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英语系毕业论文开题报告参考 篇一

标题:The Influence of English Language Learning Apps on English Proficiency Among Chinese College Students

1. 研究背景和目的


2. 研究问题


a. 英语学习应用程序对中国大学生的英语水平有何影响?

b. 不同类型的英语学习应用程序对英语水平有何不同的影响?

c. 中国大学生在使用英语学习应用程序时存在的问题是什么?

3. 研究方法


4. 研究意义


5. 预期结果


英语系毕业论文开题报告参考 篇二

标题:The Role of English-Only Policies in English Language Acquisition Among Non-Native English Speakers

1. 研究背景和目的


2. 研究问题


a. 英语为唯一语言的政策对非母语英语者的英语学习有何影响?

b. 学校和工作场所实施英语为唯一语言政策时需要注意的问题是什么?

c. 英语为唯一语言的政策是否适用于所有非母语英语者?

3. 研究方法


4. 研究意义


5. 预期结果


英语系毕业论文开题报告参考 篇三




  The View of Thomas Hardys Chastity and Ethic from Tess of the DUrbervilles

  课题的动因与根据 (Theoretical bases and main ideas)

  (说明本课题的理论价值、实践意义;综述国内外有关本课题的研究动态及见解 (Theoretical and practical significance , Literature review and main ideas)

  1. The motives of the research

  Literature is a dispensable part in our life and it plays an important role in humans society. It derives from reality but it is more than the real world. Tess of the DUrbervilles written by Thomas Hardy who was one of the most famous writers in Britain, had a profound impact on the society at that time. Reading it a good way for us to get a better understanding about the era that Hardy lived. Further researches will help readers know more about this great writer and his value.

  2. Historical review

  From past to now, this novel has being loved by many people. Tess of the DUrbervilles that is one of the two most famous novels of Thomas Hardy has not only a deep influence on Britains Victorian era, also all over the world.

  Many researches have been done abroad and at home, like the View of Thomas Hardys Ethic and Life from Tesss Tragedy, the View of Losing Womens Chastity from Tess, Tess: a Pure Woman, Analysis the Tesss Tragedy .In 1959,Henry Thomas and Dana Lee Thomas published a book named Living Biographies of Famous Novelists. In this book, they said Hardy himself had advocated the view of kind society, and he had claimed that the punishment from society is much more serious than humans protocol and fair. They supported that Tesss tragedy was due to the moral root of society and the stable view of women chastity in the society which male is the center, and Tess just was a sacrifice of inflexiblely moral rules and mercilessly social protocol.

  Soviet Academy of Science Golgi Study of World Literature wrote a book named the History of English Literature. In this book, it clarifies the realist Hardys ideological position characteristics and deals with the developing stage of his novels. And introduces Hardys life, the creation of art and the principle as well as the Hardys normal speech and point of view, and even his pessimism slogan. While some of these speeches and thoughts are reflections of Hardys creative skills and artistic conception. This book presents the thought through the creation of Hardy process always: the conflict between the hero-Tess and the society governed by unfair law. In generally speaking, that is, human fight against ruthless nature. He tends to identify that current capitalism society structure regularity is an expression of a strong nature will.

  The Autobiography of Thomas Hardy written by F.E. Hardy. In this book, he pointed out that Thomas Hardy believed that the tragedy was inevitable at that time, and Tesss tragedy fate is not only a sacrifice of social injustice but also a victim of destiny and fate.

  In China, in 1988, Yi Xinnong published a book named Foreign Literature. In 2005,

Jiang Qingyou wrote a paper-- the View of Thomas Hardys Ethic and Life from Tesss Tragedy. Both of them analyzed the Clares characters and his ethical view, then expressed Thomas Hardys morals viewcritical attitude about hypocritical capitalism morals view and unequal legal system. In 1984, Yang Qishen published a book named Famous Foreign Literature work Appreciation. In 2006, Ji Shuihe published a book named Wen Xue Min Zhu Jing Pin Shang Xi. In these two books, they analyzed the subtitlea pure woman and revealed the view of Hardys chastity.

  In addition, many domestic and foreign journals analyze this novel. Some of them analyze it from the female respect, from the causes of Tesss tragedy; others also analyze the main characters psychological features from Freud psychology. When Tess was in face of misfortune, she didnt give in the tragedy , instead of pursuing her true love. This work is worthy of studying and discussing. Hardy is called the British novels of Shakespeare of Victorian era.

