新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第四十课(经典3篇)

时间:2015-02-06 03:16:48
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新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第四十课 篇一

In this lesson, we learn about the importance of dreams and how they can motivate us to pursue our goals. The story revolves around a young man named Walter Mitty, who is constantly daydreaming about exciting adventures and heroic acts. However, in reality, he is a timid and unadventurous person who lives a monotonous life. Through Walter's daydreams, the author emphasizes the power of imagination and the potential for personal growth.

The lesson begins with Walter's wife scolding him for his absent-mindedness, as he often gets lost in his daydreams. She tells him to stop being so foolish and to focus on reality. However, Walter's daydreams serve as an escape from his mundane life and give him a sense of purpose. They allow him to experience excitement and adventure that he lacks in reality.

Throughout the lesson, Walter imagines himself as a brave and daring hero, taking on various roles such as a commander of a Navy hydroplane and a famous surgeon. These daydreams not only entertain him but also inspire him to believe in his own potential. They give him the confidence to face challenges and pursue his dreams.

However, the lesson also highlights the dangers of excessive daydreaming. Walter's wife criticizes him for his lack of responsibility and accuses him of neglecting his duties. She argues that his dreams are preventing him from living in the present and taking action to improve his life. This conflict between Walter's imagination and reality adds depth to the story and raises important questions about the balance between dreams and responsibilities.

In conclusion, the lesson teaches us that dreams have the power to inspire and motivate us. They allow us to imagine a better future and give us the courage to pursue our goals. However, it is essential to find a balance between our dreams and our responsibilities in order to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第四十课 篇二

In this lesson, we learn about the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. The story revolves around a young man named Walter Mitty, who is constantly daydreaming about exciting adventures. However, in reality, he is a timid and unadventurous person who faces numerous challenges and setbacks. Through Walter's experiences, the author emphasizes the importance of staying determined and not giving up.

The lesson begins with Walter facing criticism and ridicule from his wife for his absent-mindedness and lack of focus. She constantly belittles him and questions his ability to handle simple tasks. However, Walter remains undeterred and continues to dream of a better life. His resilience in the face of criticism is a testament to his inner strength and determination.

Throughout the lesson, Walter encounters various obstacles that test his resolve. He is mocked by his colleagues at work and faces failure in his attempts to impress a woman he admires. Despite these setbacks, Walter continues to daydream and imagine himself as a heroic figure. His dreams serve as a source of motivation and inspiration, giving him the strength to persevere.

The lesson also highlights the theme of self-belief. Walter's daydreams allow him to envision himself as a capable and successful person. Through his imagination, he is able to overcome his insecurities and gain confidence in his abilities. This self-belief is crucial in his journey towards personal growth and achieving his dreams.

In the end, Walter's determination pays off as he finally takes action to improve his life. He embarks on a real adventure, leaving behind his daydreams and embracing the challenges of the real world. This transformation reflects the lesson's message of the importance of perseverance and the rewards that come with it.

In conclusion, the lesson teaches us the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. Walter Mitty's story reminds us that setbacks and challenges are a part of life, but it is our determination and belief in ourselves that ultimately lead to success.

新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第四十课 篇三

新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第四十课 Lesson 40
1. c
根据课文所描述的情况可以判断只有c. He wanted to be sociable (他想要表现出友好的或好交际的)是作者向兰伯尔德尔夫人提问题的原因,其他3个选择都不符合他问问题的意图。
2. c
根据课文第2-3行Mrs. Rumhold was a large, unsmiling lady… She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her 可以看出只有c. rude(粗鲁的,无礼的)最能描述Mrs. Rumhold 的行为。 a. hungry (饿的) ,b. polite(礼貌的),d. talkative(爱说话的)这3个选择都与课文描述的情况不符。
3. b
只有b. during(在……期间

)最符合语法,而a. on, c. in, d. along 都不是正确的表达方式,所以选b.
4. c
a. Please to sit 不合乎语法, please后面不应该有to;
b. To sit 不合乎语法,表示命令或请求的祈使句,前面不应该有to;
d. Please sitting 也不合乎语法;祈使句应使用动词原形,而sitting 是现在分词;
只有c. Please sit 是标准的祈使句形式,符合语法,所以只能选c.
5. a
只有a. sat 坐下,与前一句的took my seat(坐)的意思和时态相符,因此应该选a.
b. seated(使坐下)是及物动词,通常用be seated 或 seated oneself ,表示“坐下”;c. was sitted 不合乎语法;d. was seating既不合乎语法,也不合乎时态。
6. a
前一句中的is coming 表示“将要来”,实际还没有来。 只有a. hasn’t come yet(还没有来)同is coming 的含义相符,所以只能选a. It hasn’t come yet. 而b. is here(在这),c. has already come (已经来了),d. came(来过了)这3个选择都与is coming 的含义不符。
7. c
本句的谓语动词asked 后面应该跟间接疑问词,需要选一个能引导间接疑问词的连词。
a. weather(天气),
b. in case(万一)
d. unless(除非),这3个词都不合乎题目意思。都不能引导间接疑问句。
只有c. if(是否)是连词,可以引导间接疑问句,因此应该选c.
8. b
a. lost(v.丢失),b. loose(adj.松开的),c. loses(lose的单数形式),d. loosen(v.放松,解开)这4个选择中只有b. loose同tight(紧的)含义相反,词性相同,所以选b.
9. b
前一句Her eyes were fixed on the plate(她的眼睛盯着盘子)中的were fixed on 表示“(目光,注意力等)集中于”.
a. was glancing at (看一眼,看一下);b. was staring at (凝视着,盯着看),c. was thinking about(考虑,思考);d. was stuck to (固守,坚持)中只有b.与前一句中的were fixed on 含义相同,因此选b.
10. b
a. circus (马戏团,杂技团),b. theatre (剧院),c. play(剧本,话剧),d. night club(夜总会)。the Globe 是伦敦剧场之一,建于16实际末,因此选b.
11. b
只有b. overseas(国外,海外)同前一句的abroad 词意思和词性相符合。
a. outside (外边的,在外边) ,c. over (越过) ,d. foreign (外国的)不能做副词,这3个选择都不合题目意思或词性不对。
12. d
只有选d. giving you pleasure(给你带来快乐)才能同前一句Are you enjoying your dinner?的含义相一致。
a. enjoying you ( 欣赏你,喜爱你) ;
b. amusing you (逗你乐);
c. entertaining you (款待你)这3个选择都与原来句子意思不符合。
新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第四十课(经典3篇)

