英语心理测试 篇一
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Take this English psychological test to find out!
Introverts and extroverts have different personality traits and preferences when it comes to socializing and interacting with others. This test will help you determine which category you fall into based on your answers to a series of questions.
1. Do you enjoy spending time alone?
a) Yes, I prefer my own company.
b) No, I feel lonely when I'm alone.
2. How do you feel in large social gatherings?
a) Overwhelmed and drained.
b) Energized and excited.
3. Are you comfortable striking up conversations with strangers?
a) No, I find it difficult.
b) Yes, I enjoy meeting new people.
4. How do you recharge your energy?
a) By spending time alone or engaging in solitary activities.
b) By being around others and participating in group activities.
5. How do you handle conflicts?
a) I prefer to avoid conflicts and find peaceful resolutions.
b) I confront conflicts head-on and try to resolve them immediately.
6. Are you a good listener?
a) Yes, I enjoy listening to others and providing support.
b) No, I prefer to do the talking.
7. How do you feel about public speaking?
a) Nervous and anxious.
b) Confident and comfortable.
8. Do you enjoy taking risks?
a) No, I prefer to play it safe.
b) Yes, I enjoy taking risks and trying new things.
Now, let's tally up your answers. If you answered mostly A's, you are likely an introvert. If you answered mostly B's, you are likely an extrovert. If you have a mix of A's and B's, you might exhibit characteristics of both introversion and extroversion.
Understanding whether you are an introvert or an extrovert can help you navigate social situations and better understand your own needs when it comes to socializing. Remember, being either an introvert or an extrovert is perfectly normal and there is no right or wrong personality type.
So, what did you discover about yourself? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Take this information and use it to enhance your self-awareness and improve your interpersonal relationships.
英语心理测试 篇二
Discover your love language with this English psychological test!
The concept of love languages was introduced by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book "The Five Love Languages." According to Chapman, there are five primary ways that individuals express and experience love: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. This test will help you identify your primary love language based on your preferences and attitudes towards these different expressions of love.
1. How do you feel most loved and appreciated?
a) When someone tells me how much they care about me.
b) When someone does something kind or helpful for me.
2. What makes you feel most valued in a relationship?
a) Receiving thoughtful gifts.
b) Spending quality time together.
3. How do you typically express love to others?
a) Through verbal compliments and kind words.
b) Through actions and gestures.
4. What is your ideal date night?
a) Going out to a fancy restaurant or attending a special event.
b) Staying in and spending quality time together.
5. How do you prefer to show affection to your loved ones?
a) Through physical touch, such as hugs and kisses.
b) Through acts of service, like cooking a meal or doing chores.
6. How do you feel when someone cancels plans with you?
a) Disappointed and hurt.
b) It doesn't bother me much.
7. What type of gifts do you appreciate the most?
a) Thoughtful and meaningful gifts.
b) Expensive or extravagant gifts.
8. How important is physical intimacy in a relationship to you?
a) Very important, it helps me feel connected and loved.
b) Not as important, I prefer other forms of expression.
Now, calculate your answers. If you answered mostly A's, your primary love language is likely words of affirmation or receiving gifts. If you answered mostly B's, your primary love language is likely acts of service, quality time, or physical touch.
Understanding your love language can improve your relationships by helping you communicate your needs and preferences to your loved ones. It can also help you understand the ways in which others prefer to give and receive love.
So, what is your love language? Use this newfound knowledge to enhance your relationships and create deeper connections with your loved ones.
英语心理测试 篇三
A:Marco, here is an easy psychological test. Are you interested?
B:Yes. But make sure you speak slowly so that I can follow you.
A:Ok. Here we go. Well ,the first question is when you walk \into\ a forest,what is the first qnimal that you wanna see?
B:Tiger. I love tigers.
A:Ok. Then what's the second animal you wanna see ?
B: The second. I guess a pig. That's my girlfriend's sign.
A:Now, after the forest,there comes a little stream. The water is nice and clean. But you are not thirsty. Would you drink some water?
B:No, cause I'm not thirsty.
A:The second stream is very dirty,and you are really thirsty this time.Now, would you drink some water?
B:I guess so.
A:After this ,you see a small house. So you open the door and go in. You see a vase and lots of roses on the floor. Now tell me how many
A:Okay. That's the last question. Now let me tell you its meaning. The first animal is you and the second animal is your girlfriend. You said you're a tiger and she's a pig. That shows you're a really bossy man and you're lazy, cause your girlfriend is lazy.
B:What about the streams?
A:The 2 streams are 2 opportunities in your life. You caught one.
B:Then the roses.
A:The roses refer to your lovers after you get married. You may have one lover.
B:That's not true. I won't buy your story.
Attention Please…特别提醒
[1] psychological test心理测试。心理测试的很多问题很荒诞。但有时也挺准确的。psychology是指心理学。心理学家就是psychologist。逆反心理则是reverse psychology
[2]sign的一个意思表示星座。几十年前老美们泡妞时会说What's your sign?{你是什么星座的?}不过现在这个问题已经过时了。
Related Words…相关词汇
[ ie:What does "***"mean?"***"是什么意思?]
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