  3. Significance of the research

  There are two significant reasons for writing this paper. In the first place, the research of Hardys view of ethic and chastity can help people better understand this work and get to know more about the Victorian age in Britain, such as economy, policy and the life condition of people .And then it may help Chinese English learners better appreciate the novel and understand the authors values.

  4. Creative views about the research

  A number of people have studied this novel by analyzing characters, Tesss tragedy and the causes of Tesss tragedy . This paper will concentrate on Thomas Hardys view of ethic and chastity by analyzing.

  课题的主要内容(Main Contents)

  Firstly, the paper gives a brief which mainly includes Thomas Hardys introduction, the background of the novel and the brief introduction of this novel. And then an analysis of hardys ethic and chastity view from the characters in the novel. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn out.


  1.1 Thomas Hardy

  1.2 The background of this novel

  1.3 The brief introduction of the novel


  2.1 Analysis of Tesss pure characters

  2.1.1 Tesss goodness and innocence

  2.1.2 Tesss loyalty and persistence

  2.1.3 Tesss endurance and responsibility

  2.1.4 Tesss rebellion and sacrifice

  2.1.5Tesss hardworking and mercy

  2.2 Analysis of Alecs and Clares characters

  2.2.1 Alecs characters

  2.2.2 Clares characters

  2.3 Analysis of Tesss fathers characters


  3.1 Thomas hardys view from the main characters

  3.1.1 Hardys view though Tesss characters

  3.1.2 Hardys view though Alecs and Clares characters

  3.1.3 Hardys view though Tesss fathers characters

  3.2 Thomas hardys view of ethic and chastity

  3.2.1 Hardys view of ethic Hardys kind, pure, sympathize, hardworking , honest and loyal views Hardys view of criticizing the capitalisms vinity Hardys critical view of religion and religious ethic

  3.2.2 Hardys view of chastity Hardys equal chastity view between men and women Hardys view of pure chastity of women Hardys view of rebelling traditionally stubborn chastity in mens concept



  研究方法 (Research methods)

  ① Date-gathered analysis: collecting information on the Internet and library.

  ② Literature analysis: researching the date collected carefully.

  完成期限和采取的主要措施 (Timetable)

  Date Main tasks to be completed

  Sep.10-30.2011 Collecting materials

  Oct.11-20 Discussing with the tutor and producing the outline

  Nov.19-Dec.26 Writing a report of the thesis feasibility and possibility

  Dec.30-Mar.10 Writing the first draft

  Mar.11-Apri.11 Writing the second draft

  Apri.12-30 Writing the third draft

  May.1-30 Printing the final version

  主要参考资料 (References)

  ⒈杨岂深 外国文学名著欣赏 [A] 黑龙江人民出版社 1984(2)

  ⒉季水河 文学名著精品赏析 [A] 中南大学出版社 2006(6)

  ⒊亨利.托马斯 黛娜.莉.托马斯 黄鹂译 外国名作家传 [A] 陕西人民出版社 1959(2)

  ⒋易新农 外国文学 [A] 广西人民出版社 1988(8)

  ⒌秋杰,试论苔丝悲惨命运的必然性 [J]. 中外社科论丛,2005 (2)

  ⒍谢灿琛,从《德伯家的苔丝》看哈代对基督教的批判与继承 [J]. 天津外国语学院学报,2005(5)

  ⒎刘参,试析苔丝悲剧的心理根源 [J]. 东北大学学报(社会科学版),2004(2)

  ⒏秋杰,试论苔丝悲惨命运的必然性 [J]. 中外社科论丛,2005 (2)

  ⒐慎丹丹,从爱情悲剧论哈代的女性观 [J]. 武汉科技大学学报(社会科学版),2005(4)

  ⒑ Hardy,Thomas.Tess of the DUrberllies[M].Foreign Language Press,1993

  ⒒ Robert Ackerman.Thomas Hardys Tess of the Duberllies [M].Beijing:Simon and Schuster Press and Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Reseach Press,1996

  ⒓Charles E. Bressler, L iterary Criticism[M ]. Higher Education Press, 2004.

  ⒔Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d Urbervilles, a Pure Woman [M ]. World Book Press, 2003.

  ⒕Thomas Hardy TESS OF THE DURBERILLES [M] 远方出版社 2005 (10)


