
时间:2014-03-05 08:45:40
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有关节日的英语口语对话 篇一

Title: Celebrating Christmas with Friends

A: Hey, are you excited for Christmas?

B: Absolutely! It's one of my favorite holidays. How about you?

A: I love Christmas too! Do you have any plans for the day?

B: Yes, I'm actually hosting a Christmas party at my house. Would you like to come?

A: That sounds like fun! I would love to join. What time should I come over?

B: The party starts at 6 pm. You can come a bit earlier if you'd like to help with the decorations.

A: Sure, I'd be happy to help. What kind of decorations are you planning?

B: I have a Christmas tree that we can decorate with lights, ornaments, and tinsel. I also bought some festive tablecloths and centerpieces for the dining area.

A: That sounds lovely. I can bring some Christmas music to create a festive atmosphere.

B: Great idea! I'll prepare some snacks and drinks for the guests as well. Is there anything specific you'd like to have?

A: How about some traditional Christmas cookies and eggnog? They are always a hit during the holiday season.

B: Perfect! I'll make sure to have those ready. By the way, do you have any gift exchange activities planned?

A: Yes, I thought it would be fun to have a Secret Santa gift exchange. Each person can bring a small gift and we'll randomly assign them to someone else.

B: That's a great idea. I'll make sure to mention it in the invitation. Is there anything else we should prepare for the party?

A: I think we have covered everything. Just make sure to let everyone know the dress code if there is any, and provide directions to your place for those who might not be familiar with the area.

B: Will do! I'm really looking forward to celebrating Christmas with friends. It's going to be a memorable evening.

A: Me too! I can't wait for the party. Thank you for inviting me.

有关节日的英语口语对话 篇二

Title: Celebrating Chinese New Year Traditions

A: Hey, have you ever celebrated Chinese New Year before?

B: Yes, I have. It's always a vibrant and festive celebration. Have you experienced it before?

A: No, I haven't. I would love to learn more about it. What are some of the traditions that people follow during Chinese New Year?

B: One of the most important traditions is the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve. Families gather together to have a feast and celebrate the coming year.

A: That sounds wonderful. What kind of food is typically served during the reunion dinner?

B: There are many traditional dishes, such as dumplings, fish, spring rolls, and rice cakes. Each dish symbolizes something auspicious for the new year.

A: That's fascinating. Are there any other customs or activities that people engage in during Chinese New Year?

B: Yes, red envelopes are given to children and unmarried individuals as a symbol of good luck and blessings. Lion and dragon dances are also performed to chase away evil spirits and bring good fortune.

A: That sounds like a lot of fun. Are there any particular colors or decorations associated with Chinese New Year?

B: Red is considered an auspicious color, so you will see a lot of red decorations during this time. People also hang up lanterns and couplets with well-wishes written on them.

A: That's really interesting. Is there anything else I should know if I want to celebrate Chinese New Year?

B: It's customary to visit friends and family during the holiday, so you might want to plan some visits. And don't forget to wear something red to bring good luck!

A: I will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you for sharing these traditions with me. I'm excited to experience Chinese New Year for the first time.

B: You're welcome! I'm sure you'll have a great time. It's a unique and joyful celebration. Enjoy the festivities!

有关节日的英语口语对话 篇三



  Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving Day?

  感恩节快乐!Happy Thanksgiving Day!

  我们祈求健康和快乐。We pray for health and happiness。


  I’m thankful for having the best wife and children in the world。


  May your Thanksgiving be bountiful and the coming year be full of many blessings。


  I’m going to invite my friends over to enjoy the feast with us。


  All my friends are going home, and so am I。

有关节日的英语口语对话 篇四


  Do you want to help me make a jack-o’-lantern?

  我要穿件黑衣服。I’m going to put on a dark suit。

  你要带面具吗?Are you going to wear a mask?

  我给你们些糖果吧。Let me give you some candies。

  多么可怕的晚上啊!What a horrible night!

  我们的面具可以把幽灵吓走!Our masks will scare off the spirits!

  我的心一直跳得厉害。My heart keeps pumping。

  我们用灯笼为骷髅、魔鬼、女巫、鬼魂和死去的朋友和亲戚照路,他们要来人间。We use the lantern to light the way for skeletons, devils, witches, ghosts, and the dead friends or relatives, for they will visit the earth。


