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浙教版英语作业本七下答案 篇一

In the seventh grade English workbook of Zhejiang Edition, students are introduced to a variety of exciting topics and engaging activities to enhance their language skills. This article will provide the answers to some of the exercises in the workbook.

Unit 1: Friends

1. Write the opposite words.

a) tall - short

b) old - young

c) thin - fat

d) long - short

e) quiet - noisy

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

a) She is the youngest (young) in her family.

b) The box is too heavy (heavy) for me to lift.

c) The weather is getting hotter (hot) in summer.

d) The movie was really exciting (excite).

e) He is a very talented (talent) musician.

Unit 2: Hobbies

1. Match the hobbies with the correct pictures.

a) playing chess

b) reading books

c) playing basketball

d) painting

e) playing the piano

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

a) I enjoy playing basketball in my free time.

b) She loves reading books about history.

c) He often paints beautiful landscapes on weekends.

d) My sister is learning to play the piano.

e) They like playing chess after school.

Unit 3: Festivals

1. Write the festival names.

a) Halloween

b) Christmas

c) Spring Festival

d) Easter

e) New Year

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

a) We usually dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating on Halloween.

b) Christmas is a time for giving and receiving presents.

c) The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.

d) People decorate eggs and have egg hunts on Easter.

e) We celebrate the New Year with fireworks and parties.

These are just a few examples of the answers to the exercises in the seventh grade English workbook of Zhejiang Edition. The workbook not only helps students improve their English language skills but also introduces them to different cultures and traditions. By completing these exercises, students can have a better understanding of the English language and its usage in real-life situations.

浙教版英语作业本七下答案 篇二

In the seventh grade English workbook of Zhejiang Edition, students are exposed to various topics related to language skills and cultural understanding. This article will provide the answers to some of the exercises in the workbook.

Unit 4: Travel

1. Match the words with the correct definitions.

a) journey

b) sightseeing

c) destination

d) luggage

e) souvenir

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

a) We had a long journey to the beach.

b) They went sightseeing in the famous landmarks of the city.

c) Our destination for this trip is Paris.

d) Don't forget to pack your luggage before we leave.

e) I bought a beautiful souvenir from the gift shop.

Unit 5: Health

1. Match the words with the correct definitions.

a) exercise

b) healthy

c) junk food

d) balanced diet

e) overweight

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

a) Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

b) Eating too much junk food can lead to health problems.

c) A balanced diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins.

d) Some people struggle with being overweight due to their unhealthy eating habits.

e) She tries to eat healthily by avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks.

Unit 6: Environment

1. Write the correct words in the blanks.

a) recycle

b) pollution

c) renewable

d) conserve

e) global warming

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

a) It is important to recycle to reduce waste and protect the environment.

b) Pollution from factories and vehicles is a major concern for the environment.

c) Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are becoming more popular.

d) We should conserve water by taking shorter showers and fixing leaky faucets.

e) Global warming is causing changes in climate patterns around the world.

These are just a few examples of the answers to the exercises in the seventh grade English workbook of Zhejiang Edition. The workbook not only helps students improve their English language skills but also promotes cultural awareness and environmental consciousness. By completing these exercises, students can develop a deeper understanding of the English language and its connection to the world around them.

浙教版英语作业本七下答案 篇三

Ⅰ、1、B 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、A

Ⅱ、1、C 2、A 3、B 4、C 5、B

3、pretty good

4、having dinner
5、hot and dry

Ⅳ、1、B 2、C 3、C 4、B 5、C
6、A 7、C 8、B 9、B 10、B

Ⅴ、windy, is playing, is wearing, with, healthy / strong,
with / wearing, is wearing, doesn't,watching

Ⅵ、1、C 2、D 3、A 4、E 5、B
6、F 7、H 8、G 9、J 10、I

Ⅶ、1、Does Tom's grandfather read the newspaper in the morning?
2、The Whites were on vacation yesterday.
4、Where did the Browns go last week?
5、What's, like

Ⅷ、1、C 2、B 3、D 4、D 5、B

Ⅸ、One possible version:
I have a pen pal. Her name is Mary Smith. She is from Paris, France. She is thirteen years old.
She is thin and she is of medium height; She has long curly hair. At school, she likes math and art. She likes playing volleyball and ping-pong. She often goes to the movies with her friends on weekends. She likes hamburgers very much.


