
时间:2017-07-08 05:48:10
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英语讨论范文 篇一

Should Animal Testing Be Banned?


Animal testing has been a controversial topic for many years. While some argue that it is necessary for scientific research and the development of new products, others advocate for its complete ban due to ethical concerns. This essay aims to present both sides of the argument and provide a reasoned conclusion.

Supporters of Animal Testing

Those in favor of animal testing argue that it is essential for medical research and the advancement of scientific knowledge. Animals, such as rats and mice, share similar genetic makeup with humans, making them suitable for testing new drugs and treatments. This allows scientists to understand the potential effects and safety of these substances before human trials, potentially saving lives and preventing harm. Additionally, animal testing has played a crucial role in the development of vaccines and treatments for diseases such as polio and tuberculosis.

Opponents of Animal Testing

On the other hand, opponents of animal testing believe that it is morally wrong to subject animals to unnecessary suffering. Animals used in experiments often endure pain, distress, and even death. Many argue that it is unethical to prioritize human benefits over the well-being of other sentient beings. Furthermore, there are concerns about the reliability of animal testing results, as animals may react differently to substances compared to humans. Advances in technology have also made it possible to develop alternative testing methods, such as in vitro studies and computer simulations, which can provide more accurate results without harming animals.


In conclusion, the question of whether animal testing should be banned is a complex and contentious issue. While animal testing has undoubtedly contributed to numerous medical advancements, it raises ethical concerns regarding animal welfare. Ultimately, a balance should be struck between the need for scientific progress and the ethical treatment of animals. Governments and scientific communities should invest in the development and promotion of alternative testing methods that are more reliable and humane. Only through this combined effort can we strive towards a future where both scientific progress and animal welfare are respected.

英语讨论范文 篇二

Is Social Media Beneficial or Harmful?


Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. While it offers various benefits such as staying connected with friends and accessing information, there are concerns about its potential negative impact. This essay will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of social media and present a balanced view.

Advantages of Social Media

One of the main benefits of social media is its ability to connect people from all over the world. It allows individuals to communicate with friends, family, and even strangers, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Social media platforms also provide a platform for sharing ideas and voicing opinions, giving individuals a voice in public discussions. Additionally, social media offers a wealth of information and resources, making it easier to find news, research, and educational content.

Disadvantages of Social Media

However, there are several drawbacks to social media as well. One of the main concerns is the impact it has on mental health. Studies have shown a correlation between excessive social media use and feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. The constant comparison to others' highlight reels and the pressure to maintain a perfect online image can negatively affect self-esteem and well-being. Furthermore, social media can also be a breeding ground for cyberbullying, misinformation, and online scams, posing risks to personal safety and security.


In conclusion, social media has both positive and negative aspects. It provides numerous benefits in terms of connectivity, access to information, and freedom of expression. However, it also poses risks to mental health, personal safety, and the spread of false information. It is essential for individuals to use social media mindfully and responsibly, and for platforms to prioritize user well-being and safety. By addressing the challenges and maximizing the potential benefits, we can create a healthier and more positive social media environment.

英语讨论范文 篇三


(1) 模版1

Different people have different views people think that_____,whereas others argue that __________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that one thing,I firmly believe that another, think of________,who/which_______.

Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safely come to the conclusion if_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________.


In recent years there have been many reports of turns a new chapter of _________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.

The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is addition,,______________.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidable the first place, the second place,’s more, summary,we should_______________.


Nowadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,ranging from __________to_____________.

The popularity of _______will have a great influence on the one hand, the other hand,__________.

To conclude,____________are just like a double-edged them we point should be kept in mind that we should make sensible use,always being a master instead of slaving of them.

英语讨论范文 篇四





英语讨论范文 篇五


1. 单元背景分析
















词汇:学习并使用一些与science 和scientists有关的词汇。






本单元的中心话题是science and scientists。话题依附于听力、对话、阅读与写作等语言载体中。本单元的话题内容与学生的日常学习有着密切的关系,应该说是以英语为媒体让学生表达他们对平时理化生等理科课程,特别是相关实验,所想到及感受到的内容。因此,尽管本单元的话题对学生而言有着一定的难度,但却有体现出了以学生为中心,贴近学生生活而又富有时代气息的特点。

Warming up设计了四幅与学生的理科课程有关的图片,学生通过对日常熟悉的相干实验工具及场地的识别,展开相关学科特点与学习的讨论。同时在此基础上,要求学生们在Listening部分能熟悉某些实验室的规则及注意事项,掌握如何给予别人指导与说明,并能抓住文章的中心话题,捕捉相关细节内容,回答有关的问题。

Speaking则是一个极富时代气息的讨论练习。要求学生们能对现在热门的尖端科技有所了解,(练习中提供了诸如Maglev train, cloning, nuclear energy, computer 与 space flight等内容)然后能就这些新的科学技术与工具进行理性的辨证的思考,既能感受到它们给我们的生活带来的巨大利益,同时也能发现其中所存在的不足与弊端,并能通过讨论、对话等形式发表自己的观点与想法。这一部分也应该是本单元写作内容的一个铺垫。

Reading讲述的是科学家 Franklin的风筝实验,从而证明Lighting and electricity are the same的故事。学生在理解文章的基础上,能充分感受到实验对于科学工作的重要性及科学家是如何获得事业上的成功的。同时能落实材料中所出现的一些单词与短语的使用。

Language Study是在本单元词汇学习的基础上,让学生进一步了解并掌握一定的构词法。主要是兼类词、一词多义现象及合成词的构成。

Integrating skills 通过学生对科学家是否应利用动物进行实验,从而达到发明新产品现象的讨论,理性的从正反两个方面看待这一问题。同时在阅读、思考与讨论的基础上,写下一篇阐明自己观点、立场与看法的短文。



(1)。能就某一话题进行合理的分析,并从不同的角度去分析问题,展示一个物体的利与弊两个方面。同时能在讨论时学会运用哪些结构与单词对事物进行评价,诸如“ It’s good / bad / harmful for… / It’s dangerous / expensive / important / unnecessary/ It brings people …/ It can help people…

(2)。掌握如何就某一话题给予别人指示与说明,能熟练运用 Don’t do… / Don’t forget to… / Make sure… / Remember that… / Do be careful of…等结构进行讨论、对话与表演。


英语讨论范文 篇六

当今社会,与人交往越来越成为一种不可或缺的能力,作为中学生,学会如何与人相处尤为重要。假如上周你们班对“如何与人相处”展开了讨论,请根据以下的讨论结果,以“How to get on well with others?”为题,写一篇英语短文。







How to get on well with others

As we all know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But in what ways?

First of all, we should respect others. Everyone has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What’s more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.

In my opinion, we should treat others in an honest way. Only in this way can we get along well with each other and feel happy.


