
时间:2018-02-09 06:36:25
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剪刀手爱德华经典英语口语台词 篇一

In the movie "Edward Scissorhands," directed by Tim Burton, the titular character Edward, played by Johnny Depp, captivates the audience with his unique appearance and gentle nature. Despite his inability to speak, Edward manages to communicate his thoughts and feelings through his actions and the few words he utters. Here, we will explore some of the most memorable and classic English dialogue from the film.

1. "I'm not finished!" - This line is spoken by Edward when he is interrupted while creating an ice sculpture. It showcases his determination and artistic passion.

2. "Hold me." - These two simple words spoken by Edward to Kim, the love interest in the film, express his longing for a connection and touch. It reveals his vulnerability and desire for intimacy.

3. "I'm not a monster. You are." - Edward utters these words to Jim, Kim's abusive boyfriend, after being attacked by him. It implies that true monsters are not defined by their appearance but by their actions and cruelty.

4. "I'm so alone." - Edward expresses his loneliness to Peg, the kind-hearted woman who takes him into her home. This line highlights his isolation and aching for companionship.

5. "I can't change my hands." - Edward says this when asked why he doesn't simply get rid of his scissorhands. It reflects his acceptance of his unique identity and the challenges he faces.

6. "You see, before he came down here, it never snowed." - This line is spoken by Kim as she tells the story of Edward to her granddaughter. It symbolizes the impact Edward had on her life and the transformation he brought to their community.

7. "Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it." - Edward's response to Kim's granddaughter when asked if he is still alive. This line suggests that although Edward may no longer be physically present, his spirit lives on through the memories and joy he brought to their lives.

These classic English lines from "Edward Scissorhands" not only convey the emotions and struggles of the characters but also serve as reminders of the film's enduring impact on audiences. Edward's unique manner of communication, combined with his kind-hearted nature, allows him to touch the hearts of those around him, leaving a lasting impression on both the characters in the film and the viewers.

剪刀手爱德华经典英语口语台词 篇二

"Edward Scissorhands," directed by Tim Burton, is a timeless classic that explores themes of identity, love, and acceptance. The film's protagonist, Edward, portrayed by Johnny Depp, does not rely on extensive dialogue to convey his thoughts and feelings. Instead, his actions and the few lines he speaks in English leave a lasting impact. Here, we will delve into some of the most memorable and iconic English lines from the movie.

1. "I'm not finished!" - This line represents Edward's determination and dedication towards his artistic creations. Despite his unconventional hands, he refuses to be defined by his limitations.

2. "Hold me." - These two words spoken by Edward to Kim express his longing for human connection and love. It showcases his vulnerability and the depth of his emotions.

3. "I'm not a monster. You are." - In this powerful line, Edward confronts Jim, Kim's abusive boyfriend, challenging the notion that physical appearance determines one's character. It highlights Edward's capacity for empathy and his ability to see beyond superficial judgments.

4. "I'm so alone." - This line reveals Edward's loneliness and longing for companionship. Despite his kind-hearted nature, he feels isolated due to his unique appearance and inability to fully integrate into society.

5. "I can't change my hands." - Edward's response when asked why he doesn't remove his scissorhands reflects his acceptance of his identity. It emphasizes the importance of embracing one's uniqueness rather than conforming to societal norms.

6. "You see, before he came down here, it never snowed." - Kim's narration of Edward's impact on their community symbolizes the transformative power of love and acceptance. Edward brought beauty and magic into their lives, altering their perspective on the world.

7. "Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it." - This line, spoken by Edward to Kim's granddaughter, suggests that his spirit lives on through the memories and joy he brought to their lives. It conveys the enduring impact of his presence, even in his absence.

These classic English lines from "Edward Scissorhands" serve as powerful reminders of the film's timeless themes and the emotional depth of its characters. Edward's unique form of communication, combined with his compassionate nature, resonates with audiences, leaving a lasting impression on their hearts and minds.

剪刀手爱德华经典英语口语台词 篇三

  Kim: I love you

  02.Kim: Hold me.
  Edward: I can't.

  03.Jim: Forget about holding her hand, man. Think about the damage he could do to

other places.

  04.Kim: You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.

  05.Esmerelda: I can't believe you sheep have strayed so far from the path of righteousness!
  Edward: [Walking towards Esmerelda] We're not sheep!

  06.Peg Boggs: How was it?
  Edward: It was great. She showed me all the wallpaper and where everything is going to go.
  Peg Boggs: Well that's nice.
  Edward: And then she brought me in the back room where she took all her clothes off.

  07.Edward: I knew it was Jim's house.
  Kim: Then... why did you do it?
  Edward: Because you asked me to.

  08.Edward: Kevin, you wanna play scissors, paper, stone again?
  Kevin: No!
  Edward: Why not?
  Kevin: 'Cause it's boring. I always win!
  凯文:因为我已经厌烦了,我总是赢!Kim's granddaughter:You still could go.

  09.Kim:No,sweetheart.I'm an old woman now.I would rather he remember me the way I was.

