地道英语口语学习:Mission Statement 目标宣言(推荐3篇)

时间:2015-01-08 04:36:26
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地道英语口语学习:Mission Statement 目标宣言 篇一

In today's globalized world, having strong English language skills is essential for success in both personal and professional life. Whether it's for career advancement, international travel, or simply for personal growth, learning authentic English conversation is a valuable pursuit. A mission statement can help guide and motivate individuals in their language learning journey.

The mission statement for learning authentic English conversation is to provide learners with the necessary tools, resources, and support to develop fluency and confidence in using English in real-life situations. This mission is based on the belief that language learning should be practical and interactive, enabling learners to effectively communicate and connect with others.

To achieve this mission, the following principles will be upheld:

1. Focus on real-life communication: The learning process will prioritize the development of practical language skills that can be applied in daily conversations. Learners will be exposed to a wide range of authentic materials, such as dialogues, podcasts, and videos, to enhance their understanding of English in different contexts.

2. Encourage active participation: Learners will be encouraged to actively engage in speaking and listening activities. Opportunities for interactive exercises, group discussions, and role-playing will be provided to enhance fluency and build confidence in using English.

3. Provide personalized learning experiences: Recognizing that every learner is unique, the program will offer personalized learning experiences tailored to individual needs and goals. Learners will have access to a variety of learning materials, including vocabulary lists, grammar explanations, and practice exercises, to support their language acquisition.

4. Foster a supportive learning community: A sense of belonging and community is crucial for language learners. Learners will have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals through online forums, discussion groups, and language exchanges. Peer support and feedback will be encouraged to create a supportive learning environment.

5. Emphasize cultural understanding: Language and culture are deeply intertwined. The program will promote cultural understanding and awareness through exposure to authentic cultural materials and discussions. Learners will gain insights into different cultures, customs, and traditions, enhancing their ability to communicate effectively and respectfully.

By following this mission statement, learners will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate real-life English conversations with ease. They will develop fluency, confidence, and cultural sensitivity, enabling them to connect with people from different backgrounds and achieve their personal and professional goals.

地道英语口语学习:Mission Statement 目标宣言 篇二

Learning authentic English conversation is an ongoing journey that requires dedication, practice, and the right resources. The mission statement for learning authentic English conversation aims to provide learners with a comprehensive and immersive language learning experience that fosters fluency, confidence, and cultural understanding.

The mission statement is centered around the following key principles:

1. Create an immersive learning environment: To develop fluency in English, learners need to be exposed to authentic language input. The program will provide a variety of materials, such as audio recordings, videos, and reading materials, to immerse learners in real-life English conversations. This immersion will help learners become familiar with natural speech patterns, vocabulary usage, and cultural nuances.

2. Foster active engagement: Language learning is an active process that requires learners to actively engage with the language. The program will provide opportunities for learners to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills through interactive exercises, role-plays, and discussions. Learners will be encouraged to apply what they have learned in real-life situations, ensuring that their language skills are relevant and practical.

3. Provide comprehensive language support: Language learning goes beyond vocabulary and grammar. The program will provide learners with comprehensive language support, including pronunciation practice, idiomatic expressions, and cultural insights. Learners will have access to language resources, such as glossaries, grammar explanations, and sample conversations, to enhance their understanding and usage of English.

4. Cultivate cultural understanding: Language and culture are intertwined, and understanding cultural nuances is crucial for effective communication. The program will incorporate cultural content, such as literature, films, and discussions, to deepen learners' cultural understanding. Learners will gain insights into different cultural practices, traditions, and perspectives, enabling them to communicate with cultural sensitivity and adaptability.

5. Support lifelong learning: Language learning is a lifelong journey, and the program will empower learners to continue their language development beyond the course. Learners will be provided with strategies and resources for independent language study, including online language communities, language exchange opportunities, and recommended materials. This support will ensure that learners can sustain their language skills and continue to grow as effective communicators.

By adhering to this mission statement, learners will be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to engage in authentic English conversations. They will become fluent speakers, active listeners, and culturally sensitive communicators who can connect with others in a meaningful way. The mission statement aims to empower learners to achieve their language learning goals and succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.

地道英语口语学习:Mission Statement 目标宣言 篇三

地道英语口语学习:Mission Statement 目标宣言

Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.
Zoe: Hello,我是刘佳。

Helen: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Zoe: 在今天的地道英语中,我们来学一些时下英语中最流行的新词和习惯表达。

Helen: Stay up to date with new words and expressions that enter English with real English.

Zoe: Helen, 我们今天要学的新词是?

Helen: Today’s new expression is ‘mission statement’.

Zoe: Mission statement. 给我们来解释解释吧,Helen.

Helen: Well, ‘mission statement’ means the official statement of a company’s aims, what they intend to do.

Zoe: 哦,我明白了。Mission statement 意思是 一个公司制定自己的目标或者意图。能给我们举个例子吗?Helen

Helen: Of course. A health insurance company might say ‘ we aim to provide quality medical care for a good price’ or something like that.

Zoe: 对于这个例子,好的医药服务就是健康保险公司的mission statement.

Helen: That’s right.


A: I still think we should raise the price of our new computers.

B: I don’t think we should. It would be against our mission statement, remember? ‘We will provide the best PCs for the lowest price.’

Zoe: So what’s our mission statement, Helen?

Helen: You already mentioned it at the beginning.

Zoe: Did I?

Helen: Yes. Remember, you said ‘In Real English we’ll learn words, phrases and expressions that are new to the English language.’ That’s our mission statement!

Zoe: 哦,这个mission statement就是告诉大家,一件事情的预期目标是什么。

Helen: Yes, the intention of your company. It’s like if someone says ‘Why are you doing this radio show?’ Our mission statement is the answer to that question.

Zoe: Now I see.

Helen: That’s good! If you understand, then that means our mission ha

s been successful! Anyway, let’s recap – mission statement –

Zoe: 就是指预期目标。Well, it looks like we have to finish there.

Helen: Yes, we have to go. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Zoe: See you next time.

地道英语口语学习:Mission Statement 目标宣言(推荐3篇)

