
时间:2018-07-03 05:38:48
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关于问路的英语口语对话 篇一

A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the nearest train station?

B: Sure! Just go straight ahead for two blocks, then turn left at the traffic light. Walk for about five minutes and you will see it on your right.

A: Thank you so much! Is it a big station?

B: Yes, it's quite big and there are many platforms. Make sure to check the signs for the right platform for your train.

A: Got it. Are there any landmarks near the station that can help me find it easily?

B: Yes, there is a large supermarket right across the street from the station. You won't miss it!

A: That's helpful. Is there a ticket office inside the station?

B: Yes, there is a ticket office where you can buy tickets or get information about train schedules.

A: Great! Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.

B: You're welcome. Have a safe trip!

关于问路的英语口语对话 篇二

A: Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bus stop is?

B: Yes, there is one just around the corner. Go straight ahead and you will see it on your left.

A: Thank you! Can you tell me which bus I should take to get to the city center?

B: Sure. You can take bus number 10. It will take you directly to the city center.

A: How often do the buses come?

B: They usually come every 10-15 minutes, but it might be different during peak hours.

A: I see. Is there a bus schedule I can check?

B: Yes, there is a schedule posted at the bus stop. You can also use a mobile app to check the bus timings.

A: That's convenient. Are there any landmarks near the bus stop that can help me find it easily?

B: Yes, there is a tall office building right next to the bus stop. You can easily spot it.

A: Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.

B: No problem. Have a good journey!

关于问路的英语口语对话 篇三

  A.Excuse me,can you tell me where the post office is?


  B.It's on the Fifth Avenue.


  A.I'm afraid I don't quite understand.


  B.I see.You're a stranger here.Walk two blocks ahead, then turn left. You can't miss it.


关于问路的英语口语对话 篇四

  A.Excuse me,could you tell me where Peking University is on this map?


  B.Let me see. Here it is.


  A.Could you tell me how to get there?


  B.I’m afraid I can’t because I’m a stranger here.


  A.Oh,thanks all the same.


  B.Not at all. You can ask the policeman over there.


关于问路的英语口语对话 篇五

  A.Can you direct me to Holiday inn?


  B.Cross the street and walk two blocks west.You can't miss it.





