
时间:2013-05-01 01:42:39
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订机票英语口语情景对话 篇一

Title: Booking Airline Tickets - Dialogue Scenario

Dialogue Scenario:

Amy: Hi, I'm planning a trip to London next month. Can you help me book a flight?

Agent: Of course! When are you planning to go?

Amy: I want to leave on the 15th and return on the 25th. Do you have any flights available on those dates?

Agent: Let me check for you. Yes, we have several flights available. Would you prefer a morning or evening departure?

Amy: I would prefer a morning departure if possible.

Agent: Great! We have a flight leaving at 9 am. Is that suitable for you?

Amy: Yes, that works. How much is the ticket?

Agent: The ticket price for a round-trip flight to London on those dates is $800.

Amy: That's within my budget. Can you book it for me?

Agent: Sure, may I have your full name and passport details, please?

Amy: My full name is Amy Smith and my passport number is A123456789.

Agent: Thank you, Amy. Your flight is now booked. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.

Amy: Thank you so much for your help!

Agent: You're welcome. Have a great trip to London!


In this dialogue, Amy is seeking assistance from a travel agent to book a flight to London. She provides her desired travel dates and the agent checks for available flights. Amy expresses her preference for a morning departure, and the agent offers her a suitable option. They discuss the ticket price, and Amy confirms that it fits her budget. Finally, Amy provides her personal details for the booking, and the agent confirms the reservation. The dialogue ends with the agent wishing Amy a pleasant trip.

Word Count: 219 words

订机票英语口语情景对话 篇二

Title: Booking Airline Tickets - Dialogue Scenario

Dialogue Scenario:

John: Hello, I need to book a flight to Tokyo for next week. Can you assist me with that?

Agent: Absolutely! When would you like to depart and return?

John: I want to leave on the 20th and come back on the 25th. Do you have any available flights on those dates?

Agent: Let me check for you. Yes, we have a few options. Are you flexible with the departure time?

John: Yes, I can be flexible. What are the available options?

Agent: We have a flight in the morning at 8 am and another one in the afternoon at 3 pm. Which one would you prefer?

John: I would prefer the morning flight at 8 am.

Agent: Okay, let me check the ticket price for you. The round-trip ticket price for those dates is $1200. Is that within your budget?

John: That's a bit higher than I expected. Do you have any cheaper options?

Agent: Let me see if there are any promotions or discounts available. Yes, we have a promotion running for the afternoon flight at 3 pm. The ticket price for that flight is $950.

John: That sounds better. Please book that flight for me.

Agent: Can I have your full name and passport details, please?

John: My full name is John Anderson and my passport number is B987654321.

Agent: Thank you, John. Your flight is now booked. You will receive an email confirmation shortly.

John: Thank you for your assistance!

Agent: You're welcome. Enjoy your trip to Tokyo!


In this dialogue, John seeks assistance from a travel agent to book a flight to Tokyo. He provides his preferred travel dates, and the agent checks for available flights. John expresses his flexibility with the departure time, and the agent offers him two options. They discuss the ticket prices, and John finds the initial price higher than expected. The agent then informs him about a promotion for a different flight at a lower price, which John agrees to book. Finally, John provides his personal details for the booking, and the agent confirms the reservation. The dialogue concludes with the agent wishing John a pleasant trip.

Word Count: 285 words

订机票英语口语情景对话 篇三


A:Good morning . The United Airlines . what can I do for you.
B:Yes, I'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week.
A:When do you want to fly?
B:Monday ,september 12.
A:We have Fliight 802 on monday .just a moment please.Let me check whether there're seats available.I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day.
B:Then ,any alternatives?

A:The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning september 13.shall I book you a seat?
B:er... it is a direct flight, isn't it?
哦... 是直航对吗?
A:Yes it is . You want to go first class or coach?
B:I prefer first class, what the fare?
A:One way is $176.
B:Ok i will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday.
好的 我将订周二9:30的机票.
A:A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. is it all right.sir?
B:Right .can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th?
A:Certainly.may I have your name & telephone number?
当然可以. 请您告诉您的名字和联系方式?
B:My name is Lorus Anderson.you can reach me at 52378651.
我叫Lorus Anderson.52378651您能和我联系.
A:I will notify you if there is cancellation.
B: Thank you very much.
A:My pleasure.


