
时间:2016-08-03 01:24:27
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六年级英语阅读理解题及答案 篇一

Title: A Day at the Zoo

One sunny day, Tom and his family went to the zoo. They were all excited to see the different animals. Let's see what they did and what they saw!

First, they visited the lions. Tom's little sister, Emily, was scared at first, but then she became fascinated by their majestic appearance. Tom and Emily's parents explained to them how lions are the kings of the jungle and showed them pictures of lion cubs.

Next, they went to the monkey enclosure. Tom and Emily loved watching the monkeys swing from tree to tree and play with each other. They even imitated the monkeys' funny sounds and movements. Tom's dad told them interesting facts about monkeys, like how they use their long tails to help them balance.

After the monkeys, they visited the giraffes. Tom was amazed by their long necks and wondered how they could eat leaves from tall trees. His mom explained that giraffes have long tongues to help them reach the leaves and that their necks have the same number of bones as humans but are much longer.

Then, they went to the elephant exhibit. Tom and Emily watched in awe as the elephants sprayed water on themselves with their trunks. Tom's mom explained how elephants use their trunks not only for drinking water but also for grabbing food, spraying water, and even greeting each other.

Finally, they went to the penguin enclosure. Tom and Emily giggled as they watched the penguins waddle and slide on the ice. They learned that penguins can swim and dive very well, even though they cannot fly. Tom's dad told them that penguins have a layer of fat called blubber to keep them warm in the cold water.

After a day full of excitement and learning, Tom and his family left the zoo with lots of happy memories and newfound knowledge about animals.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Tom and his family go on a sunny day?

2. Who was scared of the lions at first?

3. What did Tom and Emily do at the monkey enclosure?

4. How do giraffes eat leaves from tall trees?

5. What can elephants use their trunks for?

6. What do penguins have to keep them warm in the cold water?


1. They went to the zoo.

2. Emily was scared of the lions at first.

3. They watched the monkeys swing from tree to tree and play with each other.

4. Giraffes use their long tongues to reach the leaves.

5. Elephants can use their trunks for drinking water, grabbing food, spraying water, and greeting each other.

6. Penguins have a layer of fat called blubber to keep them warm in the cold water.

六年级英语阅读理解题及答案 篇二

Title: A Camping Adventure

Lucy and her family decided to go on a camping adventure for the weekend. Let's join them in their exciting journey and see what they experienced!

On Saturday morning, Lucy and her family packed their camping gear and drove to a nearby forest. They found a perfect spot near a river to set up their tents. Lucy helped her dad pitch the tent while her mom prepared a delicious picnic lunch.

After lunch, Lucy and her younger brother, Ben, went exploring. They followed a trail into the forest and discovered many interesting things. They saw colorful birds flying in the trees and heard the chirping of crickets. They even found a small waterfall and took a refreshing dip in the cool water.

In the evening, Lucy's family gathered around the campfire. They roasted marshmallows and told stories. Lucy's dad shared a scary ghost story that made everyone jump. They laughed and enjoyed the warmth of the fire.

The next day, Lucy and her family decided to go hiking. They climbed up a hill and were rewarded with a breathtaking view of the surrounding forest. Lucy took out her camera and captured the beautiful scenery. They also spotted some deer grazing in a nearby meadow.

In the afternoon, they went fishing in the river. Lucy's dad taught her how to cast the fishing line and patiently waited for a bite. After some time, Lucy caught a small fish. She was thrilled with her accomplishment and released the fish back into the water.

As the sun started to set, Lucy and her family packed up their camping gear and headed back home. They were tired but happy, with memories of their camping adventure that would last a lifetime.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Lucy and her family go for a camping adventure?

2. What did Lucy and her dad do to set up the tent?

3. What did Lucy and Ben discover while exploring the forest?

4. What did Lucy's dad share around the campfire?

5. What did Lucy and her family see when they climbed up the hill?

6. What did Lucy catch while fishing in the river?


1. They went to a nearby forest.

2. Lucy and her dad pitched the tent.

3. They saw colorful birds, heard the chirping of crickets, and found a small waterfall.

4. Lucy's dad shared a scary ghost story.

5. They saw a breathtaking view of the surrounding forest and some deer grazing in a nearby meadow.

6. Lucy caught a small fish.

六年级英语阅读理解题及答案 篇三

【#六年级# 导语】只有经常做题才能了解自己的英语水平,才能将所学的英语知识使用出来。©整理了六年级英语阅读理解题及答案【三篇】,供大家练习!
   Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. she know a little Chinese. She isn't free from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday.
   Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?” the girl in the shop asks her in Chinese. Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese. So she says in Chinese, “A quilt (被子), please.” Then the girl goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The girl understands (理解) me.” She thinks.
   Mary is happy. Soon (不久) the girl comes back. She shows Mary a cup.
   ( ) 1. What's Mary?
   A. a student B. a doctor C. a teacher
   ( ) 2. What does Mary often do on Saturday?
   A. do some washing B. go shopping C. go to school
   ( ) 3. How does Mary go to the shop?
   A. by bus B. by train C. by car
   ( ) 4. What does Mary think of her Chinese?
   A. very good B. very bad C. very poor
   ( ) 5. What does the girl think Mary need?
   A. a cup B. a quilt C. books
   Uncle Lee is coming to have dinner with us. Mum and I go shopping.
   We don't have any meat (肉). We need to buy some. It's ten yuan a kilo before (以前). But now two kilos are sixty yuan. I say, “Mum, let's buy some fish.” Mum answers, “OK.” Fish is Uncle Lee's favorite food. We buy one kilo and a half. We also buy some vegetables and some chicken, but we don't buy any hamburgers. Uncle Lee doesn't like them at all. Mum also wants to buy me some apples. You know, I like apples very much. But we can't find any. We go home at a quarter to five in the afternoon.
   ( ) 1. How much is meat now?
   A. Ten yuan a kilo. B. Fifteen yuan a kilo C. Thirty yuan a kilo
   ( ) 2. What doesn`t mum buy?
   A. meat B. chicken C. hamburgers
   ( ) 3. Uncle Lee`s favorite food is __________.
   A. fish B. chicken C. noodles
   ( ) 4. The writer`s (作者的) favorite fruit (水果) is __________.
   A. apples B. bananas C. oranges
   ( ) 5. What time do they go home?
   A. at 5:15 B. at 4:45 C. at 5:45
   I am Wang Lin, I am twelve years old. My pen pal Tom is form the United States. He is the same age as I. He is a middle school student in Beijing. There are three people in his family. His father is a teacher, he teaches English in a high school in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher, too. But they work in different schools. Tom goes to school in his mother’s car every day. They all like Chinese food. Tom’s father likes Guangdong food, he thinks it is delicious. Tom’s mother’s favorite food is Sichuan food. But Tom doesn’t like Sichuan food, he thinks it is too hot. So they often eat out on weekends.
   ( ) 1. How o

ld is Tom? _______________
   A. Eleven B. Twelve C. we don’t know
   ( ) 2. Tom’s father is _________________
   A. a teacher B. an English teacher C. teaches English
   ( ) 3. Maybe (可能) Tom in the same school with _________
   A. his mother B. Wang Lin C. his father
   ( ) 4. Tom doesn’t like Sichuan food because ____________________
   A. his father like it B. his mother like it C. it is too hot
   ( ) 5. They often eat out on weekends because ________________
   A. they like Chinese food B. they like American food C. they are lazy
  答案: BAACA

