
时间:2015-06-01 05:24:34
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英语记叙文的写作方法 篇一








英语记叙文的写作方法 篇二








英语记叙文的写作方法 篇三



  要写好记叙文,首先必须确定写些什么,然后懂得如何收集、选取素材,而不能提笔就写,写到哪里算哪里。这里,我们可以借用新闻英语写作中经常用到的五个“W”和一个“H”的概念。即:What(什么事),Who(什么人), When (什么时候),Where(什么地点),Why(什么原因),How (怎么样)。尽管不是每篇英语记叙文都一定要将这些W和H包括进去,但是,一方面,确定写作内容、收集写作素材必定要围绕这五个W和一个H进行;另一方面,一篇好的英语记叙文读后不应让读者还存有上述疑问。请读下面这篇简短的习作:

  Last week I took part in the final piano contest at the school. On that night, I was so nervous(紧张)that I could hardly move my fingers. As I waited for my turn to appear on the stage, I was sure I had forgotten the opening notes of my piece of music. I began thinking of ways to run away; maybe I could faint(晕倒) or pretend(假装)to be very much ill. But then at the last minute my piano teacher came by to wish me luck and said something that suddenly changed everything. When my turn came, I played with ease and confidence(信心)。 Although the results of the contest were disappointing(失望), I was pleased that I had conquered(征服)one of my major enemies——stage fright(怯场)。

  文中黑体部分读后让人留下了两个疑问:1)老师究竟说了些什么(What)使得一切突然发生了变化; 2)既然“轻松自信地”进行了演奏,为何(Why)结果会令人失望。由于文章没有很好地处理这两个W,所以尽管文笔不错,还是一篇没有写好的记叙文。






  An Unusual Autumn Night

  It was a cool autumn night. Many people were already deep in sleep, but I was still reading an interesting n

ovel. Suddenly I smelt something burning. I looked out of the window. Oh, my god! A fire had broken out! A house on the opposite side was on fire. It was my classmate, Lily's house. Flames were shooting out of the kitchen windows. Smoke was everywhere. “Fire! Fire! Help! Help!”I cried out at the top of my voice. Then I called the fire brigade. By this time, many neighbours had been worken up and were running out. I took a pail and joined the people in putting out the fire. Luckily, Lily and her parents came out in time. They were so frightened and nervous that they could do nothing but cry. I was about to go to comfort them when suddenly I thought of the big colour TV set in their living room. It would explode and cause more damage if the fire reached it. I rushed into the house without much thinking. I found the TV set quickly, but couldn't move it. The flames were coming. I tried all I could to push out the table on which the TV set was placed. The table suddenly moved and I fell, my leg hurt. Just at that time, two firefighters appeared. One carried me out and the other carried out the TV set.

  About half an hour later, the fire was put out. Fortunately, it didn't destroy many things. Of course it didn't spread to other houses either. Lily's parents were so thankful that they couldn't say a word. My neighbours and the firefighters said I was a brave girl.

  Later that night, I didn't sleep a wink, not that my injured leg hurt much but that I was excited. I thought a lot. In this world, there are still bad things—— theft, robbery, wars, but there are more good-natured people. If everyone does a bit for others, the world will become much better.

  江苏 宋丽芳




  My friend Paul will never forget his first chemistry teacher. He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. And his lessons were not easily forgotten.

  Paul remembers one of his first lessons from this teacher. After the students were all in the chemistry lab, the teacher brought out three bottles. One was filled with petrol(汽油), one with castor oil(蓖麻油)and one with vinegar(醋)。 “Now watch carefully,”said the teacher.

  He then filled a cup with some of the petrol, some of the castor oil and some of the vinegar. As the students watched him quietly, he mixed the three together. After that, he held up one of his fingers and showed it to the class. He then dipped it into the cup. After a few seconds he took his finger out. “Now watch,”he said. “Remember, you must do everything as I do. ”

  He put a finger in his mouth, tasted it and smiled, looking rather pleased. Then he handed the cup around the class of students. Each student dipped a finger into the mixture and sucked (吮吸)it. Instead of smiling, each of them made a face. The mixture tasted terrible.

  When the cup was at last returned to the teacher, he said sadly,“I'm sorry, none of you watched carefully enough. Yes, I sucked a finger, but the finger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup.”

  It was Paul's first important lesson as a student of chemistry and he never forgot it.




