
时间:2018-01-03 07:14:32
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旅游英语情景对话汇总 篇一


A: Welcome to [destination]. Are you [name]?

B: Yes, that's me. Thank you for picking me up.

A: No problem. Is this your first time here?

B: Yes, it is. I'm really excited to explore this city.

A: I'm sure you'll have a great time. Let me help you with your luggage.

B: Thank you. How far is the hotel from the airport?

A: It's about a 30-minute drive, depending on traffic.

B: That's not too bad. I'm looking forward to relaxing at the hotel.

A: I'm sure you'll enjoy it. If you have any questions during your stay, feel free to ask.


A: Good morning. I'd like to make a reservation for a single room, please.

B: Sure, for which dates?

A: I'll be arriving on the 10th of June and staying for 3 nights.

B: Alright, let me check our availability. Yes, we have a single room available for those dates.

A: Great. How much is it per night?

B: It's $100 per night, including breakfast.

A: That sounds reasonable. Can I have the confirmation number?

B: Of course. Your confirmation number is 123456789.

A: Thank you. I'm looking forward to my stay.


A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to [famous attraction]?

B: Sure. It's about a 10-minute walk from here. Just go straight ahead and you'll see signs.

A: Thank you. Is there an entrance fee?

B: Yes, there is. It's $10 for adults and $5 for children.

A: Alright, I'll make sure to bring enough cash. Are there any specific hours of operation?

B: Yes, it's open from 9 am to 6 pm.

A: Perfect. I'll make sure to visit during that time. Thank you for your help.


A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?

B: Yes, it's under the name [name].

A: Thank you. Right this way, please. Here is your table.

B: Thank you. Could you recommend any specialties on the menu?

A: Our chef's special tonight is the seafood platter. It's highly recommended.

B: That sounds delicious. I'll have that, please.

A: Excellent choice. Can I get you anything to drink?

B: I'll have a glass of red wine, please.

A: Very well. Enjoy your meal.


A: Excuse me, how much does this shirt cost?

B: That shirt is $50.

A: Is there any discount if I buy two?

B: Yes, there's a 10% discount if you buy two or more.

A: Great. I'll take two of them then.

B: Alright. Do you need anything else?

A: No, that's all. Thank you.

B: You're welcome. Have a nice day.

旅游英语情景对话 篇二


A: Excuse me, how do I get to the city center from here?

B: You can take bus number 20. It will take you directly to the city center.

A: How long will the journey take?

B: It usually takes around 30 minutes, depending on traffic.

A: Thank you for your help. Is there a bus stop nearby?

B: Yes, just cross the street and you'll see the bus stop on the other side.

A: Perfect. I'll head there right away.


A: Hi, I'd like to rent a car for a week, please.

B: Sure, do you have a driver's license?

A: Yes, here it is.

B: Great. We have a variety of cars available. Do you have any preferences?

A: I would prefer a compact car, if possible.

B: Alright, let me check our inventory. Yes, we have a compact car available for the dates you requested.

A: Perfect. How much will it cost?

B: It's $50 per day, so for a week, it will be $350.

A: That's within my budget. I'll take it.


A: Hi, I'm interested in joining a city tour. Can you provide me with some information?

B: Of course. Our city tour starts at 9 am and lasts for 4 hours. It includes visits to the main attractions in the city.

A: That sounds great. How much does it cost?

B: It's $50 per person, which includes transportation and a tour guide.

A: Do I need to make a reservation?

B: It's recommended, but we also accept walk-ins if there are available spots.

A: Alright, I'll make a reservation for tomorrow. Thank you.


A: Excuse me, can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?

B: Sure. There's a popular restaurant called [restaurant name] just a few blocks away.

A: Thank you. Is it expensive?

B: It's moderately priced, but the food is really good.

A: That's exactly what I'm looking for. I'll check it out. Thank you for your help.

B: You're welcome. Enjoy your meal.


A: Hi, I'd like to check out, please.

B: Sure. Can I have your room number, please?

A: It's room 302.

B: Alright, let me check. Yes, everything looks fine. Here is your bill.

A: Thank you. Can I pay with a credit card?

B: Of course. Just insert your card here. Thank you for staying with us.

A: It was a pleasure. Thank you for your hospitality.

旅游英语情景对话汇总 篇三

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