. such an interesting
76. Everyone went to the zoo last Sunday ______Jim.
  A. but   B. not   C. except   D. besides
77. What ______just now?
  A. was happened  B. were happened  C. happened D. happens
78. If you miss so many lessons, you must fall behind ______ classmates.
  A. another   B. the others   C. other   D. the other
79. ______ did Lin Tao say about Mount Emei?
  A. What   B. How   C. When   D. Why
80. I'm afraid ______ you may be late.
  A. when   B. that   C. why   D. how
81. I ______ able to sing any song but this one.
  A. may B. can C. am D. would
82. Everybody is here _______ Jim Green.
  A. as B. with C. on D. except
83. Which of these do you think is ______ useful invention?
  A. the more B. the second more C. most D. the second most
84. Do you know where ______ from?
  A. he come B. he comes C. did he come D. does he came
85. Our teacher saw us ______ on the desks and went out of the classroom.
  A. to sit B. sat C. siting D. sitting
86. I______ maths and science.
  A. interest B. am interesting C. am interested D. am interested in
87. Linda will look after the children _____ we're away.
  A. that B. during C. while D. where
88. David was born _____.
  A. since twenty years ago B. for twenty years C. twenty years ago B. just over twenty years
89. Mike _____ his homework three hours ago.
  A. finished B. has finished C. is finishing D. is going to

90. --______ have you been at this factory?
  --I've been here since 1993.
  A. When B. How long C. What time D. How often
91. Allan cut the big birthday cake _____ small pieces.
  A. as B. to C. into D. in
92. When he was a child, he was always _______ out new ideas.
  A. try B. trying C. taking D. tried
93. Were you born ______May 21,1974?
  A. in B. on C. from D. at
94. It's very kind ____ you _____lend your bike to me.
  A. of, to B. for, in C. for, to D. of, in
95. I have two pens. One is red, ________ is black.
  A. other B. another C. the other D. the others
96. “ ______ do you write to your parents ?”
  “ Once a month.”
  A. How long B. How much C. How far D. How often
97. He asked who was _______ in your class.
  A. the oldest B. oldest C. older D. the older
98. The teacher told us ________ Exercise 1 in our exercise books.
  A. do B. to do C. doing D. does
99. I found _____ very difficult to learn maths well.
  A. what B. it C. that D. this
100. I'm ______ to trouble you.
A. glad B. afraid C. fear D. sorry

(1-20): 1-5. CDBCC 6-10 ADCBA 11-15 DAABC 16-20 CADDB
(21-40): 21-25 BACDA 26-30 BDCBB 31-32 ABDDD 36-40 BABCC
(41-60): 41-45 CCBAB 46-50 DBCBB 51-55 CDCDB 56-60 BABAB
(61-80): 61-65 BDDDC 66-70 CBBBB 71-75 AACBD 76-80 CCDAB
(81-100):81-85CDDBD 86-90 CCCAB 91-95 CDBAC 96-100 DABBD


