
时间:2018-07-03 08:39:44
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摘要翻译成英文 篇一

Title: Translation of Abstract into English - Part One


This article aims to provide a translation of the abstract into English for a given text. The abstract provides a summary of the main points and findings of the text, allowing readers to quickly grasp the essence of the content. The translation process involves understanding the original text, identifying key information, and accurately conveying it in English. By ensuring a clear and concise translation, readers who are not familiar with the original language can still comprehend the main ideas of the text. This article emphasizes the importance of accurate translation to facilitate cross-cultural communication and knowledge dissemination.


Translation plays a crucial role in promoting cross-cultural communication and understanding. It enables people from different linguistic backgrounds to access information and knowledge from various sources. In academic and professional contexts, the translation of abstracts is particularly important as it allows researchers, scholars, and professionals to grasp the main ideas and findings of a text without having to read the entire document. Therefore, it is essential to accurately translate abstracts into English, a widely used language in academia and research.

The translation process involves several steps. Firstly, the translator needs to thoroughly understand the original text, including its purpose, scope, and key points. This understanding helps in identifying the main ideas that need to be conveyed in the English translation. Secondly, the translator needs to determine the most appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure to accurately convey the meaning of the original text. It is crucial to choose words and phrases that accurately represent the original content while ensuring clarity and coherence in the translation. Additionally, the translator needs to consider the target audience and their level of familiarity with the subject matter. Adjustments may be necessary to ensure that the translation is accessible and comprehensible to the intended readers.

Accurate translation of abstracts is essential for effective knowledge dissemination. It allows researchers and scholars to access and understand the latest findings and developments in their respective fields, regardless of language barriers. Furthermore, it facilitates collaboration and exchange of ideas among experts from different countries and cultures. By providing a clear and concise summary of a text, abstract translations contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the development of global academic and professional communities.


The translation of abstracts into English is a crucial task that enables cross-cultural communication and knowledge dissemination. It requires a deep understanding of the original text and the ability to accurately convey its main ideas in English. By ensuring clear and concise translations, abstracts can effectively communicate the essence of a text to readers who are not proficient in the original language. This promotes accessibility and inclusivity in academic and professional contexts, facilitating global collaboration and the advancement of knowledge.

摘要翻译成英文 篇三








  摘要簿:abstract book

  信息摘要:Information Abstracts


  1、First, we have this roundup of the days news.


  2、The material below is a distillation of his work.


  3、Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news.



  4、The organization publishes a regular digest of environmental statistics.


  5、Well be back after the break with a round-up of todays other stories.


  6、Later we received resumes of what she had said.


  7、Objective Inquiry into the heavy asphyxiation rescues measure of the new born.


  8、He has abstracted the speech.


  9、He made an abstract of a long article.


  10、I read only this digest of the novel.


  11、Well also have an election roundup from the streets of New York to the Via Veneto.


  12、"The Times" ran a wrap-up under the byline of Walter.


  13、There are many vortex patterns on synoptic maps.


  14、Section 7.2 contains a resume of the fundamental equations.


  15、This book has a superfluity of introductions and summaries.



