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“马马虎虎”的两种英语翻译 篇一

Title: A Half-hearted Attitude

In Chinese culture, there is a popular saying "马马虎虎" which is often used to describe a person's indifferent or careless attitude towards something. When translated into English, there are two common phrases that can capture the essence of this concept: "half-hearted" and "sloppy".

The phrase "half-hearted" describes someone who lacks enthusiasm or commitment towards a particular task or situation. It implies that the person is not fully engaged or invested in what they are doing. This can be seen in various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, or personal goals.

For example, imagine a student who is studying for an important exam but only puts in minimal effort. They may skim through the material without truly understanding it, or procrastinate until the last minute. This student can be described as having a "half-hearted" approach towards their studies. They are not fully dedicated or motivated to achieve the best results.

Similarly, in a professional setting, an employee who consistently performs tasks without putting in their best effort can be labeled as "half-hearted". This person may complete their assignments with minimal attention to detail or fail to meet deadlines consistently. Their lack of commitment and passion towards their work is evident, and it reflects negatively on their overall performance.

On the other hand, the term "sloppy" also captures the essence of "马马虎虎". It refers to someone who is careless, disorganized, or haphazard in their actions. This can manifest in various aspects of life, including work, personal hygiene, or even communication.

For instance, imagine a chef who prepares a dish without paying attention to the recipe or measuring ingredients accurately. The end result is a sloppy and unappetizing meal. This chef can be described as having a "sloppy" approach towards their cooking. They lack precision and attention to detail, resulting in subpar outcomes.

In the same way, someone who consistently makes spelling or grammatical errors in their written communication can be labeled as "sloppy". This person may not take the time to proofread or edit their work, leading to a lack of professionalism and credibility.

Overall, both "half-hearted" and "sloppy" effectively capture the essence of "马马虎虎" in English. These phrases describe individuals who lack commitment, attention to detail, or a genuine interest in what they are doing. By using these terms, we can convey the concept of an indifferent or careless attitude in a concise and accurate manner.

Word count: 408

“马马虎虎”的两种英语翻译 篇二

Title: A Lackadaisical Approach

The Chinese phrase "马马虎虎" is often used to describe a person's lackadaisical attitude towards something. When translated into English, two commonly used phrases that capture the essence of this concept are "lackadaisical" and "careless".

The word "lackadaisical" describes someone who is lazy, apathetic, or lacking enthusiasm. It implies a lack of effort or interest in a particular task or situation. This can be seen in various aspects of life, such as work, studies, or relationships.

For example, imagine a student who consistently skips classes, fails to complete assignments, and shows no interest in learning. This student can be described as having a "lackadaisical" approach towards their studies. They lack the motivation and drive to succeed academically.

Similarly, in a professional setting, an employee who constantly procrastinates, fails to meet deadlines, and shows little interest in their work can be labeled as "lackadaisical". This person lacks the necessary drive and commitment to excel in their job, resulting in subpar performance.

Another way to capture the essence of "马马虎虎" in English is the term "careless". This word describes someone who is not careful or attentive in their actions. It implies a lack of consideration for the consequences of one's behavior.

For instance, imagine a driver who frequently ignores traffic rules, speeds, and fails to use turn signals. This driver can be labeled as "careless" as they disregard the safety of themselves and others on the road. Their lack of attention and concern for the rules and regulations can have serious consequences.

Similarly, someone who consistently forgets important appointments, misplaces belongings, or fails to follow instructions can be described as "careless". This person shows a disregard for details and lacks the necessary attention and focus to carry out tasks effectively.

In conclusion, both "lackadaisical" and "careless" effectively capture the essence of "马马虎虎" in English. These terms describe individuals who lack effort, enthusiasm, attention to detail, or a genuine interest in what they are doing. By using these phrases, we can convey the concept of a lackadaisical or careless attitude accurately and succinctly.

Word count: 375

“马马虎虎”的两种英语翻译 篇三


  1 nothing special

  Nothing是“没有”的意思;而special 是指“特别”。Nothing special的字面意思是:没有什么特别,而它的真正含义也是如此,不是特别好,也不是特别坏,马马虎虎一般般。

  用作形容词时:(idiomatic) ordinary, run-of-the-mill

  用作名词时:(idiomatic) nothing worth discussing; nothing that the speaker wants to mention

  Often used as an evasion or conversation-stopper, when nosy queries are made. It's an indirect way of telling someone to "mind his own business".


  Mister Simpson is nothing special as a boss, but I can tell you I've worked for people a lot worse. He's lazy and not too smart, but at least he's easy to get along with.



  That party I went to last night was nothing special. The food was okay, but there wasn't enough of it. I didn't know many people, but I met a former classmate whom I haven't seen for some time!



2 so-so

  用作形容词时:Neither good nor bad; tolerable, passable, indifferent.

  用作副词时:Neither very well nor very poorly.


  That movie we saw last night was just so-so. It wasn't too bad--it was pretty funny in spots. And the action was okay. But it wasn't really worth paying seven dollars for a ticket.





  Mom, in the Mall yesterday I saw a silk blouse for only 15 dollars. It's 50% off the regular price and I liked the color. But my friend Mary said it looked just so-so on me, so I didn't buy it.



