
时间:2013-08-02 02:44:46
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中考英语听力模拟试题集材料 篇一


Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to a collection of simulated listening test materials for the middle school entrance examination in English. As an English teacher, I found the experience to be both informative and eye-opening.

The simulated listening test materials consisted of various audio clips, including conversations, interviews, and short passages. Each audio clip was followed by a series of multiple-choice questions, requiring students to listen carefully and choose the correct answer based on the information provided.

One of the audio clips featured a conversation between two students discussing their plans for the upcoming summer vacation. The questions that followed tested students' understanding of details, such as the destination of their trip and the activities they planned to do. This particular clip was designed to assess students' ability to comprehend spoken language and extract specific information.

Another audio clip included an interview with a famous scientist. The questions that followed focused on the main idea of the interview and the scientist's opinions on certain topics. This clip aimed to assess students' ability to understand the overall meaning and infer the speaker's attitude or opinion.

The simulated listening test materials not only covered a wide range of topics, but also varied in difficulty. Some clips were relatively easy, while others were more challenging. This allowed students to practice their listening skills at different levels and gradually improve their proficiency.

From my observation, the simulated listening test materials were well-designed and aligned with the requirements of the middle school entrance examination. They provided students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the format and types of questions they would encounter in the actual test. Moreover, the materials emphasized the importance of attentive listening and understanding context, skills that are essential for effective communication in English.

Overall, I believe that the simulated listening test materials for the middle school entrance examination in English are valuable resources for both teachers and students. They not only provide students with an opportunity to practice their listening skills, but also help teachers assess students' listening comprehension and tailor their teaching accordingly. With more exposure to such materials, students can become more confident and proficient in their English listening abilities.

中考英语听力模拟试题集材料 篇二


I recently had the chance to review a collection of simulated listening test materials for the middle school entrance examination in English. As a parent, I found the materials to be helpful in understanding the expectations of the examination and supporting my child's preparation.

The simulated listening test materials consisted of audio clips, followed by a series of questions. These materials aimed to assess students' listening comprehension skills, as well as their ability to extract specific information, understand the overall meaning, and infer the speaker's attitude or opinion.

Listening to the audio clips, I realized the importance of attentive listening and understanding context. The clips covered various topics, ranging from everyday conversations to interviews with famous personalities. This allowed students to practice their listening skills in different contexts and become familiar with the types of situations they might encounter in real-life English communication.

The multiple-choice questions that followed each audio clip required students to carefully listen and choose the correct answer. This challenged my child's ability to listen for details and make accurate deductions. It also encouraged him to pay attention to key words and phrases, as well as the overall flow of the conversation or passage.

As a parent, I appreciated the variety and difficulty level of the simulated listening test materials. They provided a comprehensive range of exercises that allowed my child to practice listening to different accents, speeds, and styles of speech. This exposure helped him develop a more well-rounded listening ability and become more confident in his English skills.

In addition, the simulated listening test materials allowed me to gauge my child's progress and identify areas where he needed further improvement. By listening to the audio clips together and discussing the questions, I could provide him with guidance and support in his preparation for the middle school entrance examination.

Overall, I found the simulated listening test materials for the middle school entrance examination in English to be a valuable resource for both students and parents. They not only provide students with an opportunity to practice their listening skills, but also help parents understand the expectations of the examination and support their child's preparation. With regular practice using such materials, students can enhance their listening comprehension abilities and increase their chances of success in the examination.

