
时间:2018-02-08 05:23:35
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英文情侣网名一男一女 篇一

In today's digital age, it has become increasingly popular for couples to have matching usernames or nicknames online. These names not only represent the bond between two individuals, but also add a touch of uniqueness and cuteness to their relationship. In this article, we will explore some creative English usernames for couples.

1. Moonlight & Starshine: This username combination is perfect for couples who bring light into each other's lives. It symbolizes the beauty and tranquility of their relationship.

2. Forever & Always: This classic and timeless username represents the eternal love and commitment between two people. It emphasizes the idea of being there for each other through thick and thin.

3. Sunshine & Raindrops: This username captures the balance and harmony found in a relationship. Just like sunshine and raindrops working together to create a rainbow, this couple brings out the best in each other.

4. King & Queen: This username is for couples who see themselves as royalty. It symbolizes the power and strength they possess as a united force.

5. Bonnie & Clyde: This username is perfect for adventurous couples who are always up for excitement and thrill. It represents their strong bond and willingness to stick together no matter what.

6. Angel & Devil: This username is for couples who have contrasting personalities but complement each other perfectly. It showcases the balance between good and bad, light and dark.

7. Romeo & Juliet: This username is ideal for couples who have a deep and passionate love for each other. It is a reminder of the famous tragic love story and the intensity of their own relationship.

8. Heartbeat & Soulmate: This username emphasizes the deep connection and understanding between two individuals. It symbolizes the idea that they are each other's true soulmates.

9. Puzzle Pieces: This username represents the idea that two individuals fit together perfectly, just like the pieces of a puzzle. It showcases the compatibility and harmony in their relationship.

10. Lovebirds: This username is for couples who are inseparable and love spending time together. It symbolizes the affection and tenderness they have for each other.

In conclusion, choosing a unique and meaningful English username for couples can add a special touch to their relationship. It represents their love, compatibility, and the bond they share. Whether it's Moonlight & Starshine or Puzzle Pieces, these usernames reflect the beauty and uniqueness of each couple.

英文情侣网名一男一女 篇二

In today's digital world, it has become common for couples to have matching usernames or nicknames on various online platforms. These usernames not only serve as a way to identify themselves as a couple, but also showcase their love and connection. In this article, we will explore some popular English usernames for couples.

1. Lovebirds: This username is perfect for couples who are deeply in love and enjoy spending time together. It symbolizes their affectionate and playful relationship.

2. Forever&Always: This classic username represents the eternal love and commitment between two individuals. It signifies their dedication to each other and their promise to always be there.

3. Heartbeat&Soulmate: This username emphasizes the deep connection and understanding between two people. It showcases the idea that they are each other's true soulmates.

4. Romeo&Juliet: This username is ideal for couples who have a passionate and intense love for each other. It references the famous tragic love story and the depth of their own relationship.

5. Sun&Moon: This username represents the balance and harmony found in a relationship. Just like the sun and moon, this couple brings out the best in each other.

6. Angel&Devil: This username is for couples who have contrasting personalities but complement each other perfectly. It showcases the balance between good and bad, light and dark.

7. PuzzlePieces: This username symbolizes the idea that two individuals fit together perfectly, just like the pieces of a puzzle. It represents the compatibility and harmony in their relationship.

8. Bonnie&Clyde: This username is perfect for adventurous couples who are always up for excitement and thrill. It represents their strong bond and willingness to stick together no matter what.

9. King&Queen: This username is for couples who see themselves as royalty. It symbolizes the power and strength they possess as a united force.

10. PartnerInCrime: This username is ideal for couples who enjoy mischief and having fun together. It represents their playful and mischievous nature.

In conclusion, having a matching English username for couples not only adds a touch of uniqueness to their relationship, but also symbolizes their love and connection. Whether it's Lovebirds or Heartbeat&Soulmate, these usernames reflect the beauty and depth of each couple's relationship.

