
时间:2018-08-01 05:42:40
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精选面试常用的英语口语 篇一

How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview(如何在面试中进行自我介绍)


In any job interview, one of the first things you will be asked to do is to introduce yourself. This is an opportunity for you to make a good first impression and highlight your qualifications and experiences. In this article, we will provide you with some useful phrases and tips on how to introduce yourself effectively in an interview.


To start your self-introduction, you can begin by greeting the interviewer and stating your name. For example, "Good morning/afternoon, my name is [your name]. It's a pleasure to meet you." This shows that you are polite and professional.


After the opening, you can provide a brief background about yourself. Start with your educational background, including your degree, major, and university. For example, "I graduated from [university name] with a degree in [major]." Then, you can mention any relevant work experience or internships you have had. Highlight your accomplishments and responsibilities in these roles. For example, "During my internship at [company name], I was responsible for [specific task] and successfully [achievement]."

Skills and Strengths(技能和优势)

Next, you can mention your skills and strengths that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Focus on transferable skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. For example, "I have excellent communication skills, which I developed through my experience as a team leader in a student organization." Be sure to provide specific examples to support your claims.

Passion and Motivation(激情和动力)

To demonstrate your enthusiasm and motivation, you can talk about your passion for the industry or the specific role you are applying for. Explain why you are interested in the position and how it aligns with your career goals. For example, "I have always been passionate about marketing, and I am excited about the opportunity to work in a dynamic and innovative company like yours."


Finally, you can conclude your self-introduction by expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to interview and your interest in the position. For example, "Thank you for considering my application. I am confident that my skills and experiences make me a strong candidate for this position, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team."

Practice and Preparation(练习和准备)

To deliver an effective self-introduction, it is important to practice beforehand. Write down your introduction and rehearse it several times until you feel comfortable. Pay attention to your body language and tone of voice during the interview. Remember to maintain eye contact and speak clearly and confidently.


Introducing yourself in an interview is a crucial step in the hiring process. By following these tips and using the suggested phrases, you can make a positive and memorable impression on the interviewer. Good luck with your job interviews!

精选面试常用的英语口语 篇二

How to Answer Common Interview Questions(如何回答常见面试问题)


During a job interview, you will likely be asked a series of common questions to assess your qualifications and suitability for the position. In this article, we will provide you with some useful tips and example answers to help you prepare for these questions and impress the interviewer.

Tell me about yourself(请介绍一下你自己)

This question is often asked at the beginning of an interview. Instead of giving a lengthy personal history, focus on your professional background and relevant experiences. For example, "I have a strong background in sales, with over five years of experience in the industry. I have consistently exceeded my targets and have been recognized for my excellent customer service skills."

Why do you want to work for our company?(为什么想在我们公司工作?)

Research the company beforehand and find specific reasons why you are interested in working for them. Mention their values, mission, or recent achievements. For example, "I have been following your company's success in the market, and I am impressed by your commitment to innovation and sustainability. I believe that my skills and experience align well with your company's goals."

What are your strengths and weaknesses?(你的优点和缺点是什么?)

When talking about your strengths, focus on qualities that are relevant to the position. For example, "One of my strengths is my ability to communicate effectively with both clients and colleagues. This skill has helped me build strong relationships and contribute to successful team projects." When discussing weaknesses, be honest but also mention how you are working to improve. For example, "I used to struggle with time management, but I have been taking time management courses and implementing new strategies to become more efficient."

Tell me about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it(请分享一个你遇到挑战的经历以及你如何克服它)

Prepare a specific example from your past experiences that demonstrates your problem-solving skills and resilience. Describe the challenge, the actions you took to overcome it, and the positive outcome. For example, "During a project at my previous job, we faced a tight deadline and limited resources. I organized a team meeting to brainstorm solutions, delegated tasks efficiently, and worked closely with my team to ensure that we met the deadline and delivered a high-quality result."

Why should we hire you?(为什么我们应该雇佣你?)

This is your chance to summarize your qualifications and convince the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job. Highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements that are directly relevant to the position. For example, "With my strong track record in sales and my ability to build and maintain relationships with clients, I believe that I can contribute to your company's growth and success."


By preparing and practicing your answers to these common interview questions, you will feel more confident and prepared during your job interviews. Remember to tailor your answers to the specific position and company you are applying for. Good luck!

精选面试常用的英语口语 篇三

【#英语口语# 导语】英语口语是被外国人民普遍应用的口头交流语言形式。英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。以下文章由®整理,欢迎阅读!更多相关讯息请关注®!


  1.I graduated from Nanjing University.


  2.I majored in English.


  3.Which school are you in?


  4.When will you graduate from that university?


  5.What is your major?


  6.Tell me about the courses of your major in university.


  7.I take more than 50 courses in university.


  8.In 2005 I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Beijing University.


  9.Did you get any honors and awards at college?


  10.I was awarded a scholarship from the university every year,


  11.In 2000 I participated in the National Contest of Maths Models and I won the prize.


  12.In 2008 I received my MBA degree from Qinghua University.



  1.What are your key skills?


  2.How good is your writing ability?


  3.What skills do you think are the most critical to this job?


  4.How do you think of your proficiency in spoken English?


  5.My spoken English is good en

ough to express myself fluently.


  6.Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or license?


  7.What special skills do you have, can you tell me?


  8.I have experience in computer operation.



  1.Do you have any working experience?


  2.How is your experience relevant to this job?


  3.What have you learned from the jobs you have had?


  4.What kind of jobs have you had?


  5.I have been engaged in the desk work for many years.


  6.I’ve been working in A&B company for the past five years as a computer engineer.


  7.I can operate the office software skillfully.