中考英语听力模拟试题集材料 篇三


[00:00.00]Super Listening Comprehension
[00:36.83]Model Test 2 Part 1.
[00:51.93]1.( )that time,( ) babies were born in the world.
[01:00.45]2.In 1850,about a ( ) U.S.A was ( )by forests.
[01:08.83]3.( )is from ( ) to April.
[01:14.71]4.The things on ( ) ( )were all used about a( )years ago
[01:22.10]5.Peter has( )it all ( )on the list.
[01:28.08]Part 2.
[01:36.08]Last Saturday morning,the twins went shopping with their parents in a shoe shop.
[01:43.58]Cathy saw an old man crossing the street slowly.
[01:49.56]Suddenly a boy about 16 years old on a yellow bike was coming towards the old man.
[01:59.17]He was traveling so fast that he hit the old man.
[02:05.26]The old man was badly hurt.The boy didn’t stop and rode away.
[02:11.66]The twins and their parents helped the old man stand up
[02:17.27]and sent him to the nearest hospital at once.
[02:22.05]Part 3. 1.You say to your mother,"I want to play football on the street."
[02:29.29]Question:What’s your mother’s answer?
[02:37.99]2.You go to the museum and see a sign on the wall, "NO SMOKING".
[02:46.79]Question:What does the sign mean?
[02:55.39]3.Your little brother tells you,"I’ve seen such a strange animal.
[03:03.69]It has eight legs and four wings."
[03:08.79]Question:What’s your answer?
[03:13.99]4.You don’t know the word "Exit" and you want to ask your classmate.
[03:22.08]Question:What would you say?
[03:30.08]5.Your mother is doing her housework,but you want her to go shopping with you.
[03:37.97]Question:What would you say to your mother?
[03:43.16]6.The telephone rings,you pick it up.
[03:48.86]Someone says,"May I please speak to Mr.Wang?"
[03:54.45]but your father isn’t at home.
[03:58.55]Question:How would you answer?
[04:02.73]7.On your way to school.Harry told you Peter was ill.
[04:10.51]Question:What would you say then?
[04:19.32]8.You want to ask your classmate to pass a message to the head teacher.
[04:27.13]Question:What will you say to him?
[04:32.43]9.It’s August 11th,your classmate asks you
[04:39.22]"What is the date we’ll return to school?"
[04:43.92]Question:What will you answer if you’ll go back to school in ten days?
[04:54.82]10.You want to ask your classmates to come to your home for a party this Sunday.
[05:03.52]Question:What would you say to them?
[05:08.01]Part 4.
[05:17.81]1.Woman:What’s the matter with you,Jim?
[05:23.40]Man:I have a headache and a cough.
[05:27.39]Woman:Have you seen a doctor?
[05:32.09]Man:Yes,my mother took me to the hospital.
[05:37.89]The doctor asked me to take some medicine,
[05:42.49]three white pills,two yellow pills and one blue pill.three times a day.
[05:50.80]Question:How many pills should Jim take?
[05:55.50]A.Six pills. B.Two pills. C.Three pills. D.Eighteen pills.
[05:58.30]2.Man:Oh,you’ve got a letter!Why haven’t you opened it?
[06:05.90]Woman:Yes,I’ve just received it.I think it’s from America.
[06:13.39]It must be from Cathy,she’s gone to America for a short holiday.
[06:23.29]Woman:Yes!It’s a Christmas card!
[06:27.89]Man:Really?What does it say?
[06:31.68]Woman:"Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!"
[06:36.88]Question:What does Cathy write on the card?
[06:42.57]A.Merry Christmas! B.Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!
[06:44.58]3.I think art and music are much more interesting than maths and English,
[06:52.68]Mike,do you agree with me?
[06:56.97]No,I don’t think so.Maths is much more interesting than any other subject.
[07:05.06]Question:What subject does Mike prefer?
[07:10.16]4. Look!How beautiful.Here is an old tea pot and it’s inside another pot.
[07:17.45]What was that pot used for ?
[07:21.55]It’s used for keeping tea hot after it was made It’s filled with hot water.
[07:30.85]Woman:But today we use a thermos.
[07:34.95]Man:I know.But in China people still make tea in teapots.
[07:41.24]Question:What do people in China still use to keep tea hot today?
[07:48.14]A.thermos. B.Teapots. C.Both A and B. D.Cups.
[07:50.13]5.Man:Li Lei,come to school in your old clothes tomorrow!
[07:57.13]Woman:Why?What’s happening?
[08:00.73]Man:We’re going to plant trees.Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day
[08:08.02]Woman:Where shall we plant trees and how many trees shall we plant?
[08:14.00]Man:We’ll plant 158 trees in the park,
[08:21.00]263 trees along the road and 21 trees in our school.
[08:29.31]We’ll still plant 30 fruit trees on the farm.

08:34.61]Woman:OK.I’d love to.
[08:38.90]Question:When and Where will the children plant trees?
[08:46.29]Part 5.
[08:54.57]English is different from any other language.
[09:01.15]In English words don’t stay the same.The language is always changing.
[09:09.56]New words often come into use.
[09:13.95]And people often use older words in a new way.
[09:20.07]English can change by using words from other languages.
[09:26.26]"Tea" was from China and "Tomato"came from Mexico.
[09:33.26]The name of people and products can become new words,"Sandwich" was the name of a man.
[09:42.27]"Cocacola" was from the company that first made the product.

