
时间:2015-04-03 04:21:42
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英语四级真题新闻听力原文 篇一

Title: The Impact of Climate Change on Global Agriculture


Climate change has become a pressing issue in recent years, with its effects being felt in various sectors worldwide. One of the most affected sectors is agriculture, as changing weather patterns and extreme weather events pose significant challenges for farmers and food production. This article will explore the impact of climate change on global agriculture and discuss potential solutions to mitigate its adverse effects.


1. Changing weather patterns:

Climate change has led to unpredictable weather patterns, such as irregular rainfall and temperature fluctuations. These changes disrupt the natural growing seasons and affect crop yields. For instance, prolonged droughts can lead to crop failure, while unexpected heavy rains can cause flooding and damage crops. Farmers must adapt to these changes to ensure food security.

2. Increased pests and diseases:

Warmer temperatures and changing rainfall patterns create favorable conditions for the spread of pests and diseases. Insects and pathogens thrive in these conditions, leading to increased infestations and crop diseases. Farmers need to implement effective pest management strategies and develop resistant crop varieties to combat these challenges.

3. Water scarcity:

Climate change exacerbates water scarcity, as rising temperatures increase evaporation rates and reduce the availability of freshwater resources. This poses a significant threat to agriculture, as crops require sufficient water for growth and development. Irrigation systems and water-saving techniques must be implemented to address this issue and ensure sustainable agriculture.

4. Loss of biodiversity:

Climate change affects ecosystems and disrupts biodiversity, which is essential for maintaining a healthy and resilient agricultural system. Changes in temperature and rainfall patterns can lead to the extinction or migration of certain plant and animal species, impacting pollination, natural pest control, and soil fertility. Conservation efforts and sustainable farming practices are crucial in preserving biodiversity and enhancing agricultural resilience.


Climate change poses significant challenges to global agriculture, threatening food security and livelihoods. To mitigate its adverse effects, farmers and policymakers must adopt adaptive strategies and invest in sustainable agricultural practices. This includes utilizing advanced technology, promoting crop diversification, improving water management, and supporting research on climate-resilient crop varieties. By taking proactive measures, we can protect the future of agriculture and ensure a sustainable food supply for generations to come.

Word Count: 399

英语四级真题新闻听力原文 篇二

Title: The Importance of Renewable Energy in Combating Climate Change


Climate change is a global crisis that requires urgent action. One of the key solutions to mitigating climate change is transitioning to renewable energy sources. This article will discuss the importance of renewable energy in combating climate change and highlight its potential benefits for the environment and society.


1. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions:

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, produce minimal greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. By relying more on renewable energy, we can significantly reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming. This shift is crucial in achieving international climate goals and limiting the rise in global temperatures.

2. Energy independence and security:

Renewable energy sources offer the advantage of energy independence and security. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite resources and subject to price fluctuations and geopolitical tensions, renewable energy can be harnessed locally and sustainably. Investing in renewable energy infrastructure reduces dependence on fossil fuel imports and enhances energy security for nations.

3. Job creation and economic growth:

The transition to renewable energy creates new job opportunities and stimulates economic growth. The renewable energy sector requires skilled workers for installation, maintenance, and research and development. Furthermore, investing in renewable energy projects attracts private investments, boosts local economies, and contributes to the overall prosperity of communities.

4. Environmental benefits:

Renewable energy sources have minimal environmental impacts compared to fossil fuels. They do not produce air pollution, toxic waste, or contribute to water contamination. By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, we can protect ecosystems, improve air quality, and mitigate the negative health effects associated with pollution.


The shift towards renewable energy is essential in combating climate change and achieving a sustainable future. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy security, creating jobs, and protecting the environment, renewable energy offers a viable solution to the global climate crisis. Governments, businesses, and individuals must prioritize renewable energy investments and support policies that promote its widespread adoption. Together, we can create a greener and more resilient planet for future generations.

Word Count: 346

英语四级真题新闻听力原文 篇三

【#英语听力# 导语】英语听力常作为一种考试题型,目的在于考察应试者对英语语言的把握,考察考生对英语日常交流的理解能力;下面是®分享的英语四级真题新闻听力原文。欢迎阅读!

【News Report One】

A Message in a bottle sent out to sea by a New Hampshire man more than five decades ago was found 1,500 miles away and has been returned to his daughter. The long lost message was discovered by Clint Buffington of Utah while he was vacationing. Buffington says he found a soda bottle half buried in the sand that looked like it had been there since the beginning of time. The note inside the bottles said, “return to 419 Ocean Street and receive a reward of $150 from Richard and Tina Pierce, owners of the Beach comber motel.” The motel was owned by the parents of Paula Pierce in 1960. Her father had written the note as a joke and had thrown it into the Atlantic Ocean. Buffington flew to New Hampshire to deliver the message to Paula Pierce. She held up to her father’s promise giving Buffington that reward, but the biggest reward is the message in a bottle finding its way back home.

Q1. What is the news report mainly about?

Q2. Why did Pollard Pearce give Clint Buffington the reward?

【News Report Two】

Millions of bees have died in South Carolina during aerial insect spraying operations that were carried out to combat the Zika virus. The insect spraying over the weekend left more than 2 million bees dead on the spot in Dorchester County South Carolina, where four travel-related cases of Zika disease have been confirmed in the area. Most of the deaths came from flower town bee farm, a company in Summer-ville that sells bees and honey products, Juanita Stanley who owns the company said the farm looks like it’s been destroyed, the farm lost about 2.5 million bees. Dorchester County officials apologized for the accidental mass killing of bees. Dorchester County is aware that some beekeepers in the area that was sprayed on Sunday lost their bee colonies. County Manager Jason Ward said in a statement: I’m not pleased that so many bees were killed.

Q1. Why was spraying operations carried out in Dorchester County.

Q2. Why does the news reports say about flower town bee farm.

【News Report Three】

The world’s largest aircraft has taken to the skies for the first time. The Air-Lander 10 spent nearly two hours in the air, having taken off from Cardington airfield in Bedfordshire. During its flight, it reached 3000 feet and performed a series of gentle turns all over a safe area. The aircraft is massive as long as a football field and as tall as six double decker buses and capable of flying for up to five days. It was first developed for the U.S.government as a long-range spy aircraft but was abandoned following budget cutbacks. The aircraft cost 25 million pounds and can carry heavier loads than huge jet planes while also producing less noise and emitting less pollution. The makers believe it’s the future of aircraft and one day we’ll be using them to go places. But there’s still a long way to go. The air lander will need to have two hundred hours flying time before being allowed to fly by the Aviation Administration. If it passes though we can hope we’ll all get some extra leg room.

Q1. What do we learn about the first flight of the Air-Lander 10?

Q2. What caused the U.S. government to abandon the Air-Lander 10 as a spy aircraft?

Q3. What is the advantage of Air-Lander 10 over huge jet planes?


