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2009年6月英语六级答案听力A卷 篇一

In the listening section of the 2009 June English Level 6 exam, the questions covered a range of topics, including transportation, education, and leisure activities. Overall, the listening section was challenging but manageable for most test takers.

One of the questions focused on transportation and involved a conversation between two friends discussing their preferred modes of transportation. The options included walking, biking, driving, and taking public transportation. The conversation provided information about the benefits and drawbacks of each mode of transportation, such as convenience, cost, and environmental impact. The question required test takers to listen carefully and analyze the information to choose the best answer.

Another question in the listening section was about education. It featured a dialogue between a student and a professor discussing the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. The student expressed interest in experiencing a different culture and gaining a global perspective, while the professor mentioned the potential challenges of adjusting to a new environment and the high cost of studying abroad. Test takers needed to pay attention to the details of the conversation to correctly answer the question.

Furthermore, the listening section included a question about leisure activities. The audio clip presented a conversation between two friends talking about their hobbies and interests. The options included playing sports, watching movies, reading books, and playing musical instruments. The friends discussed the benefits and enjoyment they derived from each activity. Test takers had to listen attentively to grasp the nuances of the conversation and select the most suitable answer.

Overall, the listening section of the 2009 June English Level 6 exam required good listening skills and the ability to comprehend and analyze information quickly. Test takers needed to pay attention to details, understand different perspectives, and make informed choices based on the information provided in the audio clips. With proper preparation and practice, test takers could perform well in this section and improve their overall exam scores.

2009年6月英语六级答案听力A卷 篇二

The listening section of the 2009 June English Level 6 exam presented a variety of topics, including technology, environmental issues, and social relationships. The section was designed to assess the test takers' listening comprehension, critical thinking, and ability to make inferences based on the audio clips.

One of the questions focused on technology and involved a conversation between two colleagues discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using smartphones. The conversation touched on topics such as convenience, productivity, and privacy concerns. Test takers were required to listen attentively and analyze the information in order to answer the question accurately.

Another question in the listening section was about environmental issues. It featured a monologue by an environmentalist discussing the impact of plastic pollution on marine life. The speaker highlighted the importance of reducing plastic waste and suggested practical solutions to tackle the problem. Test takers needed to understand the main ideas presented and draw conclusions based on the information provided.

Furthermore, the listening section included a question about social relationships. The audio clip presented a conversation between two friends discussing the challenges of maintaining friendships in the digital age. The friends shared their experiences with online communication and the potential drawbacks of relying too heavily on technology for social interactions. Test takers were required to comprehend the nuances of the conversation and select the most appropriate answer.

In conclusion, the listening section of the 2009 June English Level 6 exam covered a wide range of topics and required test takers to demonstrate their listening comprehension skills and critical thinking abilities. The questions were designed to assess the test takers' ability to understand and analyze information, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions. With sufficient preparation and practice, test takers could successfully navigate this section and achieve a high score on the exam.

2009年6月英语六级答案听力A卷 篇三

Section A 短对话
11. D) Fred may have borrowed a sleeping bag from someone else.
12. B) It will cool down over the weekend.
13. C) Hosting a TV program.
14. D) The plants should be put in a shady spot.
15. C) Go to bed early.
16. B) She has learned to appreciate modern sculptures.
17. A) They seem satisfied with what they have done
18. A) The man shouldn't hesitate to take the course.

19 B)Domestic issues of general social concern.
20 D)Based on public expectation and ...
21 D) Professional qualification
22 A)Their average life span was less than 50
23 C)learn to use now technology.
24 D) When all people become wealthier
25 C)Contol environment

26. B)
27 A)t
28. C)
29 B)
30 B)
31 A)
32 C)
33 D)
34  A)
35 D)

36. tongue 37. official 38. administration 39 commerce
40 spread 41 disadvantaged 42 confidence 43 investigate

44. come to understand how it is used as a symbol

of both inpidual identity and social connection

45. infants born into English-speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use folks
46. You are encourage to develop your own inpidual responses to various practical and theoretical issues.


