
时间:2016-03-09 06:33:34
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Fundraising Appeal Letter - Article One

Subject: Providing Hope and Education for Underprivileged Children

Dear [Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today with an important mission - to provide hope and education to underprivileged children in our community.

As you know, education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Unfortunately, many children in our community do not have access to quality education due to their families' financial constraints. This lack of education not only limits their opportunities but also perpetuates the cycle of poverty for future generations.

Our organization, [Organization Name], is dedicated to changing this narrative. We firmly believe that every child deserves a chance to learn, grow, and succeed in life. Through our various educational programs, we aim to provide underprivileged children with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive.

However, we cannot achieve this mission alone. We need your support to make a significant impact in the lives of these children. Your generous donation will help us:

1. Provide scholarships: Your contribution will enable us to offer scholarships to deserving students who cannot afford to pay for their education. By removing the financial barrier, we can ensure that these children can attend school and receive the education they deserve.

2. Improve learning facilities: Many schools in our community lack basic infrastructure and resources necessary for effective learning. Your donation will help us renovate classrooms, provide educational materials, and equip schools with modern technology to create a conducive learning environment.

3. Offer extracurricular activities: Education is not solely confined to textbooks. It involves holistic development, including participation in extracurricular activities. Your support will enable us to organize sports, arts, and cultural programs that foster creativity, teamwork, and personal growth among the children.

4. Train and empower teachers: A skilled and motivated teaching staff is crucial for providing quality education. With your donation, we can invest in teacher training programs, workshops, and resources to enhance their skills and ensure that the children receive the best possible education.

Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a difference in the lives of these children. Together, we can provide them with hope for a brighter future and empower them to overcome the challenges they face.

Please find enclosed a donation form, and we kindly ask you to consider making a contribution. You can also visit our website at [website link] to donate online or learn more about our organization.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Your support is invaluable in our mission to provide hope and education to underprivileged children in our community.

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

[Organization Name]

Fundraising Appeal Letter - Article Two

Subject: Building a Stronger Community - Help Us Make a Difference

Dear [Name],

Greetings! We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Today, we are reaching out to you with a shared vision - to build a stronger community by making a difference in the lives of those in need.

At [Organization Name], we believe that our community is at its strongest when we come together to support one another. We strive to create a sense of unity and empowerment by addressing the needs of the most vulnerable members of our society.

To achieve our mission, we have identified three key areas where your generous donation can make a significant impact:

1. Food Security: Many families in our community struggle to put food on the table. Your contribution will enable us to provide nutritious meals and essential food supplies to those in need. By addressing this basic need, we can help alleviate hunger and promote a healthier community.

2. Healthcare Access: Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right that should be available to all. Unfortunately, many individuals in our community cannot afford medical treatments or lack adequate healthcare facilities. Your donation will help us establish medical clinics, provide essential medications, and organize health camps to ensure that everyone has access to the care they need.

3. Skill Development: Unemployment and lack of skills hinder personal growth and economic progress. We aim to empower individuals by equipping them with the necessary skills to secure stable employment and improve their quality of life. Your support will enable us to offer vocational training programs, entrepreneurship workshops, and mentorship opportunities.

By donating to our organization, you are not just providing immediate relief but also investing in the long-term development and well-being of our community. Your generosity will create a ripple effect, inspiring others to join our cause and ultimately leading to a stronger, more inclusive society.

We have enclosed a donation form for your convenience, and we kindly request you to consider making a contribution. You can also visit our website at [website link] to donate online or learn more about our organization.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Together, let's build a stronger community by making a difference in the lives of those in need.

With gratitude,

[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

[Organization Name]

募捐倡议书英文 篇三

  Ladies and gentlemen:

  I am a volunteer of the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation.

  Last winter vacation , we had an investigation for mothers in poor mountainous areas, and we went to a mountainous village in Guizhou province.

  what I had saw there make me so sad and impressive.

  Some children are in clothes made of woven bags , herd goats in the snow.

  The frozen red faces in the cold wind touch me deeply.

  In addition ,the women ,who are mothers of the children ,know little about outside world because of lack knowledge .

  They do not have ways to earn money, and do not have a appropriate method to bring up their descendant either.

  Most of their husband have went out to work to alleviate their economic burden,leaving them take care of children and old parents.

  Obviously,the women’s situation in poor mountainous areas is not look good.

  Compared with them, we are all very lucky people in the world.

  You usually drinking coffee in a bar, paying to play games in a park,and buying expansive coat in a big market.

  Everything looks so bright.

  Therefore, I hope the lucky people will lend a helping hand to help the mothers! Perhaps this contribution for you is only a small expenditure, but they add up to love, and love can bring them happier life! The money donated will be used for helping mothers learn to read, training them to get working skill and providing women medical treatment.

  Let’s share our gook luck with these unfortunates and our benevolent love will continue for ever! Thank you!

募捐倡议书英文 篇四


  I am Li Hua from Class Six, Grade Three.

  In order to make a good network environment, I hope everyone can use net civilize, to be a civilized Netizen.

  I hare some ideas:

  First, please get the good information from the net and ignore the bad net page.

  Second, please arrange your time in a plan, don’t drop yourself into the net and can't out.

  Third, please chat friendly, and don't meet net friend in your mind.

  Fourth, please look on everybody; don't want to know which thing the other people don't want you know.

  Let's make our life and study better together.

  Let's make a good network environment.

  Let's to be civilized Netizen

  Li Hua

  Children’s Day is coming! To truly show your care for the next generation, students should use this Children’s Day to make a lasting gift -- a donation to Project Hope in their honor.

  As college students, we understand the value of education and the positive impact it can have on a person's future by increasing marketable job skills and earning power.

  Unfortunately, many children who have postponed their school plans to get jobs to support their families are unable to afford the expense of education today.

  With your support, Project Hope can continue to give deserving children the chance to strengthen themselves, their families and their communities through education.

募捐倡议书英文 篇五

  Ladies and gentlemen, you are all very lucky people in the world!

  Everyday when you weak up, you can see the people you love when you open your eyes.

  You can smell the perfume from the people you love.

  You can hear the sound from the people you love with you ears.

  You can kiss the people you love and say to them how much you love them.

  You can hold tightly the people you love with your hands.

  However, in the world, there are some people who can only see the darkness no matter day or night.

  There are some people who can only heard silence no matter where.

  There are some people can not even make a single sound.

  There are some people who do not even have a hand can touch any thing.

  Therefore, I hope the lucky people will lend a helping hand to help the handicapped people! Perhaps this contribution for you is only a small expenditure, but they add up to love, and love can bring them happier life!

  Let’s share our gook luck with these unfortunates and our benevolent love will continue for ever! Thank you!

