英文情侣网名一男一女 篇三

▲ Temptat10n ゜ 夜 | ▲ Temptat10n ゜ 昏

偏执 Paranoid | 执著 Paranoid  

Good Gril | Bad Bay

| Perfume 染烟 | | Perfume 引味

Only 。____失心 | Just。_____空心

明眸° Sunshine | 浅笑° Sunshin

play boy | Play girl

巴黎左岸°Proven | 林肯中心°Provenc

sunflower | sunshine

pugss 失魂人| monee 控魂者

寂寞与红酒▍Nervou | 烟蒂与口红▍Direct

失魂人* Pugss | 控魂者* Monee

゛以心换心° -melt | ゛以命换命° -melt

my heart/ 为沵痴迷- | my world/ 为沵*-

▁▁▁▁▁Shit ° | ▁▁▁▁▁Fuck °


心 °sunset | 不二情 °sunset

Sunny°刺眼 | Rainy°伤情

King丶薄凉少年 | Queen丶暖心菇凉

寂寞与红酒 Nervou | 烟蒂与口红 Direct

离岛日记'' -7mr. | 离城日记'' -7gr.

冷温柔Triste | 失眠梦Triste

Crazy | Furious

厮守 Print li | 相守 Print li°  

夜寐-sink ° | 深巷-depths°

冷温柔°Triste | 失眠梦°Triste

smile、其实很简单。 | sweet、也许很可爱。

我爱你。 | 我疼你。

Electricity° | Electricity° 英文名字

受傷疲惫的°■heart | 跌荡起伏的°■Mood  

こpeerless 断夏 | こpeerless 续连

?Potatoes | ?tomatoes

海岸线coastline | 地平线 horizon°

知足 Content つ | 识趣 Content つ   

要么爱°  ˉ Shit | 要么滚°  ˉ Fuck

昔年 Cold | 往日°Cold

浮浅Superficia | 言冷Coldwords

替代品 Substitute■ | 太委屈 grievance■

sandom° 繁花恋‖ | sandom°旧梦颜‖

夜寐- sink° | 深巷- depths°

ζ??????伤了谁的心 | ζ??????疼了谁的心

- 控心 loveㄣ | - 控肺 loveㄣ

旧约 testa | 新约 testa  

″peerless 断夏 | ″peerless续送

寞灵≈Accompany | 梵灵≈Accompany

Demon浅唱 | Demon轻吟

悲剧、spot@ | 残局、spot@

____。The End | ____。The sta

Toxicant°罂栗花 | Toxicant°彼岸花

情迷| Las Vega | 迷情| Pox Dose

我得到什么 | What I get

Honey。快到碗里来 | Daling。你才碗里去

谨守° Version- | 谨护° Version-

岛屿cucumber | 海岸cucumber

She's mine ; | He's mine !

A love. ー份噯 | Two men. 两個人

|▍Perfume 染烟 | |▍Perfume 引味

寂寞.Ⅱ lonely | 洫暗.Ⅱ lonely   

25JOSD 眼神空 | 36GUIL 眼眶红

血59曼珠沙華 JUST | 冷36温暖眼瞳 MOST

ζ?????? 我爱你。 | ζ?????? 我疼你。

骚不过Money` | 贱不过Bitch

深碍 |借碍

Deep hinder | borrow ok

花开。 | 花落。

Flowers. | went.

心随她 | 久遇他

Heart he | long encounter with her

怪咖| | 奇葩|

Geek | | | the exotic

长情 |久伴

Long long love | companion

禽兽| | 情兽|

The beast | | affection beast |

阴霾。 | 晴空。英文情侣网名

Haze. | clear sky.

初见 | 终念

First | will read

怪珈。 | 怪胎。

Yoga to blame. | a freak.

「起点。」 | 「终点。」

"The starting point." | "destination."

悲剧、spot | 残局、spot

Tragedy, spot, spot | the mess

偏执 | 固执

Paranoid | stubborn

莫弃。 | 莫离。

Don't abandon. | mo.

你说 | 我听

| I listen to you say

相依。 | 相惜。

Depend on each other. | pity.

其中 | | |

The only | the | |

情逝。 | 伤逝。

Love dies. | the death.

酸奶 | 纯奶

Pure milk yogurt |


